Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

What do you get when you mix a prize-winning orator, book giveaways, music and dance performances, and students reading aloud from their favorite books? The answer is fun and education. The annual African American Read-In will offer all of the above this Saturday, Feb. 18, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for kids of all ages who love reading and books. Free and open to the entire community, the read-in will culminate with students selecting free books for their home library. The location for this Black History Month celebration of African American literature and literacy is Cornerstone Baptist Church, 1819 MLK…

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La Junta Escolar de adolescentes de Dallas ISD ayudó a cerca de 200 estudiantes de preparatoria a pensar sobre su futuro después de graduarse de la preparatoria. El 11 de febrero, en Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, se llevó a cabo The Life Project, que fue el primer proyecto de servicio de la Junta Escolar de adolescentes de Dallas ISD. En el evento estuvieron presentes 30 presentadores incluyendo autores, estudiantes de posgrado, propietarios de negocios, y organizaciones como The Resource Center y Dallas Red Foundation. Hubo sesiones para desarrollo de liderazgo, música y además…

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Siete equipos de robótica de cinco escuelas compitieron en el primer evento de robótica para estudiantes con necesidades especiales de Dallas ISD que se realizó el miércoles, 15 de febrero, en el H.B. Bell Building. Sunset High School, W.H. Gaston Middle School y Young Women’s STEAM Academy at Balch Springs presentaron un equipo cada una, mientras que Billy Earl Dade Middle School y J.L. Long Middle School participaron con dos equipos cada una. Los equipos compitieron con sus robots VEX IQ, con el objetivo de completar el mayor número de actividades en dos minutos. Tenían que dirigir sus robots para…

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Dallas ISD is the only school district in Texas to win a 2017 National Safety Council Our Driving Concern Texas Employer Traffic Safety Award for emphasizing traffic safety. The district’s Risk Management Services is one of 15 Texas employers to be recognized this year, and it is being awarded an Exemplary award for its commitment to protecting employees on the road. Employee education, training and other activities centered on traffic safety were considered in determining the award recipients. The Exemplary award is the top one in the program, and Dallas ISD is one of only four entities, among cities and companies,…

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Dallas ISD trustees joined culinary arts students from six district high schools to prepare and serve appetizers at the Food in Fashion event on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at Trinity Groves. Teams from Bryan Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, Moisés E. Molina, Skyline and Wilmer-Hutchins high schools waged a friendly competition to see which appetizer was considered the best by event attendees. Molina took the top prize this year. The event was conducted as a benefit for the Texas Restaurant Association Education Foundation and its Texas ProStart culinary career program, which is offered in Dallas ISD high schools. Another highlight of the…

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There are many student organizations and clubs that we constantly hear about on the afternoon announcements; we hear about the latest football game, who won the soccer game, and what service project Interact is working on. A team we don’t hear about very often is the Hillcrest swim team, who have consistently placed in various events throughout this year and years before. Senior swimmer, Rebecca Brandt, has been on the swim team all four years of high school despite attending Booker T. Washington High School. She has been swimming competitively since she was three years old and is attending the…

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The Dallas ISD Teen Board helped about 200 high school students think more about finding their right path to pursue after high school. The Life Project, which was held Feb. 11 at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, was the first inaugural service project hosted by the Dallas ISD Teen Board. The event featured 30 presenters that included authors, graduate students, business owners, and organizations such as The Resource Center and the Dallas Red Foundation. The event included leadership sessions, mentor networking, and a music-filled rally. Texas State Representative Victoria Neave served as the event’s keynote speaker.…

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El calendario estudiantil propuesto 2017-2018, presentado a la Junta Escolar la semana pasada, ofrece capacitación profesional de verano para los maestros en agosto, con el primer día de clases programado para el lunes, 28 de agosto. El equipo de liderazgo escolar ha recomendado agregar 10 minutos al día escolar durante el desayuno en el aula. Extendiendo el día, el distrito alcanzaría los minutos totales de enseñanza que exige el estado antes del 1 de junio, que es el último día de clases. Otras características: 171 días de enseñanza para los estudiantes empezando el lunes, 28 de agosto 10 días de…

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The Junior Achievement Young Executive Society visited Dallas ISD’s Highland Meadows Elementary School recently. Guests from a variety of Dallas companies – including AT&T, Toyota, Southwest Airlines, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America – talked to students and taught financial literacy lessons tailored to each grade level. “Teaching is a hard job, this gives us a greater appreciation for what our teachers do,” said Stephen Myers of Southwest Airlines. “It allows us to make an impact in schools and inspire students.”

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