Inside Dallas ISD

Browsing: Inside Dallas ISD

A summer meal milestone, workshops that help teachers become even more effective, and lessons in “speedometry” are just some of the big news items in this edition of This Week in Dallas ISD. Watch the above video—or read below—to learn more. Professional learning workshop About 1,000 teachers attended a professional development workshop personalized to them to help them become even more effective at working with students. (Watch this) Summer meal milestone Staff, students, volunteers and partners celebrated the 100,000th free meal served by the Dallas ISD Summer Food Program at the Youth World Learning Center. (Read this) Valuable partnership For the…

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For four weeks this summer at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School and Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, nearly 10,000 Dallas ISD teachers took part in personalized professional learning and development. According to Executive Director of Professional Development Angie Gaylord, teachers selected from an innovative menu of educational sessions, giving them the ability to select topics that not only interest them but also reflect the feedback received in their TEI evaluation. “We want them to be motivated and excited so they can go back and do great things with their kids on campus,” Gaylord said. The teachers responded positively to the…

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Some Dallas ISD teachers will roll into class next fall with a new method to teach science: Speedometry. A curriculum developed by Hot Wheels and the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education uses the small toy cars to teach concepts such as velocity and how weight and aerodynamics affect how far and how fast an object can travel. On Monday, teachers from the district’s Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) schools and from the Intensive Support Network received training on how to teach with Speedometry. They learned about the curriculum and also built ramps – some with looping sections of track –…

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