Sonja Nix, subdirectora de Skyline High School, está encontrando maneras creativas para que los estudiantes…
Crystal Alexander, una gerente del Departamento de Matemáticas, es inspirada por las mujeres que derribaron…
Los cadetes del programa de JROTC de Emmett J. Conrad High School regresarán a Washington…
Ahora que el receso de primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina, Dallas ISD…
Tras dedicar más de tres décadas de servicio a Dallas ISD y a South Oak…
Dallas ISD abrió su segundo centro de recursos esta semana, el cual atenderá a los…
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Join us for the Dallas ISD Back to School Registration Event to get your child registered for the new school year! It all happens Saturday, August…
For Sandy Peatrowsky, a deaf/hard of hearing itinerant teacher, no day looks the same. She visits up to five schools per day to work with an…
Families of eligible students for the district’s Strive for No More than 5 attendance campaign will receive a School Messenger call on June 28 informing them…
The use of artificial intelligence chatbots in education has been a hot topic in news headlines and at school board meetings across the United States. Participating…