When Adam Garcia attended a Dallas ISD job fair last year, he didn’t know the path he was about to take would not only transform his life but also the lives of dozens of students. “It all happened so fast,” said Garcia, now a theater teacher at Young Men’s Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School. “It just seemed like it was meant to be. All the chips lined up. I had just literally gotten off a plane from Florida, where I was previously working [in the theater industry], but for whatever reason, I had the strength to go…
Author: The Hub
En Dallas ISD, hay estrellas que trabajan entre nosotros, y Shantell Grant, directora ejecutiva de Servicios de la Junta Escolar, es una de ellas. Grant es muy reconocida en las reuniones de la Junta Escolar, pero su legado y sus contribuciones a Dallas ISD empezó hace años, cuando era estudiante. Grant, quien empezó a trabajar en el distrito en 2006, fue una estrella del equipo de atletismo de David W. Carter High School. En esos años, avanzó a la competencia estatal y ganó en el salto largo, el salto triple y en la carrera de relevos. También llegó a participar…
At Dallas ISD, all-stars work among us; sometimes literally. Shantell Grant, the executive director of Board Services, is one of them. Grant is a familiar face during school board meetings, but her legacy and her contributions to Dallas ISD began when she was a student. Grant, who started working for the district in 2006, was a track and field star for David W. Carter High School. As a student, she advanced and won state in the long and triple jump categories and in team relays. She was also a 200-meter sprinter and went to regionals in that category. Working for…
La maestra de D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School, Rebekah Jean, pensó que quería ser médico hasta que un estudiante cambió su vida para siempre. Cuando trabajó como voluntaria en clases de preescolar durante la universidad conoció a un niño que, según dijo, tenía “mucha ansiedad con la lectura y la escritura, hasta el punto de que comenzaba a tirar cosas y huir cada vez que ponías un lápiz o un crayón cerca de él”. Jean trabajó pacientemente con él, y al final del año, el alumno le escribió una carta y pudo deletrear su nombre. “El hecho de que finalmente…
D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School teacher Rebekah Jean thought she wanted to be a doctor until one student changed her life forever. She was volunteering in preschool classrooms during college when she met a child who she said had “a lot of anxiety with reading and writing—to the point that he would start throwing things and running away anytime you would put a pencil or a crayon anywhere near him.” Jean patiently worked with him, and by the end of the year, he wrote her a letter and was able to spell his name. “The fact that he was finally…
Este pasado enero, el equipo de Informática y Tecnología de Dallas ISD organizó la Competencia de Drones Aéreos en Alex Sanger Preparatory, en la cual participaron más de 100 estudiantes de tres distritos escolares. “Este es el primer año en que participamos en la competencia de carreras con drones y les encanta a los estudiantes”, dijo Ernest Barlow, quien debutó como entrenador de drones este año en Dallas Environmental Science Academy. La competencia les permite a los estudiantes aprender ingeniería y programación al construir su dron aéreo, el cual dirigen a través de un curso de obstáculos. También aprenden sobre…
With seven objective multiple choice tests, two subjective performance events, and an essay, high school teams across Dallas ISD competed in this year’s annual Academic Decathlon Regional Meet at Thomas Jefferson High School in January. Five schools advanced to the State Academic Decathlon Competition by earning top scores in their divisions at the Region VII competition, setting a new Dallas ISD record. The School of Science and Engineering, School for the Talented and Gifted, School of Business and Management, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. Early College High School, and Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School will compete at the state-level…
The Computer Science and Technology team at Dallas ISD hosted the Aerial Drone Competition at Alex Sanger Preparatory in January. Over 100 students from three school districts competed in the unique competition. “This is the first year we are competing in the drone racing competition and students love it,” first-year drone coach Ernest Barlow from Dallas Environmental Science Academy said. The competition allows students to learn engineering and programming by building their own ready-to-fly drone and autonomously navigating the drone through an obstacle course. Teams also learn about drone flight principles, documentation and communication skills. “This event is another great…
Escrito por Anastasia Reed y Anease Linnear “Muchos pensaron que mi carrera estaba acabada”. Este fue el sentimiento de aquellos que dudaron del exalumno de Dallas ISD Kurt Thomas mientras luchaba por superar numerosas lesiones a lo largo de toda su carrera deportiva. Pese a los que no creían en él y a las dificultades, Thomas llegó a tener una carrera que simboliza la resiliencia. En la preparatoria Thomas, delantero y centro de 6’9″, inició dos temporadas en Hillcrest High School bajo el entrenador Steve Scott luego de su traslado desde David W. Carter High School al acabar el 10.o…
Written by Anastasia Reed and Anease Linnear “A lot of people thought my career was over.” This was the sentiment of those who doubted Dallas ISD alum Kurt Thomas while he worked to overcome dozens of injuries throughout his entire athletic career. Despite naysayers and hardships, Thomas proceeded to have an athletic career that personifies resilience. High School Thomas, a 6’9” forward/center, started two seasons at Hillcrest High under head coach Steve Scott after transferring from David W. Carter High School following his sophomore year. It was at Hillcrest that he realized he wanted to attend college to play collegiately.…