Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Results from a recent districtwide survey show a notable increase in the percentage of campus-based employees who believe Dallas ISD is headed in the right direction. On the Spring 2015 Campus Climate Survey, the percentage of school staff believing that the district is moving in the right direction is now at more than a 2-1 margin. The response marks a 6.5 percentage point increase from the response to the same question in Fall 2013. Meanwhile, the Spring 2015 survey showed that 56.3 percent of staff said morale at their school has improved their year, an 6.3 percentage point increase from…

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George Hardeman, the cafeteria manager at Louise Wolff Kahn Elementary School, is a popular man on campus. He and his staff not only garner accolades for serving good food and greeting students with smiles every day, but also draw praise for going the extra mile to make meal time enjoyable. In addition to meals, they entertain students with music and dance moves on Fridays. Their service to students earned them the Food and Child Nutrition Services’ (FCNS) Heart of Child Nutrition Award. Whether serving their clients breakfast in the classroom or evening supper, the Kahn cafeteria staff has a reputation for going above…

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Nearly 500 runners, 498 to be exact, registered to participate in the inaugural Superintendent’s Scholarship Run on Saturday, May 16, at Woodrow Wilson High School. The run raised funds to help send deserving high school seniors to college. Participants ranged from seasoned runners and school groups to senior citizens and district staff who received support along the way from cheerleaders, drill team members and athletes. After crossing the finish line, runners perused the booths in “Race Alley,” where they learned about district programs such as School Choice, Early Childhood and STEM and sampled products from the vendors who sponsored the event.…

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Alex Simmons is an outstanding senior at South Oak Cliff High School and plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin. He credits his grandmother with helping push him toward excellence.  “Ever since I was little, my grandmother’s always been a big influence on me for my education,” he said. “As I got older, I saw how much it was needed over sports. So I just stuck with academics, and she really motivated me to get it done .” Besides concentrating on his academic studies, Simmons played football at SOC, was captain of the track team and participated in the…

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Mientras Dallas ISD continua definiendo las evaluaciones de los maestros, las encuestas de los estudiantes sobre la percepción que tienen de acerca de la enseñanza de sus maestros es de los que se ha estado hablando últimamente en el distrito. Los estudiantes tomaron encuestas de acuerdo a su grado y edad para determinar cuales son las cualidades que encontraron en sus maestros que los hacen mas eficaces. Vea lo que algunos padres de alumnos del Dallas ISD piensan acerca de la oportunidad que les ofrece el distrito de tener una voz como parte de este proceso. Este ha sido el…

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The Dallas Pubic Library announced the winners of the 19th annual Express Yourself! Youth Poetry Competition and Cover Art Contest last month. All 62 poetry finalists were invited to read their poems and receive their awards at the April 25 ceremony. The five cover-art finalists had their work on display, and the winning art will serve as the cover for a published anthology of the finalists’ poems. Selected finalists also had their poems read aloud during the Children’s Chorus of Greater Dallas spring concert on April 26 at the Meyerson Symphony Center. The next contest opens Sept. 20. Students in…

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The Woodrow Wilson High School debate team has had an historic year in 2015. In fact, this team of powerful persuaders has literally talked their way from Dallas to Austin to Los Angeles, establishing a track record of championships along the way. Debate team members Gabriel Jankovsky, a junior, and Mac Murchison, a senior, recently returned from the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues Championship at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles where they advanced to the semifinals, taking third place in the national competition. Debate sponsor Robert Hearne said the accomplishment is history-making for Woodrow. “At nationals,…

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The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees discussed a plan on Thursday that could consolidate approximately 400 district employees currently spread across eight locations, some of which are in dilapidated conditions, into one building. The board is expected to vote on the proposal on May 28. Dallas ISD Chief Financial Officer Jim Terry said that consolidating employees from the Human Capital Management and Information and Technology Services departments into one building at 9400 N. Central Expressway would bring multiple benefits to the district. “Having these employees in one place will boost their communication and production as they work to help our…

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Las solicitudes están siendo aceptadas para los estudiantes interesados en asistir a una de las dos nuevas escuelas públicas de opción del distrito que comenzarán el próximo año escolar. Los estudiantes pueden solicitar asistir a D.A. Hulcy STEAM Middle School o a Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Academy High School. El periodo de solicitud está abierto del 24 de abril al 15 de mayo. En el video, los padres y los alumnos expresan porqué están interesados en una de las nuevas Escuelas de Opción. Estos dos centros son parte de la estrategia del distrito de ofrecer escuelas públicas de opción. La…

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Dallas ISD is proposing a $1.3 billion budget for the 2015-2016 school year that would increase teacher salaries on average by $2,300, provide a 3 percent raise for non-teaching staff, continue to implement several new initiatives and keep the tax rate the same. District officials presented the proposed budget to the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees during a workshop on Thursday, May 14. Trustees will discuss the proposed budget again during the June 11 Board Briefing, and are slated to adopt the budget on June 25. Six town hall meetings will also be held so that the public can learn more about…

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