Cuando los estudiantes vuelvan a clases el lunes, 14 de agosto, muchas cosas les van a resultar familiares: voces llenas de entusiasmo, nuestras sonrisas al verlos felices, la campana de la mañana y muchas cosas más. Pero este año, tendrán algo que no se ha visto desde hace más de una década: 18 días. Y mientras explico a lo que me refiero con esos 18 días, van a descubrir por qué el año escolar 2023–2024 será un año excelente. Puede que se lo hayan perdido, pero en mayo declaré que pondríamos fin a la enseñanza dirigida solo al examen. Tal…
Author: The Hub
When students return to school Monday, Aug. 14, a lot of things are going to be comfortingly familiar: the excited voices, our smiling faces delighting at the happy students, the morning bell, and so much more. But this year, you are going to be getting something that you haven’t had for more than a decade: 18 days. And as I explain what those 18 days are, you’re going to find out why the 2023-2024 school year is going to be such a great year. You might have missed this, but last May I declared an end to teaching to the…
During its Aug. 10 board briefing, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees discussed amending the existing Student Code of Conduct to align with the recently passed Texas House Bill 114 (HB114). Currently, the possession, use, or delivery of an electronic cigarette, commonly referred to as a vape, is considered a Level II Offense in the Student Code of Conduct. If approved by the board, the possession, use, or delivery of an electronic cigarette would be upgraded to a Level III Mandatory Offense. The Board of Trustees will vote on the proposed amendment during its Aug. 24 meeting. If approved, the…
La Junta Escolar de Dallas ISD recibió información hoy sobre un plan propuesto para cumplir con los requisitos establecidos por el proyecto de ley 3 de la Cámara de Representantes de Texas (HB3, por sus siglas en inglés), que exige la presencia de oficiales de seguridad armados en todas las escuelas durante el horario escolar regular, a partir del 1 de septiembre. Actualmente, todas las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias cuentan con oficiales de Dallas ISD. Para conformarse a las disposiciones de HB3, el distrito necesita 167 oficiales adicionales, así como fondos suplementarios. La Junta Escolar considerará varias opciones, incluyendo una…
The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees was briefed today on a proposed plan to address the requirements set forth in Texas House Bill 3 (HB3), mandating armed security officers on all campuses during regular school hours, effective Sept. 1. Currently, Dallas ISD officers are assigned to all secondary campuses. To align with provisions outlined in HB3, the district needs 167 additional officers as well as supplemental funding. The Board of Trustees will consider various options, including a “good cause exception,” to comply with HB3. “We will be asking our board to approve an alternate plan as stated by the Texas…
As a first-generation college student from a multiethnic family, Felecia Resendez understands the importance of prioritizing a college- and career-ready education. The specialist in Postsecondary Partnerships And Programs said she remembers being in high school and not knowing she was going to college until her senior year. “It was never something that was a goal or that was ingrained in me, and I didn’t have any resources,” Resendez said. “It was a struggle because I didn’t know how to enroll. I didn’t know how to fill out my FAFSA. I didn’t know how to manage loans. I didn’t know anything.”…
Aplausos se escucharon de pared a pared en todo el teatro Winspear Opera House en el centro de Dallas la mañana del miércoles, pues Dallas ISD dio la bienvenida a aproximadamente 1,400 nuevos maestros al distrito en su evento New Teacher Academy (Academia de Nuevos Maestros). Los nuevos integrantes del equipo representan a maestros con experiencia en otros distritos y a novatos quienes comenzarán sus carreras profesionales aquí en el distrito. La sesión matutina de la New Teacher Academy incluyó una bienvenida por parte de la Superintendente Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., quien compartió algunas de sus experiencias cuando comenzó su…
Wall-to-wall cheers could be heard throughout the Winspear Opera House in downtown Dallas Wednesday morning, as Dallas ISD welcomed approximately 1,400 new teachers to the district in its New Teacher Academy. The incoming team members represent teachers who have teaching experience in other districts and novices who are starting their careers in the district. The morning session of the New Teacher Academy included a welcome by Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., who shared some of her experiences when she began her career as an educator. “I always remember my first year teaching and the challenges and choices that I faced,”…
El año escolar 2023–2024 está por comenzar, y el personal de Dallas ISD, con la ayuda de la comunidad, está preparado para aliviar un poco de la intensidad de los primeros días de clases. Invitamos a las familias a tomar nota de los eventos y enlaces a continuación antes del primer día de clases, el 14 de agosto, para informarse sobre dónde pueden recibir útiles gratis y ayuda para inscribir a sus hijos, comenzando con el evento de inscripción de este sábado. 12 de agosto Festival del regreso a clases For Oak Cliff Recursos, útiles escolares For Oak Cliff realizará…
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Luis Juarez who is an assistant principal at Mount Auburn STEAM Academy. Read about his educational journey at Dallas ISD and how his teachers impacted him to give back to his community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? W. T. White in 2010. What are your responsibilities as an assistant principal? Provide strategic support to all key stakeholders as we seek to provide a transformative educational experience. What are some career or personal highlights/accomplishments? Graduated from W. T. White and enrolled at…