“Una vez que entiendes tu propia historia y encuentras tu voz en lo que haces,…
Sonja Nix, subdirectora de Skyline High School, está encontrando maneras creativas para que los estudiantes…
Crystal Alexander, una gerente del Departamento de Matemáticas, es inspirada por las mujeres que derribaron…
Los cadetes del programa de JROTC de Emmett J. Conrad High School regresarán a Washington…
Ahora que el receso de primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina, Dallas ISD…
Tras dedicar más de tres décadas de servicio a Dallas ISD y a South Oak…
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Join us Friday, September 9 for a special “stadium-theme” meal as we welcome the start of the season for our Dallas Cowboys football team. Served on…
Dallas ISD is celebrating Attendance Awareness Month during September to promote strong, consistent attendance habits that will set students up for success at all grade levels. The…
The Dallas ISD Food and Child Nutrition Services is committed to participating in the inaugural National Plastic-Free School Lunch Day on November 2 as designated by…
Superintendent Dr. Stephanie Elizalde joined Chief Operations Officer David Bates to recognize Operations and Transportation staff – including two heroes – at Dallas ISD Administration Building,…