For Stevens Park Elementary School kindergarten teacher Deborah Castro Torres, creativity is the name of the game. If she is having fun, she said it’s likely that her dual language students will be, too, so she has spent the past 17 years and counting looking for innovative ways to keep her classes engaged. That often means using real-world interactions to keep students involved, whether she is teaching math, science or reading. “One thing that I love to do when we’re doing science is to bring real worms,” Castro Torres said. “I won’t touch them because they gross me out, but…
Author: The Hub
Several Dallas ISD students will spend part of the Spring Break competing in the UIL Cross-Examination Debate State Meet at the University of Texas at Austin. By placing first or second in their respective UIL CX Debate District meets, 12 students from Jefferson, Law Magnet, Samuell, Skyline, and TAG high schools will travel to Austin on March 16 to compete in the UIL state competition, one of the largest debate tournaments in the United States. With the topic of Emerging Technologies, the debate teams will argue whether the US government should increase its security cooperation with NATO in the areas…
S.S. Conner Elementary School in Dallas, TX hosted a three-day Literacy Summit sponsored by Kia America and the Dallas Education Foundation (DEF) from February 21 to 23. The event aimed to promote literacy by providing students with the opportunity to add to their home library collections. During the summit, more than 600 students from Pre-K to 5th grade attended the book fair and explored the books on offer, guided by their teachers or media specialists to ensure age-appropriate and culturally relevant materials. The students were encouraged to select three books to take home, and teachers facilitated guided read-along sessions with…
Dallas ISD le pide al personal de las escuelas y a los padres/tutores legales que proporcionen sus opiniones acerca del calendario para el año escolar 2023-2024. Por favor, responda a la encuesta que se encuentra abajo antes de las 5 p.m. el domingo, 5 de marzo.La Junta Escolar en diciembre aprobó los calendarios para los años escolares 2023-2024 y 2024-2025. Sin embargo, en el año escolar 2023-2024 el Fin de Semana sin Impuestos sería el fin de semana después del comienzo del año escolar en el calendario que ha sido aprobado. La administración ha recibido comentarios al respecto y quiere…
Dallas ISD is asking campus staff and parents/guardians to provide additional feedback on the calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. Please respond to the survey below by 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 5.Calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year were approved by the Board of Trustees in December. However, for the 2023-2024 school year, Tax-Free Weekend is the weekend after the start of that calendar. Administration has taken feedback and would like to offer another option for consideration. Based on the feedback results for the 2023-2024 calendar, adjustments could be made to the 2024-2025 calendar.Option 1: Calendar currently approvedOption 2: Adjustments…
Gracias a su historia que data de principios del siglo XX, cuando a los estudiantes afroamericanos no se les permitía unirse a las organizaciones griegas en universidades predominantemente blancas, las fraternidades y sororidades afroamericanas son un símbolo ejemplar de la resiliencia afroamericana. Estas organizaciones hacen sentir un espíritu de hermandad en la búsqueda del cambio social, y sus miembros ejercen todo tipo de profesiones, algunos incluso en Dallas ISD. “Fácilmente podríamos decir que en cada escuela, en cada departamento de Dallas ISD, trabaja alguien que represente las Divine Nine: las nueve fraternidades y sororidades históricamente afroamericanas de las que está…
Dallas ISD cuenta con más de 142 000 estudiantes de familias diversas en que se hablan más de 80 idiomas. Nuestros estudiantes reciben apoyo de 24 000 miembros del personal, padres y representantes de la comunidad que trabajan todos los días para que los estudiantes tengan éxito en sus estudios y más allá. La Semana de las Escuelas Públicas, del 27 de febrero al 3 de marzo, une a las familias, a educadores y a la comunidad para destacar a las escuelas públicas y compartir historias sobre las cosas positivas que hacemos en las escuelas. La labor que se lleva…
Dating back to the early 1900s when African American students were excluded from Greek organizations at predominantly white colleges and universities, Black sororities and fraternities are a living symbol of black resilience in action. These organizations inspire brotherhood and sisterhood in the pursuit of social change, and representatives can be found in all walks of all life, in all professions and workplaces, including Dallas ISD. “It would not be a stretch to say that at every campus, in every department of Dallas ISD, there is probably someone who represents the Divine Nine,” the nine historically Black sororities and fraternities that…
Dallas ISD is home to more than 142,000 students from diverse households where more than 80 different languages are spoken. Our students are supported by 24,000 team members, parents and community representatives who work every day to ensure they are successful in their educational journey and beyond. Public Schools Week — Feb. 27 – March 3—brings together families, educators, and community members to shine a light on local public schools and share the stories of the positive things happening in our schools. The work that takes place in our classrooms and campuses positively impacts students and families, their neighborhoods, and…
Cuando Adam García fue a una feria de trabajos de Dallas ISD el año pasado, no sabía que el camino que estaba a punto de tomar no solo cambiaría su vida, sino también la de decenas de estudiantes. “Todo sucedió muy rápido”, dijo García, quien ahora es maestro de teatro en Young Men’s Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School. “Me parece que era cosa del destino. Todo se prestó a ello. Acababa de bajar de un avión que venía desde Florida, donde estuve trabajando [en la industria del teatro], pero por alguna razón, tuve fuerzas para ir directamente…