Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

On March 19, the district recognized more than 1,000 students in 7th–10th grades who have demonstrated academic excellence. The students invited to the 2014–15 Dallas ISD Scholars Recognition Ceremony scored in the 95th percentile on state exams or at a college-ready level on national exams. At the event, the students received pens commemorating their achievement. Watch the above video to learn more.

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Representatives from more than 20 district departments gathered on Tuesday to discuss the importance of recognizing employees that consistently perform their duties with excellence. The focus group was a part of Communication Services’ plan to formalize the district’s process for recognizing employee excellence. Approximately 50 employees from departments such as Risk Management, Accounting Services, Truancy, and Health Services agreed that employee recognition improves the work climate and makes staff feel valued. The tenure of the employees taking part in the focus groups ranged from four months to more than 25 years. Like many who attended the focus group, Keyla Kirton,…

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After urging the community to not create artificial divisions, Superintendent Mike Miles discredited a “baseless and meritless” complaint that alleges the district misused Title I funds intended for schools with a high economically disadvantaged population. Miles explained that the meritless allegation was based on an improper analysis of limited information and was filed with the hope of creating division among schools and in the community. In everyday terms, Miles said the allegation is the equivalent of someone making broad claims about a homeowner’s overall expenses while only looking at their water bill. “The author of the complaint only looks at…

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Soccer playoffs are set to kick off Thursday. Make plans to cheer on one (or all) of the district playoff qualifying teams as they prepare for bi-district competition this week. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for students. For game scores and updates, follow @DallasAthletics on Twitter. Date Team Home Visitor Site Time 3/26 THUR VG Samuell Mansfield Legacy Duncanville 6:30 p.m. 3/26 THUR VG Woodrow Wilson Forney Forester 6:00 p.m. 3/26 THUR VB Bryan Adams Forney Forester 8:00 p.m. 3/26 THUR VG Skyline Highland Park Lake Highlands 6:00 p.m. 3/26 THUR VG Molina Waxahachie Waxahachie 7:00 p.m.…

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Dallas ISD today announced the launch of the Superintendent’s Scholarship Run, which will take place Saturday, May 16, at Woodrow Wilson High School. The scholarship run, which will benefit the Superintendent’s Scholarship Fund, will feature a certified 5K course and a one-mile fun run/walk. This is the inaugural year for the run, which replaces the district’s golf tournament previously held to raise funds for scholarships. The run is open to all staff, students, and the general community. Since 2000, the Superintendent’s Scholarship Fund has awarded more than $2 million in college scholarships to graduating high school seniors. These scholarships help…

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Winning isn’t new for Skyline’s Mock Trial team. However, it is one of their biggest accomplishments since their 2009 State Championship. Skyline High School won the 2015 State Mock Trial Competition against 28 other regional champions on March 7. The team will now compete in the National Mock Trial competition in Raleigh, North Carolina on May 14-16. It took months of preparation to help the team be successful at competition. The team stuck to a strict practice regimen, meeting four days a week, including Saturday mornings. As a result of practicing for many weeks and hours, the team believes they…

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En Dallas ISD, hablamos mucho de Destination 2020. Usted verá la palabra Destination 2020 mencionada varias veces en la página de Dallas ISD, la escuchará en discursos de líderes del distrito y cuando se hable sobre iniciativas de otros distritos. Para los que son nuevos a Dallas ISD, o para quienes no hayan seguido de cerca el progreso de Destination 2020, hemos compilado una guía introductoria para ayudarles a ponerse al corriente. ¿Qué es Destination 2020? En términos simples, Destination 2020 es el plan estratégico del distrito para aumentar el aprovechamiento académico de todos los estudiantes. El distrito implementó el…

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