Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Every week during Hispanic Heritage Month we are spotlighting a notable namesake of a Dallas ISD school. Esperanza Medrano operated a small neighborhood grocery store near Sam Houston Elementary School. Through this store, she conducted her own community service, sharing an abundance of wisdom and encouragement to the children who stopped in every day after school. As the children would walk into the store, Mrs. Medrano would always ask, “Did you go to school?” or “What did you learn today?” and “Have you finished your homework?” She listened and helped every child and reminded them daily of the importance of an education. Medrano was…

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¿Qué clase de instalaciones necesitarán los estudiantes de Dallas ISD en el año 2020 y posteriormente? ¿Cómo responderá el distrito a los avances en la tecnología? ¿Qué medidas son necesarias para asegurar la equidad racial en la asignación de fondos para mejoras a las instalaciones en el futuro? Cerca de 90 padres, maestros y exalumnos se reunieron con oficiales de Dallas ISD, representantes de la ciudad de Dallas, miembros de la comunidad empresarial y organizaciones sin fines de lucro, y líderes espirituales el martes, 17 de septiembre, para la primera reunión del Citizens Bond Steering Committee. El comité lo crearon…

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Cuatro nuevos institutos técnicos en Dallas ISD prepararán a estudiantes con las habilidades laborales en gran demanda que ofrecen altos salarios. Ivonne Durant, jefa de asuntos académicos de Dallas ISD, y el superintendente adjunto, Oswaldo Alvarenga, informaron a la Junta Escolar sobre el plan actualizado de abrir cuatro institutos técnicos en los cuadrantes del distrito. “Sabemos que algunos estudiantes empezarán sus estudios universitarios luego de graduarse, otros necesitarán necesitarán trabajar inmediatamente e incluso algunos podrían tener que trabajar mientras estudian”, dijo Alvarenga. “Este es un programa de educación profesional y técnica que guiará a los estudiantes desde el concepto teórico…

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The loud cheering starts as soon as the big blue banner unrolls to reveal four words: “We are Innovation Engineers!” Cuellar Elementary has just learned they are one of 20 neighborhood schools selected by the Office of Transformation and Innovation (OTI) for the Innovation Engine Grant Program, which provides $50,000 in seed money to help each campus explore and implement innovative education models. “This seed money will go a long way toward what we are trying do to this school and make it a top choice for families,” Cuellar Elementary Principal Lonnie Russell says to students at the pep rally.…

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More than 2,200 students and their parents attended the 2019 Dallas ISD Districtwide College Fair on Sept. 19 to learn about opportunities available after high school graduation. Hundreds of representatives from colleges across the country met face-to-face with students about potential opportunities at their campuses. Dallas ISD Counseling Services organized the annual event that also offered free college immunizations. Meanwhile, the Dallas ISD Racial Equity Office hosted the HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Experience across the street at D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School. The event exposed students to the educational and exciting experience of college life at an HBCU…

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What kinds of facilities will Dallas ISD students need in year 2020 and beyond? How will the district keep pace with technology developments? What actions are necessary to ensure racial equity in the distribution of future facility improvements? Some 90 district parents, teachers and alumni joined officials of Dallas ISD, the city of Dallas, representatives of the business and nonprofit communities and faith leaders at the Tuesday, Sept. 17, launch of the Citizens Bond Steering Committee. The group was formed by district trustees and leadership to explore needs and answer these and other questions in advance of a planned November…

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Four new career institutes in Dallas ISD will provide students with workforce-ready skills that high-wage employers need now and in the future. Dallas ISD Chief Academic Officer Ivonne Durant and Assistant Superintendent Oswaldo Alvarenga briefed trustees on Sept. 12 about the updated plan to open four career institutes in the four quadrants of the district. “We understand that while some students will enter college directly after high school graduation, other students will need to join the workforce immediately, and still others may need to work while they attend college or pursue postsecondary education,” Alvarenga said. “This is a career and…

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An innovative new job application system will make it easier for high-quality Dallas ISD job candidates to match with a potential job that’s right for them. On Oct. 1, Dallas ISD will replace AppliTrack with the Talent Management System (TMS). TMS can match candidates who upload their resume with potential jobs, notify them when new jobs are posted, and, through the Watson Assistant, answer general questions about the district and position. TMS will also make it easier for district officials to identify and select the top candidate for a position. “Adding the power of Watson – Artificial Intelligence (AI) to…

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