Charles Rice Learning Center celebró la inauguración de su nueva máquina expendedora de libros gracias a la asociación entre Dallas Stars Foundation y la Fundación Educativa de Dallas. La iniciativa tiene el fin de ayudar a los estudiantes a avanzar en la lectura al darles libros gratis con los cuales crear una colección en casa. “La lectura les abre las puertas a tantas oportunidades, así que queremos que tengan libros en casa, no solo en la escuela, para que desarrollen un amor por la lectura”, dijo Kellie Paris, directora de Charles Rice. “Queremos que tengan sus libros”. Algunos miembros de…
Author: The Hub
Dallas ISD is hosting the 2024 Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) Annual Fall Conference from Oct. 16 to 20 at the Sheraton Hotel, bringing together over 1,000 big-city school leaders, board members, senior administrators, and educators from across the country. The event will feature more than 200 presentations covering a wide range of topics that impact urban school districts nationwide. The Council of the Great City Schools represents the nation’s largest urban public school districts, working to ensure that students in these areas meet high academic standards and succeed as productive members of society. The annual fall conference…
Enviado por Marc Drumwright, Departamento de Alimentos y Nutrición Infantil Dallas ISD conmemora la Semana Nacional del Almuerzo Escolar con el tema “Encuentra tu tesoro”, remarcando así la importancia de contar con un almuerzo escolar saludable para que los estudiantes alcancen el éxito dentro y fuera del salón de clases. El Programa Nacional del Almuerzo Escolar se creó en 1946 con el fin de brindar comida nutritiva a los niños de familias de bajos recursos que de otro modo puedan no tener acceso a alimentos saludables todos los días. Desde entonces, este programa ha jugado un rol importante al velar…
Submitted by Marc Drumwright, Food and Child Nutrition Services With the theme “Find Your Treasure,” Dallas ISD is celebrating National School Lunch Week from Oct.14 to 18, highlighting the importance of healthy school lunches to a student’s success in and out of the classroom. The National School Lunch Program was created in 1946 to provide nutritious meals to kids from low-income families who might not otherwise have access to nutritious daily meals. Since then, the NSLP has played an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of public school students across the country by giving them the fuel they…
Charles Rice Learning Center celebrated the unveiling of a new book vending machine, made possible through a partnership between the Dallas Stars Foundation and the Dallas Education Foundation. The initiative aims to advance literacy by providing students with free books to build their personal libraries at home. “Reading opens the doors to so many opportunities for our students, and so we want students to have books to take home, not just to have at school, but to develop a love of reading,” said Kellie Paris, Charles Rice principal. “We want them to have their books.” Members of the Dallas Stars…
Submitted by Language Literacy and Social Studies Oct. 14-18 is Digital Citizenship Week, promoting a healthy, balanced, and positive approach to media and technology. Dallas ISD is recognizing the week by offering engaging activities and lessons that teachers can easily integrate into their classrooms. Digital citizenship is about more than technology—it’s about fostering responsible, ethical, and safe online behavior. By teaching these principles, we help students become positive and informed digital citizens. Digital citizenship is more than a tech-related skill—it is citizenship. In today’s connected world, it’s critical that our students understand how to navigate the digital landscape responsibly, ethically,…
Olivia Rodríguez es parte imprescindible de la cafetería del edificio administrativo Linus D. Wright de Dallas ISD. Se unió al equipo en 2017 luego de trabajar por varios años en una cafetería escolar, donde formó un vínculo con la comunidad y los estudiantes porque para ella, la comida significa familia y cultura. Rodríguez empezó a trabajar en el Departamento de Alimentos y Nutrición Infantil en 2014 en Leonides González Cigarroa, M.D. Elementary School. Una de las cosas que más le gustaban de trabajar ahí era la conexión que tuvo con los estudiantes que visitaban la cafetería todos los días. “Los…
Dallas ISD se complace de anunciar que María Moreno STEAM Academy y Richard Lagow Elementary School han sido reconocidas como escuelas distinguidas por Apple para el periodo 2024–2027. Se selecciona a las escuelas después de presentar su candidatura que es evaluada según su nivel de compromiso con la constante innovación en la educación y el uso de los productos de Apple para inspirar, imaginar e impactar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Estas son las primeras dos escuelas de Dallas ISD en recibir esta distinción. Las “Apple Distinguished Schools” son centros de liderazgo y excelencia educativa con una clara visión de…
Olivia Rodriguez is a staple at the café in the Dallas ISD’s Linus Wright Administration Building. She joined the team in 2017 after years of working in a school cafeteria, where she forged connections with the community and the students because to her, food means family and culture. Rodriguez started in the Food and Child Nutrition Services Department in 2014 at Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa, M.D. Elementary School. One of her favorite things about working there was the connection she forged with the students who visited the cafeteria daily. “The students would always sing to me when it was my birthday,”…
Dallas ISD is pleased to announce Maria Moreno STEAM Academy and Richard Lagow Elementary School have been recognized as Apple Distinguished Schools for the 2024–2027 program term. Schools apply and are selected for this distinction based on their commitment to continuous innovation in education and using Apple products to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning. These are the first two campuses in Dallas ISD to receive this recognition. Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of leadership and educational excellence, with a clear vision for how technology-rich environments support learning goals. In Apple Distinguished Schools, forward-thinking leaders and their communities work…