The 2023-2024 school year is approaching quickly, but Dallas ISD team members and the community are prepared to help ease the back to school craze. There are several opportunities for families to receive free school supplies and assistance with enrolling your students(s). Aug. 12 For Oak Cliff Back to School Festival Resources, school supplies For Oak Cliff is hosting a community event with a chance to receive free backpacks and school supplies from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 12, at 907 E. Ledbetter Drive. Families can expect free food while supplies last, live music and entertainment, bounce houses,…
Author: The Hub
Los estudiantes de Lakewood Elementary School and Henry B. González Personalized Learning Academy tuvieron la oportunidad de ampliar sus habilidades comunicativas en español así como su conocimiento cultural gracias a una colaboración con un programa de intercambio internacional de la Universitat de Barcelona. Gloria Prieto Puentes, maestra bilingüe de Lakewood Elementary, y su hijo, Sergi Calavia, maestro de arte en Henry B. González, han encabezado este programa de intercambio internacional en sus salones durante los últimos dos años. Prieto Puentes, quien es originaria de Barcelona y se graduó de la mencionada universidad, se enteró del programa gracias a uno de…
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Emely Garcia who is a Financial Solutions Advisor for Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Read about her educational journey at Dallas ISD and how her teachers impacted her to give back to her community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? Sunset High School in 2017. What are your responsibilities as a Financial Solutions Advisor? As a financial solutions advisor, my role is to help clients identify financial goals and create a financial plan to achieve those goals. I take a holistic…
Students at Lakewood Elementary School and Henry B. Gonzalez Personalized Learning Academy have expanded their communication skills in Spanish as well as their cultural knowledge, thanks to a collaboration between the schools through an international exchange program through the University of Barcelona. Gloria Prieto Puentes, a bilingual teacher at Lakewood Elementary, and her son, Sergi Calavia, an art teacher at Henry B Gonzalez, have brought this international exchange program into their classrooms the last two years. Prieto Puentes, who is originally from Barcelona and graduated from the university, first heard about the program from one of her colleagues, who shared…
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with J’Nae Addison who is a Higher Education Advisor at Lincoln High School and Humanities/Communications Magnet. Read about her educational journey at Dallas ISD and how her teachers impacted her to give back to her community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? Skyline High School in 2016. What are your responsibilities as a Higher Education Advisor? I prepare youth academically and socially to pursue their post-secondary goals and aspirations. I assist with college applications, scholarships, financial aid and so much more.…
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Shante Akafia who is an Assistant City Manager for the City of Lewisville. Read about her high school experience at Dallas ISD helped her earn her Bachelor and Masters degrees in Public Administration from The University of North Texas. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? Magnet Center for Government, Law & Law Enforcement in 1993. What are your responsibilities as an Assistant City Manager for the City of Lewisville? Assists in the planning, directing, management and review of the activities…
Hailey Rangel, maestra de prekínder en Jill Stone Elementary School, se interesa por que sus estudiantes puedan ir a “excursiones”, lo que incluye actividades interactivas no solo para que aprendan, sino también para que ese aprendizaje sea significativo. Durante la pandemia del covid-19, se restringieron las excursiones y las escuelas solo podían recibir un número limitado de visitantes. El costo de transportar a los estudiantes en autobús a una excursión, incluso antes de las restricciones por la pandemia, también era un obstáculo, así que Rangel decidió que sus estudiantes tendrían estas experiencias sin deber dejar el salón de clases. Al…
Hailey Rangel, a prekindergarten teacher at Jill Stone Elementary School, is on a mission to bring “field trips” to her students, which includes interactive activities to not only engage them, but also make learning more meaningful. During the COVID-19 pandemic, field trips were restricted and schools had limited visitors. The expense of busing students to field trip locations even without the pandemic restrictions was also an obstacle. So putting two and two together, Rangel decided to bring the learning opportunities of field trips to her school, instead. At the beginning of last school year, she did research for free on-campus…
Más de 100 estudiantes del Dallas ISD han descubierto este año la informática a través de un programa de codificación único para después de escuela dirigido por la organización educativa sin fines de lucro Bold Idea. Los ideaSpark Coding Clubs combinan el aprendizaje de la informática basado en proyectos con la mentoría de profesionales de la tecnología. A lo largo de 28 semanas, los estudiantes crearon atractivos proyectos de codificación, como sitios web y videojuegos, mientras aprendían lenguajes de programación informática como Scratch, HTML, CSS y Javascript. Los estudiantes participaron en sus escuelas o a través de un Coding Club…
Dawna Duke, directora de Thomas C. Marsh Preparatory Academy, llevara el aprendizaje a cualquier lugar gracias a que recientemente obtuvo la autorización para conducir un autobús escolar para Dallas ISD. Duke dice que se dio cuenta de lo caro que es utilizar un autobús escolar debido al costo de pagar a un conductor y las limitaciones de las excursiones si tienen que completarse a una hora determinada, por lo que decidió dar el paso y tomar ella misma el papel de conductora de autobús para hacer más accesible el aprendizaje activo. Como conductora de autobús con licencia, está capacitada para…