For two weeks in June, Dallas ISD students who participated in the Summer Cool camp had the chance to take home books for their home libraries at no cost. In a partnership between Library & Media Services and the Extended Learning Opportunities department, 20,000 books were distributed to students at 20 elementary campus sites. Students from Pre-K through second grade could take up to five books home while students in grades three through five were allowed to take home up to three books. Most of the books were purchased using Title I funding, using various district-approved book vendors including Express…
Author: Molly Schrader
Molly Schrader empezó a trabajar en Dallas ISD como coordinadora digital hace más de un año. Se mudó a Dallas de Austin en 2020 luego de graduarse de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Es superfán de Taylor Swift, amante de los animales y le encanta viajar por el mundo. Le pedimos compartir algunos comentarios sobre su identidad en esta celebración del Mes de la Herencia Asiático-Americana y de las Islas del Pacífico. Hay cosas en esta vida que uno puede controlar y otras que no. Una de esas cosas es cómo te perciben los demás, y estoy segura de…
Molly Schrader joined Dallas ISD as a digital coordinator more than a year ago. She moved to Dallas in 2020 from Austin after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s a big Taylor Swift fan, an animal lover and a world traveler. We asked her to share some thoughts about her identity as we celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander month. There are things in this life that you can control and others you cannot. One of those is how you are perceived by others, and I’m sure you can guess which of the two categories that fits into. One…
Antes de que Hamersen B. se mudara de Etiopía a Dallas a los 14 años, un día normal en su vida consistía en pasear en bicicleta por su pueblo, ir a la escuela y enseñar a otros niños a montar en bicicleta para ganarse su almuerzo. Hoy en día está a punto de graduarse de W.T. White High School, y le espera un futuro brillante para convertirse algún día en cirujano y viajar por el mundo. Hamersen siempre soñó con hacer cosas grandes, pero no estaba seguro de cuál sería su camino hasta que conoció a su maestro del Cuerpo…
Before Hamersen B. moved from Ethiopia to Dallas at 14 years old, his typical day consisted of riding around his village on a bicycle, going to school, and teaching other kids how to ride a bike to earn lunch money. Today, he is a graduating senior at W.T. White High School, looking forward to a bright future of someday becoming a surgeon and traveling the world. Hamersen always dreamed about accomplishing big things, but he wasn’t sure what his path would look like until he met his Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) teacher, Major Nebyou Yonas. Through his instructor’s…
Un total de 97 estudiantes de 12.o grado de seis escuelas de Dallas ISD alrededor del vecindario de Fair Park se reunieron en la histórica Feria Estatal de Texas.Recibieron la beca Juanita Craft por su esfuerzo y dedicación en la preparatoria, lo que incluye aprobar un mínimo de 12 créditos cada semestre, tener un promedio mínimo de 2.5 en su primer semestre y un promedio acumulativo de 3.0 en cada semestre posterior. Además, los estudiantes disfrutaron de juegos y comida con “Little Tex”. Miguel Solís, quien cursó el programa de técnicos de emergencias médicas en el P-Tech de North Dallas…
A total of 97 high school seniors from six Dallas ISD campuses surrounding the Fair Park neighborhood gathered at the historic State Fair of Texas. They were awarded the Juanita Craft Scholarship for their hard work and dedication throughout their high school career including passing a minimum of 12 hours each semester, a minimum 2.5 GPA in their first semester, and a 3.0 cumulative GPA for every semester thereafter. In addition, students enjoyed games and food with “Little Tex” on the Midway. Miguel Solis, North Dallas High School P-Tech: EMT Program senior, says he will be using his award to…
Varias escuelas de Dallas ISD están siendo reconocidas por su método exitoso que permite a los maestros y estudiantes reconocer y responder al aprendizaje estudiantil mientras aprenden —es decir, le dan seguimiento al aprendizaje estudiantil para proveer sugerencias en todo momento. En Dallas ISD, 17 escuelas —10 primarias y siete secundarias— usan este método, conocido como Assessment for Learning (AFL). Hace poco tiempo, Moisés E. Molina High School recibió a directores de Region 12 interesados en ver cómo funciona este método. “Molina está completamente dedicado a este método y estamos emocionados de seguir proporcionando oportunidades de aprendizaje profesional a los…
Several Dallas ISD schools are becoming known for their success with a method that allows teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning during learning – in other words, monitoring student learning to provide ongoing feedback. In Dallas ISD, 17 campuses – 10 elementary and seven secondary schools – use this method, known as Assessment for Learning. And recently, Moises Molina High School hosted a site visit by Region 12 principals who were interested in seeing the method in action. “Molina is fully invested in Assessment for Learning and we are excited to keep providing professional learning opportunities…
Esports is going strong for fourth- and fifth-grade students who recently competed in the annual Spring Tournament. Approximately 719 young gamers battled it out at Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy for a total of almost 80 participating district schools. “The energy was high in the auditorium because of the amazing fact that the final Rocket League game for the spring tournament was a rematch between two schools that had the top teams in the fall tournament,” said Angelina Nuno, project manager for Student Activities. Esports was originally planned for only 20 secondary schools back in 2020 and that number has…