Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

En la familia Molina, hay una broma sobre Dallas ISD: “Es un negocio familiar”. Cuenta Mario Molina, quien se jubiló recientemente, que nueve de sus 11 hermanos han trabajado para el distrito. Para los miembros de la familia, que también asistieron a escuelas del distrito, Dallas ISD ha sido su hogar a lo largo de los años. Molina se jubiló en diciembre después de haber trabajado 37 años en el Departamento de Evaluación y Examinación del distrito, fue asignado a la bodega del centro de servicio, donde enviaba y recibía exámenes estatales y locales, entre otras obligaciones. Molina dice que…

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Students will experience a once-in-a-lifetime celestial phenomenon on April 8 as a rare total solar eclipse passes over Dallas. Recognizing the significance of the day, Dallas ISD is committed to ensuring a safe and enriching experience for all students. Transportation On April 8, there is an anticipated surge of visitors to Dallas. Parents and guardians should anticipate transportation and bus delays in high-traffic areas. Utilizing the district’s transportation app, Edulog Parent Portal, for real-time updates is strongly encouraged. Safety When it IS safe to remove eclipse glasses: When any part of the sun is no longer visible through eclipse glasses…

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In the Molina family, there is an inside joke about Dallas ISD: “It’s a family business.” According to Mario Molina, who recently retired, nine out of the 11 siblings have worked for the district. To the family members, who also attended schools in the district, Dallas ISD has been home over the years. Molina retired this past December after having worked 37 years in the district’s Evaluation and Assessment Department, where he was assigned to the warehouse service center—shipping and receiving state and local tests, among other duties. Molina says he is a proud product of Dallas ISD, as he…

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The Dallas Education Foundation (DEF) is excited to announce the “Heart of Teaching: Advancing Equity through Innovation in Special Education” grants cycle. This grant program helps create opportunities for students and advance equity through innovation in special education.  Dallas ISD campus employees, administrators, and teachers seeking to fund innovative projects that advance learning, specifically for students receiving special education services, can apply now through April 12. The application is open to all campus staff who serve students with special needs and is not limited to those in special education positions. The maximum grant award is up to $4,500 per project…

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Emprenda una aventura educativa en la More Choice Expo de Dallas ISD el sábado, 23 de marzo, de 9 a.m a 1 p.m., en el Centennial Hall de Fair Park. Se destacará a las escuelas que no piden una solicitud de admisión en Dallas ISD y los numerosos modelos de aprendizaje innovadores, actividades extracurriculares y oportunidades emocionantes que ofrecen. Con la presencia de cerca de 200 escuelas, las familias podrán conocer los modelos educativos tradicionales, pero también innovadores, que ofrece Dallas ISD. Entre actividades extracurriculares, programas de deportes que han ganado campeonatos y programas pioneros como los de lenguaje dual,…

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Embark on a journey of educational discovery at Dallas ISD’s More Choice Expo from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 23 at Centennial Hall in Fair Park. The expo promotes all non-application-based schools in Dallas ISD by highlighting various innovative learning models, extracurricular activities, and exciting opportunities offered in each vertical team. With nearly 200 neighborhood schools represented, attendees will explore traditional yet innovative educational approaches offered by Dallas ISD. From engaging extracurricular activities, to championship athletics and pioneering programs such as dual language, personalized learning, STEM/STEAM, leadership academies, and Montessori, there’s something to cater to every student’s interests…

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Dallas ISD schools and offices will be closed from March 11 to March 15 for spring break. To ensure students continue to have access to nourishing meals, Food and Child Nutrition Services plans to provide meal service on a drive-up basis on Monday, March 11. Dallas ISD Food and Child Nutrition Services will provide meals to every child 18 years and younger. Home cooking instructions will be provided at the pick-up location and will also be posted on the FCNS website. Children do not have to be present to claim meals. Meals will include two breakfast meals and two lunch meals…

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Dallas ISD is asking parents to let us know their opinions about their children’s schools and other topics that will help us improve schools and the district overall. You can share your opinions by responding to the 2024 Parent Survey. To Share Your Opinion: 1. Click on this link. 2. Choose your language. 3. Choose the school and enter your child’s student ID number (the number can be found on a report card or in your student’s information in Parent Portal.) 4. If you have more than one child in the same school, enter the student ID number of the…

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Con el fin de motivar a más familias a aprovechar de los platillos saludables que se ofrecen en nuestras escuelas, Dallas ISD celebrará la Semana del Desayuno Escolar del 4 al 8 de marzo de 2024. Es difícil encontrar un momento en el ajetreo de la mañana para desayunar algo sano, por lo que Dallas ISD ofrece desayunos nutritivos a todos los estudiantes sin costo alguno. Los desayunos vienen con opciones como frutas y leches bajas o libres de grasa para que los estudiantes estén listos para aprender todos los días. Toda la semana, Dallas ISD celebrará con actividades entretenidas…

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Dallas ISD reconoció a excelentes maestros y líderes escolares de todo el distrito durante la premiación del maestro del año y del director de año. Los 10 finalistas a maestro del año y los siete finalistas a director del año 2023–2024 reflejan una diversidad de culturas y experiencias y representan asimismo los nueve distritos de la Junta Escolar. De entre los finalistas, se dará a conocer a los maestros y directores del año de primaria, secundaria y escuelas de opción o magnet el 4 de abril durante el Estado del Distrito 2023–2024. Gracias a la Fundación Educativa de Dallas, Reliant…

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