Written by Aileen C., Dallas Education Foundation Social Media and Marketing Intern Last March, the library at Hillcrest High School was buzzing with students – this time not reading books, but instead displaying their original creations for Texas Art Education Association Big Art Day. Karleen Hesselbacher, art teacher at Hillcrest High School, used her Heart of Teaching grant, to bring back the ceramics program for Hillcrest and give students creative opportunities to showcase their art. Terrence Florie, the principal at Hillcrest High School, wanted to restart the ceramics program since the COVID-19 pandemic, and with support from the Dallas Education Foundation,…
Author: The Hub
Todas las escuelas de Dallas ISD servirán de centros de votación el Día de las Elecciones, por lo que no habrá clases el martes, 5 de noviembre. Esta medida permite que el personal y los estudiantes no estén en las escuelas mientras estas estén abiertas al público durante las elecciones. Las oficinas administrativas del distrito seguirán abiertas y el personal central llevará a cabo un día laboral normal. ¡Dallas ISD vota! La votación temprana comenzó el lunes, 21 de octubre, y terminará el viernes, 1 de noviembre. Los votantes registrados pueden votar a cualquier centro de votación temprana en el…
All Dallas ISD campuses are serving as polling sites for Election Day, and will be closed on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Students will not report to school however, this day is designated as a professional development day for teachers. This measure will ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff while the campuses are open to the public for the election. The district’s administrative offices will remain open and central team members will work a regular day. Dallas ISD Votes! Early voting will run from Monday, Oct. 21 to Friday, Nov. 1. Registered and eligible voters may cast their ballot…
Al participar en estas elecciones, los votantes de Dallas recibirán una calcomanía que dice “Yo voté” única creada por un estudiante de Dallas ISD. Mareily L., estudiante de W.W. Samuell High School, presentó la imagen al concurso de diseño de calcomanías que organiza la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Dallas cada año. Su dibujo ganó el concurso y ahora se repartirá en los centros de votación. Como miembro del Club de Empoderamiento del Electorado Estudiantil, Mareily fue una de muchos estudiantes de Dallas ISD que participaron en el concurso. Hace poco fue reconocida por el administrador de elecciones de…
Submitted by Marc Drumwright, Food Child and Nutrition Services Many students do not get their fair share of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. These foods can be hard to find, expensive, and difficult to prepare for families who are on a tight budget or just don’t have enough time. To give students greater access to a wide variety of fresh seasonal produce, Dallas ISD’s Food and Child Nutrition Services features a special fruit or vegetable on campuses every month as part of the Harvest of the Month Program. All Harvest of the Month produce is locally grown, and…
When they leave the polls, Dallas voters will receive a one-of-a-kind “I Voted” sticker created by a Dallas ISD student. Mareily L., a student at W.W. Samuell High School, entered the image in the annual Dallas County Elections Office sticker design contest. Her drawing won the contest, and it will now be passed out at polling locations. A member of the Student Voter Empowerment Club, Mareily was one of many students from Dallas ISD who participated in the contest. She was recently honored by Dallas Elections Administrator, Heider Garcia, during a public presentation to the Commissioners Court. “I’m thankful for…
Dallas ISD ofrece lo mejor en innovación, tradición y excelencia, como se podrá ver de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. el sábado, 9 de noviembre, en Fair Park. Venga a explorar junto a su familia nuestras escuelas y programas especializados en Descubre Dallas ISD, la mayor feria escolar de la ciudad. En el pasado, este evento contaba con la presencia solamente de escuelas de opción y de aquellas que requieren una solicitud de admisión, pero este año, las escuelas de la comunidad, ahora conocidas como “escuelas Legacy”, también formarán parte de la oferta. Conozca TODAS las ofertas y oportunidades escolares…
Ariana S., a senior at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center, is increasing voter turnout in her community through the launch of her nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, Gen-Z Votes. “It was made in response to the low turnout numbers in my community. Basically, I started conversations about getting involved in politics,” she said. “When I saw a really positive response, I started reaching out to other people from around the country to see if they wanted to start leading these conversations in their community and raising turnout numbers nationwide.” After interning with a voting nonprofit over the summer, Ariana was invited…
Dallas ISD será anfitrión de la conferencia anual de otoño del Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) de 2024, la cual reunirá a más de mil líderes escolares, representantes de mesas directivas, administradores y educadores de las grandes ciudades del país. El evento contará con más de 200 presentaciones sobre varios temas que afectan a los distritos escolares urbanos a nivel nacional. El Council of the Great City Schools representa a los distritos escolares públicos urbanos más grandes del país, y trabaja para que los estudiantes de esas áreas cumplan con altos niveles académicos y tengan éxito como miembros…
Dallas ISD offers the very best in innovation, tradition, and excellence. Come and see for yourself from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9, at Fair Park. Families will have the chance to explore all of our specialty and Legacy Schools and programs, at Discover Dallas ISD–the largest school fair in the city. Traditionally, this districtwide event has been reserved for OTI choice and application-based schools. New this year, neighborhood or “legacy” schools will also be highlighted at the event. Learn about ALL of Dallas ISD’s innovative school offerings and opportunities: Find the best fit for your student…