Bethany G. was only in the sixth grade when she first began playing trumpet at Young Women’s STEAM Academy at Balch Springs. Little did she know that experience would lead to her eventually being admitted to Dallas ISD’s competitive Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, where she is described by the orchestral leader as “a stellar contributor” to the wind ensembles, big band, full orchestra, and mariachi ensemble. “I didn’t know the potential I had to play the trumpet until I played in the [Balch Springs] band with my directors Ms. Baker and Mr. England,”…
Author: The Hub
Desde que era estudiante y pasaba por el programa de educación para estudiantes sordos en W. W. Samuell High School, Bobby White ha sabido que quería regresar a Dallas ISD como maestro para brindar servicios de alta calidad para estudiantes sordos o con pérdida auditiva. Ahora, después de 20 años de experiencia como maestro y 10 años trabajando en el distrito, White quiere hacer conciencia sobre la importancia de la lengua de señas y otros recursos en honor al Día Internacional de las Lenguas de Señas en septiembre y más allá. Como maestro de educación para estudiantes sordos en Woodrow…
Since he was a student going through the deaf education program at W.W. Samuell High School, Bobby White has known he wanted to return to Dallas ISD as a teacher to provide high-quality services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Now, with 20 years of teaching experience and 10 years serving the district, White is bringing awareness to the importance of sign language and other resources in honor of the International Day of Sign Languages in September and beyond. As a deaf education teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School, White said one of his favorite parts of…
Cuando Daniel Negrete era estudiante en Woodrow Wilson High School, uno de sus amigos le pidió que se uniera al grupo de ballet folclórico. Al poco tiempo, se integró y su interpretación de “El jarabe tapatío” frente a toda la escuela durante una asamblea estudiantil le cambió la vida. Presentarse frente a una audiencia en vivo despertó algo en Negrete, y lo hizo pensar: “¿No sería genial si pudiera dedicarme a esto para siempre?”. Negrete ha vuelto a Woodrow como maestro y ahora es el director principal del icónico drill team Sweethearts, apoya a Marissa Marez con la compañía de…
When Daniel Negrete was a student at Woodrow Wilson High School, one of his friends asked him to join the ballet folklorico ensemble. He eventually joined, and his performance of “El Jarabe Tapatío” in front of the whole student body during a pep rally changed his life. Performing in front of a live audience sparked something in Negrete, making him think “Wouldn’t it be great if I could do this forever?” In a full circle for him, Negrete returned to Woodrow as a teacher and is now the head director for the iconic Sweethearts drill team, assists Marissa Marez with…
Veintiún estudiantes de Dallas ISD están entre los 16 000 semifinalistas para recibir la National Merit Scholarship (Beca nacional de mérito) con la oportunidad de ser uno de los 7140 finalistas que recibirán becas que suman $28 millones. Se prevé que más del 90 por ciento de los finalistas alcance la última etapa, donde la mitad obtendrá la beca. Los finalistas de Dallas ISD son: Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Isabel G. Evan G. Madeleine J. School for the Talented and Gifted Andrea R-C. Olivia D. Nikhil D. Madeline G. Rachel H. Dean H.…
Twenty-one Dallas ISD students have been named among the 16,000 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, with a chance to become one of the 7,140 finalists who will take home scholarships worth a combined $28 million. More than 90 percent of the semifinalists are expected to reach the finals, with about half of the finalists earning a National Merit Scholarship. The Dallas ISD National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists are: Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Isabel G. Evan G. Madeleine J. School for the Talented and Gifted at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center Andrea R-C. Olivia D. Nikhil…
Dallas ISD se enorgullece de anunciar que dos escuelas del distrito han ganado el Premio National Blue Ribbon del 2023. Rosemont Upper School y Trinity Heights Talented and Gifted se encuentran entre las 29 escuelas de Texas, y las 353 en todo el país, que recibieron este prestigioso reconocimiento. “Las escuelas galardonadas con el Premio National Blue Ribbon Schools 2023 nos dan un ejemplo nacional de lo que significa elevar los estándares en la educación”, dijo el secretario de educación de los Estados Unidos, Miguel Cardona. “Los líderes, educadores y el personal de nuestras escuelas National Blue Ribbon me inspiran…
Dallas ISD is proud to announce that two district schools have earned 2023 National Blue Ribbon School awards. Rosemont Upper School and Trinity Heights Talented and Gifted are among just 29 schools in Texas and 353 nationwide to receive this prestigious recognition. “The honorees for our 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award have set a national example for what it means to raise the bar in education,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “The leaders, educators, and staff at our National Blue Ribbon Schools continually inspire me with their dedication to fostering academic excellence and building positive school cultures that…
La superintendente Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., brindó una actualización a la Junta Escolar de Dallas ISD sobre los avances significativos logrados en el cierre de brecha de aprovechamiento entre los alumnos de los grados 3 a 8. En comparación con el estado y otros distritos urbanos, se lograron aumentos notables en los niveles “Cerca del nivel de grado” y “Cumple con el nivel de grado” en lectura y matemáticas. Logros en lectura: Dallas ISD superó los niveles prepandémicos de lectura en los grados 3 a 8 y está reduciendo la brecha de aprovechamiento con solo siete puntos de diferencia del…