Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Candidates have until 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 14 to submit their filing packets to secure a place on the ballot. The first day to file is Wednesday, Jan. 15. Three seats are up for election: District 4, Parts of Southeast Dallas, Pleasant Grove, Balch Springs, and Seagoville, currently represented by Camile D. White District 5, Oak Lawn, West Dallas, Wilmer, Hutchins, and portions of East Oak Cliff, currently represented by Maxie Johnson District 7, North Central Oak Cliff, Cockrell Hill, and parts of West Dallas, currently represented by Ben Mackey Candidates may file an application in person at the…

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El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dallas está compartiendo información importante sobre una filtración de datos que ha afectado a Dallas ISD y a muchos otros distritos. PowerSchool, la empresa que administra el sistema de información estudiantil utilizado por nuestro distrito, nos notificó recientemente sobre un incidente de ciberseguridad que afectó sus sistemas de datos y comprometió la seguridad de la compañia. Los datos comprometidos incluyeron información personal identificable de estudiantes y personal de distritos de todo el mundo. PowerSchool tomó medidas inmediatas para tratar este incidente de seguridad y proteger a sus clientes, y nos asegura que el hecho fue…

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The Dallas Independent School District is sharing important information about a data breach that has affected Dallas ISD and many other districts. PowerSchool, the company that provides the student information system used by our district, recently notified us of a cybersecurity incident affecting their data systems, which compromised their company-level security. The compromised data included personal identifiable student and staff information from districts around the globe. PowerSchool took immediate steps to address the incident and protect their clients, and they have assured us the incident was contained before any of the compromised data was replicated or disseminated. Their response team…

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10 de enero | 1:15 p.m. Todas las actividades extracurriculares y eventos deportivos programados para el sábado, 11 de enero, han sido pospuestos y serán reprogramados para una fecha posterior. A medida que mejoren las condiciones del tiempo, todas las escuelas y oficinas de Dallas ISD reanudarán sus operaciones normales el lunes, 13 de enero de 2025. Los autobuses funcionarán en sus horarios regulares, y los estudiantes y personal deberán presentarse a su hora habitual. 8 de enero | 2:30 p.m. Luego de una minuciosa consideración de las condiciones previstas para las vías y las temperaturas extremas, todas las escuelas…

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UPDATE: FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 2025: 1:15 P.M. English: All extracurricular activities and athletic events scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025 have been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.   As weather conditions improve, all Dallas ISD schools and offices will resume normal operations Monday, Jan. 13. Buses will run on their regular schedules, and students and team members should arrive at their usual time.  Spanish: Todas las actividades extracurriculares y eventos deportivos programados para el sábado, 11 de enero, han sido pospuestos y serán reprogramados para una fecha posterior. A medida que mejoren las condiciones del tiempo, todas…

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Dallas ISD está listo para comenzar el semestre de primavera mañana, 7 de enero. Estamos emocionados de recibir nuevamente a los estudiantes en escuelas cálidas, con maestros y personal preparados para iniciar el nuevo año con fuerza. Se pronostica clima invernal para el jueves 9 de enero y el viernes 10 de enero. Si las condiciones requieren ajustes, cancelaciones o cambios en las operaciones, Dallas ISD lo comunicará a los padres y miembros del equipo a través del sitio web del distrito, redes sociales, y mediante llamadas telefónicas y mensajes de texto. Una vez que se tome una decisión, se…

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Dallas ISD is ready to kick off the spring semester tomorrow, Jan. 7. We’re excited to welcome students back into warm buildings, with teachers and staff eager to start the new year strong.  Winter weather is forecast for Thursday, Jan. 9 and Friday, Jan. 10. If conditions require adjustments, cancellations, or postponements to operations, Dallas ISD will communicate to parents and team members through the district’s website, social media channels, and send phone calls and text messages. Once a decision is made, these alerts will be sent as soon as possible. We are also monitoring athletic events and extra curricular…

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Por Justin Amaro, Servicios de Comunicación Enero es el Mes de Reconocimiento a la Junta Escolar, y Dallas ISD está honrando a los nueve representantes por su dedicación y compromiso hacia el distrito y sus estudiantes. El tema este año es “liderazgo para el Texas de mañana”, lo cual representa el papel crucial que nuestros representantes desempeñan al dar forma al futuro de nuestras comunidades. Los representantes de la Junta Escolar ayudan a traer oportunidades educativas a los estudiantes, quienes son la futura fuerza laboral del estado. Rolinda Schmidt, presidenta de la Asociación de Texas de Juntas Escolares, atribuye valor…

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By: Justin Amaro, Communication Services January is School Board Recognition Month, and Dallas ISD is honoring all nine trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students. The theme this year is “leadership for tomorrow’s Texas,” which exemplifies the critical role our school trustees have in shaping the future of our communities. School board members help connect educational opportunities for our students and the state’s future workforce. Rolinda Schmidt, president of the Texas Association of School Boards, credited the value and importance of trustees for their honorable service in leading the state’s 5.5 million public school children. …

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Food and Child Nutrition Services will offer meals to Dallas ISD students during winter break. Meals are available for children up to 18-years-old and up to 21-years- old for those with disabilities. Distribution will be held at select sites across Dallas ISD on Dec. 23 and Dec. 30. Each student will receive two days’ worth of breakfast and lunch meals to enjoy at home. Meals are designed to be heated and served at your convenience. Children must be present to pick up meals. For more information, click here.

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