In an ongoing effort to foster safer schools, Dallas ISD is expanding its clear backpack requirement to all students in grades pre-K through 12 for the 2024-2025 school year. While clear backpacks are preferred, mesh ones are an additional option. Students may still carry a small, non-clear pouch in their backpack to hold personal items such as cellphones, money, and hygiene products. The district will provide each student with a durable clear backpack at no cost. Parents may also purchase their students’ preferred clear or acceptable mesh backpack. Please note that a clear backpack policy alone does not ensure complete…
Author: The Hub
Escrito por Chandler Flowers, junior associate del departamento de Servicios de Comunicación. Cuando los estudiantes de doceavo grado cruzan el escenario en su graduación, Dallas ISD se asegura de que tengan las herramientas y los recursos necesarios para dar el siguiente paso en sus vidas. Eso es precisamente lo que hace el programa WorkReady del distrito. Este programa, organizado por el departamento de Educación Vocacional y Sociedades de la Fuerza Laboral, ha proporcionado 1,383 pasantías a estudiantes, en colaboración con 310 socios de la industria, y ha planificado 9,860 actividades para preparar a los estudiantes a integrarse al mundo laboral. …
Written by Chandler Flowers, Communication Services junior associate. Behind the scenes of every Dallas ISD sports game is a world of scheduling, budgeting, and management. This summer, through Dallas ISD’s internship program, rising seniors and recent graduates are given the opportunity to work in the Department of Athletics to explore what goes on behind the scenes of sporting events – while gaining hands-on experience. “Dallas ISD’s Workforce Development and Employer Relations Department reached out to our superintendent, Vincente Reyes to ask about hosting interns over the summer,” said M.T. Tyeskie, assistant director of the Athletics Department. “We conducted the interviews in…
The Dallas ISD 2020 Bond plays a crucial role in ensuring district facilities are optimized to support and enhance student achievement. Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, various important initiatives have helped enhance educational environments districtwide. Over half of the bond funds have been allocated toward the construction, renovation, and modernization of various facilities. About one quarter of the funds have been allocated for connectivity and security upgrades. “Reflecting on this school year, I’m incredibly proud of the unwavering dedication and hard work our team has demonstrated in advancing Dallas ISD’s 2020 Bond Program,” said Chief Construction Officer, Brent Alfred. The…
Acompáñenos a la celebración de regreso a clases de Dallas ISD para inscribir a su estudiante para el nuevo año escolar. El evento se llevará a cabo de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m., el sábado 27 de julio en Ellis Davis Field House, ubicado en 9191 S. Polk St. Los padres recibirán ayuda ahí mismo para inscribir a sus hijos desde pre-kinder hasta 12º grado. Los estudiantes que se inscriban ese día recibirán útiles escolares gratuitos, mochilas aprobadas y otros servicios hasta agotar existencias. Para más información sobre las listas de útiles escolares, la política de mochilas transparentes de Dallas…
Join us for the Dallas ISD Back to School Kickoff Event to get your student registered for the new school year! It all happens from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, July 27 at Ellis Davis Field House, located at 9191 S. Polk St. Parents will receive onsite assistance with registration for students enrolling in pre-K through 12th grade. Students registering onsite will receive free school supplies, approved backpacks, and other services while supplies last. For more information regarding school supply lists, Dallas ISD’s clear backpack policy, enrollment, and more, visit this link. Please come prepared with the following documents…
Enviado por Kimberly Ferguson, Advanced Academic Services Casi 200 estudiantes utilizaron una porción de sus vacaciones de verano para adelantarse en sus clases de colocación avanzada. Desde el 3 – 6 de junio, los estudiantes participaron en el Advanced Placement Summer Boot Camp (programa intensivo de preparación para el programa AP), organizado por Advanced Academic Services. A lo largo de la semana, los estudiantes se familiarizaron con las materias de nivel AP y con las habilidades necesarias para superarlas con éxito. También tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a sesiones de clases AP como biología, cálculo, precálculo y geografía humana. Adicionalmente,…
Submitted by Kimberly Ferguson, Advanced Academic Services Almost 200 students used part of their summer break to get a jump start for advanced placement classes. From June 3-6, these students participated in the Advanced Placement Summer Boot Camp, hosted by Advanced Academic Services. Throughout the week, students gained exposure to AP-level coursework and the skills necessary for AP success. They were also given the opportunity to attend sessions for AP classes like biology, calculus, pre-calculus, and human geography. Additionally, the boot camp provided support and resources to the students, many of whom will take their first Advanced Placement course. Students…
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Mildred Oliva, who is now a relationship banker at Bank of America. Read about how her educational journey at Dallas ISD impacted her to give back to her community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? Innovation Design Entrepreneurship Academy at James W. Fannin in 2020. What is your current occupation? I’m a relationship banker at Bank of America. What made your Dallas ISD education unique? In my sophomore year of high school, I was at an innovative school that helped…
Written by Chandler Flowers, Communication Services junior associate. When seniors cross the stage at graduation, Dallas ISD wants to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to take the next step in their lives. The district’s WorkReady Program does just that. The program, organized by the district’s Workforce Development and Employer Relations department, has provided 1,383 internships to students, collaborated with 310 industry partners, and planned 9,860 engagement activities to get students ready to enter the professional world. During the last school year, 200 instant job offers were extended to seniors who participated in the program. And, between…