Author: Priscilla Rice

Al aprender un nuevo idioma, Toni Garabete, maestro de francés en J. L. Long Middle School, espera que sus estudiantes no solo se sientan cómodos comunicándose en otro idioma, sino que también que su mundo se expanda. “Quiero transmitirles una pasión por el francés, por conocer el mundo francófono”, dijo Garabete. “Si se van de vacaciones a Francia o a otra región francófona como Quebec, quiero que no solo se comuniquen, sino que valoren cosas como la comida y la cultura. Los idiomas expanden el mundo de uno”. Garabete, quien ha sido maestro de francés en Long Middle School durante…

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In learning a new language, Toni Garabete, a French teacher at J. L. Long Middle School hopes his students will not only be comfortable communicating in a language other than English, he also wants them to expand their world. “I would like to transmit a passion to the students towards French, towards getting to know the French-speaking world,” Garabete said. “If they are on vacation in France or another French-speaking areas like Quebec, I want them to not only communicate but to appreciate things like the food and culture. Language expands your world.”  Garabete, who has been a French teacher…

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Los estudiantes de quinto grado de 33 escuelas tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en una reciente competencia de recitación de poesía en Skyline High School. La competencia reunió a los estudiantes para la oportunidad de ser los campeones de poesía de este año y ganar becas. El Departamento de Lectura y Artes del Lenguaje se asoció con la Parrish Charitable Foundation, proveedora de los $10,000 en becas, para hacer posible la competencia. El primer lugar se lo llevó Iker I. de Félix G. Botello Personalized Learning Elementary School, el segundo lugar fue para Max R. de William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard…

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Fifth-grade students, representing 33 campuses, had the opportunity to share their hearts through words at a recent districtwide poetry slam competition at Skyline High School. The competition brought students together for the chance to be this year’s poetry slam champions as well as win scholarships. The Reading Language Arts Department partnered with the Roland Parrish Foundation, which funded the $10,000 in scholarships, to make the competition happen. First place went to Iker I. from Felix G. Botello Personalized Learning Elementary School, second place went to Max R. from William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, and third…

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Cuando vienen familias de otros países a Dallas ISD a matricular a sus hijos, el primer lugar que visitan es el Centro Internacional de Bienvenida Margaret y Gilbert Herrera, donde son recibidas por Teresa González y Herlinda Godoy, miembros del personal del distrito. Como asistentes administrativas desempeñan varias funciones, entre ellas verificar documentos, asegurar que las familias tengan todo lo necesario para matricular a sus hijos, crear carnés de identidad estudiantiles y colocar a los estudiantes en la escuela correcta. A menudo deben superar barreras del idioma para enseñar a los padres a usar un celular o enviar un correo…

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When families from other countries come to Dallas ISD to register their children for school, the first place they visit is the Margaret and Gilbert Herrera Welcome Center, known informally as the intake center.  When families walk in the door, some of the first faces they see are team members Teresa Gonzalez and Herlinda Godoy.  As administrative assistants, both wear many hats, performing duties such as checking documents and making sure the families have everything they need to enroll in the district—from making IDs for the students to making sure they are placed in the correct school.  Often working through…

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En N.W. Harllee Early Childhood Center, los estudiantes de kínder ven hacia el futuro. Cuando Zaria Wynn, maestra de kínder, estaba enseñando a sus estudiantes sobre el reciclaje, se preguntaron por qué se tiraba la basura en lugar de reciclarla. Esto llevó a Wynn a formar equipo con Michelle Touchet, la especialista en medios de la escuela, para iniciar un programa de reciclaje con los estudiantes. Touchet había participado en el equipo verde y el programa de reciclaje de otra escuela, así que entre las dos trabajaron en este proyecto durante el receso de primavera. El nuevo programa se ha…

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At N.W. Harllee Early Childhood Center, kindergarten students are looking to the future.  When kindergarten teacher, Zaria Wynn, was teaching her students about what is recyclable, the students started wondering about why trash was being thrown away instead of being recycled. This discussion led Wynn to team up with Michelle Touchet, the school’s library media specialist, to start a recycling program with the students. Touchet had worked on the green team and recycling program in a previous campus, so the two began to work collectively on this project after spring break. This new endeavor at the school has already turned…

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Los estudiantes de Dallas ISD que no cuentan con programas cinematográficos en sus escuelas ahora tendrán la oportunidad de convertirse en cineastas gracias a una colaboración entre su escuela y un programa del Pegasus Media Project, una organización de artes sin fines de lucro. El Youth Portable Film Program es dirigido por el cineasta local Christopher Sonny Martínez, exalumno de Dallas ISD. El programa recibe actualmente a estudiantes de H. Grady Spruce High School, Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center y del Victory Meadows Youth Center, que atiende a los estudiantes de la zona de asistencia de Emmett J. Conrad High…

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Dallas ISD students who don’t have film programs at their schools are getting the opportunity to become filmmakers through a partnership with their school and a program through Pegasus Media Project, a nonprofit arts organization. The program, Youth Portable Film Program, is led by local filmmaker Christopher Sonny Martinez, a Dallas ISD alum. The program currently serves students at H. Grady Spruce High School, Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, and the Victory Meadows Youth Center, which serves students in the Emmett J. Conrad High School feeder pattern. Martinez has been working with the students since last semester in teaching them film…

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