Author: Yetzel Meza

Gracias a su pasión que va más allá incluso de su salón de clases, Rex Lees, maestro en Emmett J. Conrad High School, es una inspiración para sus estudiantes. Lees fomenta el amor por la educación STEM en su comunidad y, bajo su liderazgo, el club de robótica de la escuela, RoboChargers, ha empezado a realizar distintos proyectos, como la campaña RoboChargers for All. La campaña promueve la inclusión y la diversidad en la robótica y en STEM a través de campamentos especializados dirigidos por mentoras mujeres con el fin de animar a todos y todas las estudiantes a interesarse…

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With a passion that reaches far beyond his classroom walls, Rex Lees, a teacher at Emmett J. Conrad High School is an inspiration to his students.   Lees fosters a community-wide love of STEM education. And, under his leadership, the school’s robotic club, the RoboChargers, has expanded to supporting projects, such as the “RoboChargers for All” campaign. The campaign promotes inclusion and diversity in robotics and STEM through specialized camps run by female mentors with the goal of encouraging all students to go into the field of engineering.  “We hold robotics camps specifically for girls and non-binary students, led by female…

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From adopting new curricula to administration changes, Sunset High School continues to evolve, but two teachers –  Valarie Nichols and Stephanie Blankenship – are a constant source of support to students, and have been, for more than three decades. As English teachers, they are committed to encouraging students to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.   “Adapting to changes has been challenging, especially with the increasing emphasis on standardized tests,” Nichols said. As Nichols reflects on becoming campus “Teacher of the Year” and being recognized in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers,” she says her proudest accomplishments extend beyond accolades. Blankenship…

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From adopting new curricula to administration changes, Sunset High School continues to evolve, but two teachers –  Valarie Nichols and Stephanie Blankenship – are a constant source of support to students, and have been, for more than three decades. As English teachers, they are committed to encouraging students to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.   “Adapting to changes has been challenging, especially with the increasing emphasis on standardized tests,” Nichols said. As Nichols reflects on becoming campus “Teacher of the Year” and being recognized in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers,” she says her proudest accomplishments extend beyond accolades. Blankenship…

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Andie Threatt ha dedicado la última década a Dallas ISD, trabajando como maestra de arte de primaria en Solar Prep for Girls. A través del tiempo, desarrolló su pasión por el aprendizaje práctico, la creatividad y por fomentar las aptitudes para la vida entre sus alumnos. Uno de sus logros más notables es la creación de un jardín de aprendizaje al aire libre en colaboración con Out Teach. Ver a los alumnos compartir con sus compañeros lo que han aprendido en el jardín es una muestra de éxito de las técnicas educativas de Threatt. Sus técnicas incluyen un enfoque que…

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For over a decade, Andie Threatt has dedicated herself to Dallas ISD, working as an elementary art and Makerspace teacher at Solar Prep for Girls. Her role has grown into a passion for hands-on learning, sparking creativity, and fostering life skills among her students. One of her more notable achievements is the creation of the school’s outdoor learning classroom and garden, developed in partnership with Out Teach. Seeing students share what they had learned in the garden with their classmates is a live demonstration of how Threatt’s classroom techniques have been successful. Her techniques include a Makerspace approach, which combines…

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Guardians of the Green Conservation and Health Club, the newest club at Edward Titche Elementary School, is teaching students, families, and team members about hygiene, waste reduction, fitness, and nutrition. The club is the brainchild of Kamron Barton, and it demonstrates her commitment to the well-being of students and the environment. “Establishing and sponsoring the group this year has been rewarding,” she said. The Guardians of the Green are impacting their school community by promoting food safety throughout the holidays, healthy eclipse viewing, and recycling. “In support of Earth Day’s 2024 theme we want to reduce plastic use by at…

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Míriam Gaytán se ha esforzado por tener un impacto positivo en la vida de los estudiantes como maestra y líder tanto en preparatorias como en secundarias de Dallas ISD. Hoy, en el Departamento de Servicios de Mantenimiento e Instalaciones, Gaytán sigue dedicada y enfocada en alcanzar la excelencia en beneficio de los estudiantes y el personal. Gaytán, quien es directora de operaciones, se graduó de Thomas Jefferson High School y es un ejemplo de compromiso y dedicación a la comunidad. Supervisa el presupuesto y la gestión de 10 organizaciones en Servicios de Mantenimiento e Instalaciones. Durante sus 22 excepcionales años…

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Starting as a teacher and leader in both high school and middle school in Dallas ISD, Miriam Gaytan has worked to make a positive impact on students’ lives. Now, in her role in Maintenance and Facility Services, she continues to bring her dedication and focus on pursuing the highest standards of excellence for the benefit of students and team members. Gaytan, currently director of operations, is a Thomas Jefferson High School graduate and an example of commitment and dedication to the community. She oversees the budget and management of 10 organizations in Maintenance and Facility Services. With an outstanding 22…

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Martin Osae, maestro de ciencias de secundaria que enseña matemáticas de honor Carnegie en West Dallas STEM School, ha sido seleccionado para formar parte del panel de directores del proyecto del marco evaluativo de ciencias de la Evaluación Nacional del Progreso Educativo de 2028. La NAEP (por sus siglas en inglés), a menudo llamada la “boleta de calificaciones del país”, lleva más de 50 años valorando el aprovechamiento estudiantil. Su mesa directiva inició un análisis del marco científico en 2021, lo que llevó a la selección de personas cualificadas para el proyecto de 2028. Osae, quien tiene años de experiencia…

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