Throughout their school years, students are faced with countless paths to take and are often unsure of the ins and outs of any given profession—be it business leader, executive producer, or even elected official. For the twenty-third consecutive year, the nationally recognized program known as “Principal For a Day” continued to inspire students on Tuesday, providing a real-world perspective for their future endeavors. More than 200 civic leaders were on the ground at several Dallas ISD campuses to interact with students eager to learn about the professional world. Leaders in the Dallas workforce stepped out of their day-to-day routines to…
Author: Molly Schrader
When Ambryia G. stepped into her South Oak Cliff classroom Tuesday for a group project, she had no reason to expect a high-tech experience that would take her out of her world. Ambryia, an aspiring criminal defense attorney, quickly learned that her school was being gifted with Inspirit Virtual Reality headsets from the College Football Playoff Foundation. “It’s very high tech,” she said. “I thought I was in space. Then I jumped from space to Alaska. And I was sitting in a chair the whole time. You know no one’s going to miss class if they have a VR headset…
Savannah V., deportista de 13 años y estudiante de Rosemont desde kindergarten, mostrará su excepcional talento y su profunda conexión con su herencia hispana en el campo en octubre cuando represente a México en la Copa Mundial de Softbol Femenino Sub-15 de la WBSC en Tokio, Japón. La pasión de Savannah por el softbol se desarrolló en una familia en la que el deporte corre por sus venas. “Mi papá jugaba béisbol, y mi tío también. Es algo que viene de familia”, explica. “Mis hermanos me admiran mucho; mi hermana quiere ser ‘como Savannah'”. Su prima, Aaliyah H., también juega…
Savannah V., 13-year-old athlete and a Rosemont student since kindergarten, will be showing her exceptional talent and deep-rooted connection to her Hispanic heritage on the field in October when she represents Mexico at the WBSC U-15 Women’s Softball World Cup in Tokyo, Japan. Savannah’s passion for softball was nurtured in a family where the game runs in the bloodline. “My dad used to play baseball, and so did my uncle. It kind of runs in the family,” she said. “My siblings really look up to me; my sister wants to be ‘just like Savannah.’” Her cousin, Aaliyah H., even plays…
En una escuela de más de mil estudiantes, es fácil abrumarse y no encontrar el camino. En Seagoville High School, el programa Link Crew pone manos a la obra para moldear la experiencia de preparatoria de los alumnos entrantes a noveno grado. Con el fin de que tomen los primeros pasos con confianza y éxito, el Link Crew, compuesto por estudiantes de último y penúltimo año, da la bienvenida cada año a los nuevos “dragones”, simbolizando así el espíritu de un mentor. Mientras que los adultos desempeñan un papel vital en el fomento de la colaboración con los estudiantes y…
With over 1,000 students, it can be difficult to find your way in a large school. At Seagoville High School, the Link Crew program is shaping the high school experience for freshmen. To ensure their initial steps are met with confidence and success, dedicated junior and senior “Link Crew Leaders” welcome new “Dragons” every year while embodying the spirit of mentorship. While adults serve a vital role in creating relationships with students and a sense of belonging, Marissa Romer, Theater Arts director, believes it is powerful for students to have peers as mentors. “Starting high school is terrifying, but freshmen…
Es maravilloso pensar que un estudiante de preparatoria sepa tomar los primeros pasos para cocinar un platillo de cinco estrellas, diseñar el rascacielos más alto del mundo o salvar una vida humana. Las profesiones técnicas exigen años de experiencia de primera mano y la autoconfianza para triunfar en un trabajo de alta demanda. El Instituto de Profesiones del Norte (CIN, por sus siglas en inglés) ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener los recursos y la capacitación necesarios para estar listos para su profesión cuando se gradúen. Este año escolar 2023–2024, el instituto abrió sus puertas a los estudiantes…
It’s incredible to think a high school student would know the first steps in how to cook a five-star meal, design the world’s tallest skyscraper, or save a human life. Technical careers require years of firsthand experience and the confidence to excel at a high-demand job. Career Institute North (CIN) is offering students the chance to receive the resources and training necessary to be considered “career-ready” after graduation. For the 2023-2024 school year, the institute opened its doors to students in grades nine through 12 so they can explore Career and Technical Education pathways. Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, learning spaces,…
Es la una de la mañana y hace una oscuridad cegadora. Se despierta para empezar la caminata, como lo ha hecho todos los días, 11 millas cada día, parando una sola vez cuando sale el sol para descansar los pies. El año pasado, durante seis meses, esta era la vida de Axsel E. A sus 12 años de edad, Axsel logró una hazaña que para muchos niños sería inimaginable. Contando solo con una mochila con sus pertenencias, agua para el camino y las palabras de motivación que le profería su madre, caminó junto a ella desde Tegucigalpa, Honduras, a Dallas,…
Imagine it’s 1 a.m. and pitch black outside. You wake up to start an 11-mile trek as you’ve done for the last six months – only stopping once the sun comes up. Last year, this was Axsel E.’s life. At 12 years old, Axsel accomplished a feat many kids his age could not imagine. Toting only a backpack, water and encouraging words from his mother, the pair walked from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Dallas with purpose and determination, in the direction of hope. “No te preocupes; vamos a pasar bien,” his mother would reassure him. “Don’t worry; we’ll get through.” A…