Inside Dallas ISD

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KPMG donated 4,500 books this week to students at Thomas L. Marsalis Elementary. Each student picked out three books that they took home with them heading into the winter break. “We are working hard to make sure we foster a love of reading in all our students, and this donation today is going to help us meet those efforts,” said Marsalis Elementary Principal Kimberly Richardson. Debbie Ozanus, KPMG national co-chair for family literacy, said the annual book donation can make a notable impact on the students. “We at KPMG feel so strongly about being involved in our community, especially our children because we…

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The David W. Carter High School Choir spread holiday cheer at the Dallas ISD Administration Building last week. Central staffers lined the halls for this yearly tradition to enjoy classic and contemporary holiday tunes. Led by choir director Demetrius Ethley, this talented group set a festive tone just before the winter break begins. The choir performance happened during a week that saw other staff, students, and community partners getting into the holiday spirit by donating time and resources to make the holidays special for all. Some of these stories include: South Oak Cliff students played Santa for their feeder pattern; An…

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Monday afternoon was full of surprises for students and staff at Edward H. Cary Middle School. During an assembly on Dec. 14, students heard from surprise guest Matt Cassel, the current starting quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. Students also learned they would each receive a copy of E.B. White’s book, Charlotte’s Web. Then they watched Principal Ben Dickerson pull a $50,000 check out of a box – funds that will bolster the school’s library budget. Dollar General and PepsiCo provided the funding for the donations. The importance of reading was highlighted, not only as demanded by careers or schoolwork, but also…

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Ask researchers how to best solve thorny problems like finding safe alternatives to fossil fuels and curing devastating illnesses, and chances are they will respond that we need more scientific study and more gifted minds searching for solutions. Challenging students to test their skills in math and science is one way Dallas ISD is preparing more students to enter careers in these areas. As early as elementary school, a growing number of students are attending weekend meets featuring tough math and science tests offered by the Texas Math and Science Coaches Association and coordinated by the district’s Student Activities department.…

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