Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

El Dallas ISD anunció hoy a los maestros de las escuelas para el año 2016. Cada plantel seleccionó a su maestro del año basándose en la excelencia dentro y fuera del salón de clases. Para ver la lista completa de los maestros del año del distrito, puede hacer clic aquí. Los maestros del año demuestran las siguientes cualidades: Guían a todos los estudiantes, sin importar su origen, para que demuestren que han aprendido. Colaboran con compañeros, estudiantes y familias para crear una cultura basada en el respeto y el éxito. Deliberadamente conectan su salón de clases con la comunidad y…

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Students and teachers from automotive programs at five Dallas ISD high schools got revved up at Mecum Dallas 2016, one of the world’s largest collector car auctions. The 250 students and teachers also met with Dave Magers, the CEO of Mecum Auctions, as well as various consignors to learn about the collector car industry, the restoration of collector cars, and also the career opportunities for auto-tech students. Mecum Auctions donated tickets so the students to attend. Nancy, a junior in Spruce High School’s auto collision repair and refinishing program, said her Dallas ISD classes have given her a great appreciation…

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Recientemente, la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA) anunció la lista de escuelas Título I designadas como escuelas de alto rendimiento, incluyendo 14 escuelas del Dallas ISD. Una escuela Título I es aquella con un alto porcentaje de estudiantes que provienen de familias de bajos ingresos. Estos planteles reciben fondos federales para ayudar a asegurar que todos los niños, sin importar los ingresos familiares, cumplan con los estándares académicos estatales. Dichas escuelas han obtenido distinciones basándose en el desempeño de los estudiantes en lectura y matemáticas. Para las preparatorias en la lista, también se toma en cuenta un alto índice…

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Con más de 159,000 estudiantes, el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dallas es sin duda el líder en educación de prekínder a 12 en el área. En el mundo competitivo de la educación, los funcionarios del distrito quieren asegurarse de que las familias estén enteradas de las escuelas y programas académicos que ofrecen los planteles del Dallas ISD. Por eso, el distrito estará reuniendo a representantes de cada una de las escuelas del distrito para la primera feria denominada “Descubre Dallas ISD”, que se realizará el sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016, en Ellis Davis Field House y D.A. Hulcy Middle…

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Students setting a new Guinness World Record, a festive literacy celebration with costumes, and students heading to the polls were among this week’s highlights. Watch this video, or read below, to learn more! Literacy celebration Students and staff at Halliday Elementary joined with business and community volunteers to celebrate literacy at a special reading event. (Read this) Guinness World Record setter More than 700 scary smart Dallas ISD students broke the Guinness World Record for largest programming lesson on Monday. (Watch this) Recipe demo Culinary students at Thomas Jefferson High School competed in a recipe demo in the hopes of getting…

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Dallas ISD announced today the 2016 Campus Teachers of the Year. Each campus selected its Teacher of the Year based on demonstrated excellence in and out of the classroom. Go here to see the full list of Campus Teachers of the Year as of Nov. 3. The campus Teachers of the Year exemplify the following traits: Leads students of all backgrounds to demonstrate learning. Collaborates with colleagues, students, and families to create a culture of respect and success. Deliberately connects their classroom to the community and the community to the classroom. Engages in leadership opportunities that contribute to the work…

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The Texas Education Agency (TEA) recently released a list of Title I schools designated as high-performing, which includes 14 in Dallas ISD. A Title I school is one with a high percentage of children from low-income families. Such campuses receive federal funding to help ensure that all children, regardless of family income, meet state academic standards. The high-performance schools on the list have earned distinctions based on student reading and math performance. For high schools on the list, a high graduation rate is also considered. Data from 2014-2015 was used to determine the ratings. The Dallas ISD schools designed as 2015-2016…

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The early morning rain couldn’t put a damper on the Big Dig at John H. Reagan Elementary as more than 200 volunteers from Sprouts and AT&T tramped through the mud to create a REAL School Garden at the small Oak Cliff campus. Students got in on the act finishing up artwork and decorating colorful flagstone pavers that will lead students to hours of outdoor learning and exploration. Staff also lent a hand painting, coordinating, and beautifying the school that has a special meaning for so many. “This was my school when I was little,” said Blanca Vazquez, Reagan’s fifth-grade science…

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