Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Earlier this month, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban visited Medrano Middle School to talk to more than 100 business students. Mauricio Vazquez, a student at Medrano, followed up with Cuban and asked him a few questions as part of a Q&A for the school paper. Cuban said the interview, which featured such questions as “what word do you say too much” and “who was the last person that called or texted you,” featured the “best interview questions in a long, long time.” Click here to read more from Cuban about the interview.

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Culinary students from across Dallas ISD participated in a healthy foods cook-off hosted by the Diabetes Health and Wellness Institute on April 9 at the Latino Cultural Center. The event promoted healthy ways of preparing food and featured high school students, college students and chefs at the professional level. One Dallas ISD high school that participated was Wilmer-Hutchins High School. The students at Wilmer-Hutchins are part of a culinary program that teaches students how to prepare for their future after they graduate by teaching them how to be chefs. The three Wilmer-Hutchins students that are competing made creative cupcakes using…

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Rachel Harrah, a theatre art teacher at Thomas Jefferson High School, at first thought the Distinguished Teacher Review Process would prove daunting. “I thought it was going to be a mountain I’d have to climb up by myself,” she said. However, now that she has gone through the DTR process, she said that support from other DTR-eligible teachers made the process “a collaborative community instead of one person out to prove themself.” “More importantly, it also showed that Dallas has the best teachers,” she said. “We have the teachers that are making a difference.” The Hub spoke with Harrah last…

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A friendly reminder that the Get Kidz Fit Fest is from noon to 4 p.m. tomorrow, April 11, at Market Hall. This event is free to the public with free parking and free T-shirts for the first 500 students. Between inflatable obstacle courses and healthy cooking demonstrations, this fun-filled event has a little something for everyone. Each family will take home a bag of produce, as well as many other tips and resources on how to stay healthy!

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On Wednesday, April 8, 2015, Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner Michael Williams announced that the STAAR 3-8 math results will not be included in state accountability statistics for 2015. The Commissioner said he decided that more time is needed for students to adjust to the newly adopted math standards that were implemented during the 2014-2015 school year. Additionally, TEA has announced that while all students will still be required to take the STAAR math exam during the week of April 20, students in grades 5 and 8 will not be required to pass the STAAR math test in order to move on…

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W.T. White students, teachers, and alumni will commemorate 50 years of memories at this weekend’s anniversary celebration. Or, as W.T. White Principal Michelle Thompson laughingly put it, the alumni will come back to the school and fondly remember the bathroom they cried in after they broke up with their significant other, the gym where they competed for high school glory, and the classroom that set them on a path of lifelong learning. “It will be great to see our alumni come back and relive their memories from when they went here,” she said. “This weekend will be a lot of…

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Mary Kay Inc. y Junior League of Dallas han nombrado a cuatro alumnas del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Dallas para recibir la segunda beca anual Women LEAD. Estas organizaciones de mujeres se unieron para otorgar $25,000 en becas para jóvenes estudiantes el pasado 26 de marzo en Emmett J. Conrad High School. Diez alumnas finalistas de Conrad High School prepararon un discurso corto sobre los principios fundamentales de Mary Kay Ash y el tema de ensayo: “Su sueño después de la universidad y cómo lograrlo con $5,000.” Un panel de jueces seleccionó a las cuatro ganadoras basándose en su solicitud…

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Elizabeth Offutt is a stay-at-home mom who volunteers weekly at William Lipscomb Elementary, where her son attends fourth grade. Offutt helps with room parent responsibilities, picture day, and, essentially, whatever else the school needs her to do. Offutt said she was taught to give back to the community and wants to be productive and charitable while helping kids in her community. 

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On March 27, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees approved a plan that will invest approximately $129.5 million into addressing critical needs at district schools. A portion of the Bridge Plan, as it is called, will add more pre-K classrooms throughout the district. Alan Cohen, executive director of Dallas ISD’s Early Childhood and Community Partnership Program, said expanding pre-K options is critical since research shows that 85 percent of a child’s brain development occurs in their first five years. “If we don’t reach children in that window of opportunity when they’re learning at a rate that they’re never going to…

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