D Magazine ha nombrado a Lisa Mead, bibliotecaria de Anne Frank Elementary School, como la bibliotecaria del año 2015. El reconocimiento se anunció en la publicación del mes de abril de la revista. Mead fue reconocida en una página casi completa, que incluía su historia y filosofía. Cuando se enteró de la noticia, la directora de Anne Frank, Jonnice Legum-Berns, se sintió muy emocionada. “Todos sabíamos que teníamos una joya, pero ahora la ciudad entera también lo sabe,” dijo Legum-Berns. “Gracias a todos los que mandaron referencias a la revista.” Meads ha trabajado en Anne Frank por cuatro años. Previo…
Author: The Hub
As part of National Volunteer Month, we are recognizing those who do great work in helping out at different schools within the district. Here is a letter Gloria Gallegos, a senior at Hillcrest High School, wrote to volunteer parents.
Students at Dallas ISD’s Nancy Cochran Elementary School will have an outdoor classroom and water-conserving garden thanks to Dallas being ranked at the top among large cities for residents pledging to conserve water. Dallas won the 2014 National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation, and among the prizes was a water-friendly pocket garden – one that will be added to the courtyard at Cochran. On Thursday, April 9, Mayor Mike Rawlings, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lead administrator Gina McCarthy, Toyota Chief Environmental Officer Kevin Butt and nationally renowned muralist Wyland helped break ground on the garden. The artist’s Wyland Foundation, in partnership…
A recruitment fair Wednesday evening marked a significant step towards staffing the six schools identified in the Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) plan with highly effective teachers. The fair connected approximately 180 high-performing district teachers with principals at the six ACE schools. The ACE plan, which the district launched last week, aims to equip campuses where students are struggling academically with strong leaders and teams of highly effective teachers. “The recruitment fair was an opportunity to honor our DTR-eligible teachers for their work in the classroom and also to encourage them to consider taking their talent to an ACE campus in 2015-16,”…
Ask noted Dallas ISD bilingual teacher Irma De La Guardia about the benefits of receiving an alternative teaching certification through Dallas ISD, and she is quick to answer. “It gives you as many resources as possible so you are successful in the classroom,” said De La Guardia, who was named the National Association of Bilingual Educators’ 2015 Teacher of the Year. “The (alternative teaching) certification sets you up for success.” De La Guardia, a third-grade dual-language teacher at Harry C. Withers Elementary, received her Dallas ISD alternative teaching certificate 12 years ago. She said the program isn’t easy, as it…
Each three-pointer the Dallas Mavericks scored on their home court this season will go beyond the scoreboard to represent a new tree on a Dallas ISD campus or area park. It’s the fifth consecutive year the team has conducted its “Threes for Threes” service project. Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Arborilogical Services Inc. partners with the Mavericks to donate, plant and care for the trees over the next few years. The project was on track to plant its 1750th tree at a school this season. On Tuesday, April 7, volunteers from PwC and the Dallas Mavericks planted several trees at Edward…
Los padres de los niños que asisten a la primaria Harry Withers compartieron los beneficios que reciben sus hijos en los programas de pre-kinder. Hillary Verver, mamá de uno de los alumnos, dijo que el pre-kinder le ha enseñado a su hijo lo que es la escuela y le ha permitido a socializar con otros niños. Mientras tanto, Valina Hill, madre de otro estudiante, dijo que el pre-kinder le ha ayudado a su hijo a conectar mejor con sus hermanos y a desarrollar una pasión por aprender otro idioma. Las investigaciones demuestran que los niños que asisten a pre-kinder tienen más probabilidades…
The Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees approved a plan to expand more than 20 different schools in the district. Seagoville High School is among the schools listed to receive campus updates. This approval of renovations, known as the Interim Bridge Plan, is part of a Superintendent Mike Miles’ initiative to transform schools under Destination 2020. Some of these schools are experiencing overcrowding and poor building conditions. The plan will eliminate modular buildings at Seagoville, which has 27 portable at their site. District officials also list Seagoville as a school that needs immediate facility improvements due to overcrowding of…
Dallas Morning News did a report on the Classrooms Without Borders exchange program, which has brought 20 teachers from Mexico to live and and work with DFW-area teachers. The story focuses on one of the Classrooms Without Borders teachers at Stevens Park Elementary. Click here to read the full story. Photo courtesy Dallas Morning News.
Rachel Franz volunteers at William Lipscomb Elementary where her daughter, Claire, attends the second grade. Franz is committed to the school and believes it helps her daughter to be committed to her school as well. Franz is on the PTA and helps with the school’s Site-Based Decision-Making Team.