Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

In partnership with Dallas ISD’s Professional and Digital Learning Department, the Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program enhances the alternative teaching route by providing a standards-driven training program where future educators can engage with others, explore and practice new and innovative approaches to teaching, and develop a deeper understanding of their impact on student achievement in the Dallas Independent School District. Each Dallas ISD employee has a network of friends, family and acquaintances. When employees are able to connect someone from their network to Dallas ISD’s Alternative Certification Teaching Program, opportunities become available to bring more talented and passionate people into…

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La Junta Escolar aprobó aumentos salariales, que suman $61.2 millones, para los empleados que cumplan el criterio para el año escolar 2020-2021. Dichos aumentos son posibles al hacer uso de los fondos del distrito para iniciativas estratégicas y la asignación de incentivos para maestros del proyecto de ley HB3. El distrito tiene acceso a estos fondos debido a que utiliza el sistema de evaluación de maestros conocido como TEI. Aquellos empleados que reúnen el criterio y que no estén bajo una iniciativa de excelencia, recibirán un aumento de 2% basado en el salario del punto medio del puesto. Los empleados…

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Los administradores de Dallas ISD han propuesto aumentar los servicios de salud mental del distrito para el año escolar 2020-2021 a través de la reorganización del departamento y la contratación de más personal. El nuevo departamento comenzará oficialmente sus operaciones el 6 de julio, y combinará los servicios de los Centros de Youth and Family (YFC) y los Servicios Psicológicos y Sociales (PSS, por sus siglas en ingles). De esta manera el Departamento de Servicios de Salud Mental trabajará como una entidad para tratar, con servicios en la escuela y en las clínicas, los problemas emocionales, sociales y de comportamiento…

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The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation and Niagara Cares donated kits of STEM activities and school supplies to 725 elementary school students. The philanthropic foundations pledged to provide a STEM Center at both Rufus C. Burleson Elementary and Nancy J. Cochran Elementary. Niagara Cares and the Ripken Foundation chose to go the extra mile and offer educational materials to students of these two schools. “Partnerships that incorporate STEM programming and student take-home learning kits are rare, and I know these resources will provide our students with fun, engaging educational experiences from home,” said Tonya Mayberry-Davis, Dallas ISD Partnership and Volunteer Services…

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The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees met with district administrators on June 25th to discuss ways of improving the experience of Black students during an action planning board workshop. In a special called board meeting earlier this month, the board unanimously approved the “Resolution on the Commitment of Dallas ISD to Black Students and Black Lives.” Trustees agreed to identify high-need issues and reconvene with Superintendent Michael Hinojosa within 30 days to begin to take actions to achieve measurable improvements for Black students in Dallas ISD over the next year. “Whereas proclaiming that Black lives matter does not negate the…

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Desde actividades de educación física en vivo a clases de música virtuales, la página de Enriquecimiento en el verano de Dallas ISD está manteniendo a los estudiantes activos  diferentes maneras divertidas e interesantes durante el verano. “La meta es proporcionar programas relacionados con los intereses de los estudiantes para poder despertar el deseo por aprender, aún durante el verano”, dijo Tim Linley, director ejecutivo de Enriquecimiento y Apoyo Académico. “Queremos ofrecer actividades que conecten con los estudiantes a través de oportunidades interesantes para que se mantengan entusiasmados por aprender”. La página proporciona lecciones virtuales semanales y actividades en una variedad de temas:…

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The Board of Trustees has approved $61.2 million in salary increases for eligible employees for the 2020-2021 school year. The raises are possible through leveraging the district’s strategic initiative funds and the HB3 Teacher Incentive Allotment, to which the district has access due to the TEI evaluation system currently in use. Eligible employees who are not under an excellence initiative will receive a 2% increase based on the midpoint of their salary range. Employees who are part of an excellence initiative will receive the greater of a change in excellence initiative compensation level or a defined dollar amount increase. More…

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Dallas ISD y KERA se han asociado para crear y producir “Summer Bridge to Math Success”, programación educativa con la que se busca mitigar la pérdida de aprendizaje durante el verano. A partir del lunes, 6 de julio, y hasta el viernes, 7 de agosto, KERA TV presentará lecciones grabadas por cerca de 150 maestros de matemáticas de Dallas ISD, de lunes a viernes, de 12 a 2:30 p.m. Durante este tiempo, los maestros proporcionarán instrucción en matemáticas – con descansos de dos minutos entre las lecciones – a estudiantes desde kínder hasta octavo grado. “Estamos agradecidos y entusiasmados por…

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Dallas ISD is expanding the district’s mental health services for the 2020-2021 school year through department re-organization and increased staffing. As of July 6, the Mental Health Services Department combines the Youth and Family Centers (YFC) and Psychological and Social Services (PSS) programs. Now, the Mental Health Services Department works as one unit to address the behavioral, emotional, and social issues that a child may experience and through both school and clinic-based services. The Mental Health Services team includes psychologists, licensed therapists, clinical social workers, and psychiatrists who work with students with a variety of health issues that may impact…

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Exciting news! The Office of Transformation and Innovation is launching an application process for district staff to identify design team leads and team members to develop a Public School Choice 7.0 proposal for a future Hybrid School tentatively launching in Fall 2021. The Opportunity Participate in several school design process webinars led by an industry leader in innovation Provide expertise in helping to ideate, investigate and develop a comprehensive model for an effective competency focused student learning experience Collaborate with a several central staff department experts to develop and submit a Public School Choice 7.0 proposal on  Jan. 5, 2021…

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