Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Torrence Hatch, a rapper and songwriter from Louisiana, donated diabetes supplies on Monday, Dec. 5, to Dr. Billy Earl Dade Middle School. Hatch was a part of a celebrity basketball event held the previous day at the PC Cobb Athletic Complex to promote awareness for diabetes and raise funds to help people with this illness. Dade Middle School is a part of the Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) initiative, which brings together several components to boost student success and create a strong sense of community Special guests on Monday included Trustee Bernadette Nutall and Jolee Healey, executive director of ACE schools.

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The Oak Cliff Advocate has an in-depth story about some of the great things happening at Felix G. Botello Elementary School. Specifically, the story talks about how AVID, a college readiness system, is setting students up for future success. The story also talks about how students took the lead in securing a $10,000 grant from the Texas Trees Foundation to pay for dozens of trees. Read the full story here. Photo courtesy Oak Cliff Advocate

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Thousands of families attended the Discover Dallas ISD Fair on Saturday to see the wide range of education choices available to students. The first-ever event featured representatives from all 228 district schools showcasing the innovative programs and opportunities offered within Dallas ISD. Parents and students alike crowded the halls of STEAM Middle School at D.A. Hulcy and the Ellis Davis Field House to discover the options throughout the district. The event also showcased the academic choices that range from pre-K to collegiate academies, and everything in between. “The truth is, we have some schools that can compete with the best…

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¡Capital One y 724 estudiantes de Dallas ISD, miembro de la National Academy Foundation (NAF, por sus siglas en inglés) han establecido un nuevo record mundial de Guiness por la lección de programación más grande! Con una sesión de “Monster Coding Jam”, los inteligentes estudiantes de noveno grado dieron inicio a Techweek Dallas, aprendiendo lo básico sobre la creación de aplicaciones y como desarrollar su propia aplicación de juegos “monster mash”. El anterior record se había establecido el 9 de septiembre de 2016, en Vilnius, Lithuania, y estaba en manos de una clase de programación con 712 participantes, organizada por el Lithuanian…

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After winning the Hero Two Doors Down Essay Contest sponsored by the Barbara Bush Foundation with his essay on why CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer is his hero, Aiden Ross from George Bannerman Dealey International Academy got a big surprise. Blitzer ended up reading Ross’ essay, and was so impressed that he sent the student a personalized note and signed headshot. Dealey Principal Beverly Lusk surprised Ross with the signed headshot and personalized note on Dec. 1. Watch the above video to see Ross’ reaction. The essay contest, which is based on the book “The Hero Two Doors Down” by Sharon…

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Dallas ISD this weekend is hosting its first ever districtwide showcase of school offerings with representatives from all 228 district schools. The Discover Dallas ISD Fair, which is Saturday at Ellis Davis Field House, will cap off another great week filled with big announcements, important visits, and critical partnerships. Watch this video, or read below, to learn more. District lands partnership with Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines announced it will partner with North Dallas High School’s collegiate academy to provide real world experience for students. (Learn more) Reducing truancies Superintendent Michael Hinojosa and County Judge Clay Jenkins presented 24 recommendations to…

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Dallas high school students interested in journalism and storytelling are encouraged to apply to the “Storytellers Without Borders” program conducted by The Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Public Library. Participants will learn the basics of multimedia reporting and how to use resources available at libraries, guided by professional journalists and librarians. A committee will select 60 participants to be part of the first of three eight-week sessions starting in February and offered at the Central Library, Skyline Branch Library and a third branch yet to be determined. Learn more about the program here and apply by Jan. 25 here.

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Se invita a los padres, estudiantes y la comunidad para que den su opinión sobre varias fechas del calendario académico de Dallas ISD para el año escolar 2017-2018. Pueden revisar, comentar y votar por dos calendarios con varias opciones. Entre las opciones se incluye las fechas para el receso de invierno, fechas para reponer días por mal tiempo y capacitación profesional de maestros en días que no hay clases cuando los estudiantes asisten a la Feria Estatal de Texas. Puede hacer clic aquí para ver la encuesta e indicar sus preferencias antes del final del día laboral del 7 de…

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En años recientes, los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dallas representaban más de la mitad de los casos en tribunal en Texas que trataban el absentismo escolar. El martes, 29 de noviembre, el superintendente Michael Hinojosa y el juez de condado Clay Jenkins presentaron 24 recomendaciones para cambiar el sistema para sacar muchos de esos casos de la corte. El proyecto de ley 2398 de la Cámara de Representates, aprobado por la legislatura de Texas en el 2015, requirió que entidades a descriminalizar el absentismo escolar, convirtiendo las ausencias crónicas en un asunto civil. El proyecto de ley creó…

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