Los cadetes del programa de JROTC de Emmett J. Conrad High School regresarán a Washington…
Ahora que el receso de primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina, Dallas ISD…
Tras dedicar más de tres décadas de servicio a Dallas ISD y a South Oak…
Dallas ISD abrió su segundo centro de recursos esta semana, el cual atenderá a los…
Emmanuel Gillespie, exalumno de Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts,…
Administrar la electricidad de manera prudente ha dado frutos para Dallas ISD este año, pues…
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Representing the Texas delegation, Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center sent two mock trial teams to this year’s YMCA National…
During its Aug. 24 board meeting, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees amended the existing Student Code of Conduct (SCoC) to align with the recently passed…
Dallas ISD is the winner of the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) District of Distinction Award for the third consecutive year. This distinction honors school districts…
In the five years Ashley Marshall has been managing her small team in the Homeless Education Program, she has seen countless examples of students’ lives being…