Los cadetes del programa de JROTC de Emmett J. Conrad High School regresarán a Washington…
Ahora que el receso de primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina, Dallas ISD…
Tras dedicar más de tres décadas de servicio a Dallas ISD y a South Oak…
Dallas ISD abrió su segundo centro de recursos esta semana, el cual atenderá a los…
Emmanuel Gillespie, exalumno de Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts,…
Administrar la electricidad de manera prudente ha dado frutos para Dallas ISD este año, pues…
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Several Dallas ISD schools are becoming known for their success with a method that allows teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning during…
Dallas ISD secondary STEM students recently competed in Texas Math & Science Coaches Association State (TMSCA) tournaments, where they took top awards in several categories and…
Esports is going strong for fourth- and fifth-grade students who recently competed in the annual Spring Tournament. Approximately 719 young gamers battled it out at Barack…
Christine Hernandez, a fifth-grade math teacher at Solar Preparatory School for Girls at James B. Bonham, defines student success as being rooted “not only in academic…