Author: Priscilla Rice

Language professionals play an important role worldwide in connecting nations, fostering peace and understanding, and encouraging growth and development. The team of almost 30 translators and interpreters in Dallas ISD who help connect families, students, and schools is no different. Their efforts toward engagement and understanding and those of interpreters and translators worldwide are celebrated and recognized on Sept. 30 during International Translation Day. The day was established in 2017 through a resolution from the United Nations General Assembly. “The theme for this year’s International Translation Day is ‘translation unveils the many faces of humanity,’ and that’s exactly what our…

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Cuando Daniel Negrete era estudiante en Woodrow Wilson High School, uno de sus amigos le pidió que se uniera al grupo de ballet folclórico. Al poco tiempo, se integró y su interpretación de “El jarabe tapatío” frente a toda la escuela durante una asamblea estudiantil le cambió la vida. Presentarse frente a una audiencia en vivo despertó algo en Negrete, y lo hizo pensar: “¿No sería genial si pudiera dedicarme a esto para siempre?”. Negrete ha vuelto a Woodrow como maestro y ahora es el director principal del icónico drill team Sweethearts, apoya a Marissa Marez con la compañía de…

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When Daniel Negrete was a student at Woodrow Wilson High School, one of his friends asked him to join the ballet folklorico ensemble. He eventually joined, and his performance of “El Jarabe Tapatío” in front of the whole student body during a pep rally changed his life. Performing in front of a live audience sparked something in Negrete, making him think “Wouldn’t it be great if I could do this forever?” In a full circle for him, Negrete returned to Woodrow as a teacher and is now the head director for the iconic Sweethearts drill team, assists Marissa Marez with…

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Charlie Díaz Rivera, maestro en su primer año en el Instituto de Profesiones del Este, supervisa a los estudiantes de Dallas ISD en el campo de la tecnología eléctrica de uno de los socios de la industria del distrito. Él ahora está viviendo su sueño de crear oportunidades para los estudiantes y como maestro de Tecnología Eléctrica en la escuela. “Me dieron la oportunidad de ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito, y lo vi como una puerta que se abría”, dijo Díaz Rivera. “Era algo que siempre quise hacer, y ahora puedo”. Becky Barker, coordinadora de socios de la…

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Charlie Diaz Rivera, a first-year teacher at Career Institute East, had been supervising Dallas ISD students in the electrical technology field at one of the district’s industry partners. He is now living his dream of creating opportunities for students and as an Electrical Technology teacher at the school. “I was being given this opportunity to help kids to succeed in life, and I saw this as a door that was opening,” Diaz Rivera said. “This was something that I always wanted to do, and now I’m able to do it.” Becky Barker, industry partner coordinator for Career Institute East, said…

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Cerrar la brecha y brindar acceso a la atención médica para la salud mental y física a los estudiantes de la zona de asistencia de South Oak Cliff High School es lo que busca lograr el distrito al abrir el nuevo T. D. Marsall Youth and Family Center en Clara Oliver. El centro será inaugurado el 26 de septiembre con una ceremonia de corte de listón. “T. D. Marshall Youth and Family Center traerá servicios de cuidado mental y físico al sur de la ciudad donde estos escasean, y estamos contentos por poder proporcionar estos servicios a los estudiantes y…

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Closing the gap and making mental and physical healthcare accessible to students in the South Oak Cliff High School feeder pattern is what the district strives to accomplish with the addition of the new T.D. Marshall Youth and Family Center at Clara Oliver. The facility is scheduled to open next month and have an official ribbon cutting on Sept. 26. “The T.D. Marshall Youth and Family Center will fill in a huge gap in the southern sector of town where mental and physical healthcare services are minimal, and we are looking forward to providing these services to our students and…

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Aplausos se escucharon de pared a pared en todo el teatro Winspear Opera House en el centro de Dallas la mañana del miércoles, pues Dallas ISD dio la bienvenida a aproximadamente 1,400 nuevos maestros al distrito en su evento New Teacher Academy (Academia de Nuevos Maestros). Los nuevos integrantes del equipo representan a maestros con experiencia en otros distritos y a novatos quienes comenzarán sus carreras profesionales aquí en el distrito.  La sesión matutina de la New Teacher Academy incluyó una bienvenida por parte de la Superintendente Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., quien compartió algunas de sus experiencias cuando comenzó su…

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Wall-to-wall cheers could be heard throughout the Winspear Opera House in downtown Dallas Wednesday morning, as Dallas ISD welcomed approximately 1,400 new teachers to the district in its New Teacher Academy. The incoming team members represent teachers who have teaching experience in other districts and novices who are starting their careers in the district. The morning session of the New Teacher Academy included a welcome by Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D., who shared some of her experiences when she began her career as an educator. “I always remember my first year teaching and the challenges and choices that I faced,”…

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Los estudiantes de Lakewood Elementary School and Henry B. González Personalized Learning Academy tuvieron la oportunidad de ampliar sus habilidades comunicativas en español así como su conocimiento cultural gracias a una colaboración con un programa de intercambio internacional de la Universitat de Barcelona. Gloria Prieto Puentes, maestra bilingüe de Lakewood Elementary, y su hijo, Sergi Calavia, maestro de arte en Henry B. González, han encabezado este programa de intercambio internacional en sus salones durante los últimos dos años. Prieto Puentes, quien es originaria de Barcelona y se graduó de la mencionada universidad, se enteró del programa gracias a uno de…

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