The Dallas ISD Board of Trustees was briefed today on a proposed plan to address the requirements set forth in Texas House Bill 3 (HB3), mandating armed security officers on all campuses during regular school hours, effective Sept. 1.
Currently, Dallas ISD officers are assigned to all secondary campuses. To align with provisions outlined in HB3, the district needs 167 additional officers as well as supplemental funding. The Board of Trustees will consider various options, including a “good cause exception,” to comply with HB3.

“We will be asking our board to approve an alternate plan as stated by the Texas Education Agency,” said Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D.
“We will begin by deploying many of our officers who are in supervisory roles, which means they’re going to take on some additional responsibilities.”
During the initial year of implementation, the district will also make a concerted effort to recruit both police officers and Level III security officers. Level III officers are armed security who must complete a Department of Public Safety Level III training and undergo a psychological evaluation as well as a background check.
The Board of Trustees is expected to vote on the final HB3 plan during this month’s Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 24.