Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

The Dallas Education Foundation, the direct, nonprofit philanthropic partner of Dallas ISD, has announced the recipients of its inaugural HeART of Teaching Discretionary Grant Awards Cycle. The foundation received grant applications from dozens of teachers at campuses across the district and named 35 awardees to receive nearly $127,000 in funding. Proposals included projects that spanned the spectrum of the arts in Dallas ISD, including visual, performing, theatrical, and musical arts. “The importance of the arts in education cannot be overstated,” said Dr. Scott Rudes, Dallas ISD’s executive director of Academic Enrichment and Support. “We’re grateful to the Dallas Education Foundation…

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Grad Goals: From SOC to Longhorn Nation! Meet Tania A., South Oak Cliff High School’s Class of 2023 Valedictorian. She’s a student-athlete and making it to the Olympics someday is just one of her future goals. Learn more about her story and plans after high school below. Congrats, Tania! To share your unique graduation story, visit our website and stay tuned on our social media channels to see other Dallas ISD students we are highlighting throughout May. You can also share your grad’s story by: Posting your grad’s story on social media and tagging Dallas ISD on Facebook, Instagram or…

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Voy a mantener esta información corta. Cuando les pedí que enviaran un correo electrónico a sus legisladores estatales diciéndoles que los educadores de las escuelas públicas no querían vales, ustedes respondieron al llamado. Además, cuando Dallas ISD se unió a los distritos escolares de todo Texas para hacer sonar la alarma sobre el financiamiento escolar, enviaron casi 10,000 correos electrónicos a los legisladores. Gracias. La buena noticia es que suficientes representantes estatales nos escucharon, y el proyecto de ley de vales aún no ha llegado a la Cámara de Representantes de Texas. La mala noticia es que el Senado de Texas está…

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I am going to keep this update short. When I asked you to email your state legislators that public school educators did not want vouchers, you answered the call. In addition, when Dallas ISD joined school districts all over Texas to sound the alarm on school funding, nearly 10,000 emails were sent to lawmakers. Thank you. The good news is that enough state representatives heard us, and a voucher bill has yet to make it onto the floor of the Texas House. The bad news is that the Texas Senate is holding any new public school funding contingent on voucher approval. They…

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Dallas ISD organiza el primer torneo de ajedrez para escuelas primarias en distintas zonas de la ciudad Los estudiantes de 104 escuelas participaron en el primer torneo de ajedrez de primaria, celebrado en Thomas Jefferson High School y Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, donde mostraron sus habilidades y compitieron contra sus compañeros. Participaron cerca de 1600 estudiantes de primaria en tres rondas de ajedrez. Había jugadores experimentados que mostraron lo mucho que saben del ajedrez, así como principiantes que estaban aprendiendo a jugar. El ambiente era electrizante mientras los niños competían con la esperanza de ganar los mejores premios. En…

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Students from 104 schools were able to showcase their chess skills while competing against their peers at the first-ever multi-location elementary chess tournament, held at Thomas Jefferson High School and Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy. Almost 1,600 young chess players from grades kindergarten to fifth- grade participated in three rounds of chess. The students were a mix of experienced and new players, with some showing off their advanced chess skills, while others were just learning the game. The atmosphere was electric as the young players competed in hopes of winning top prizes. Overall, there were 159 individual gold medal winners,…

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Desde que Dallas ISD la reclutó en Filipinas hace 27 años, Estrellita Perez Richter, maestra del programa de estudiantes talentosos y dotados de Julius Dorsey Leadership Academy, ha hecho del distrito su hogar. Perez Richter vino a Estados Unidos en 1995 para ser maestra como parte de los esfuerzos de reclutamiento del distrito a nivel mundial de maestros experimentados para combatir la escasez de docentes de ese entonces. Antes de venir a Dallas, había ejercido en Filipinas desde 1978 como maestra de inglés como segundo idioma a refugiados chinos de cinco a 60 años de edad. Ya que el inglés…

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Grad Goals: From Sunset Bisonettes to Boomer Sooner! Meet Diego A., Sunset High School’s first male drill team captain in all of its 70-year history. Diego will be attending The University of Oklahoma after graduation as a modern dance major and hopes to be part of a professional dance company someday. Congrats, Diego! To share your unique graduation story, visit our website and stay tuned on our social media channels to see other Dallas ISD students we are highlighting throughout May. You can also share your grad’s story by: Posting your grad’s story on social media and tagging Dallas ISD…

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Since she was recruited from the Philippines 27 years ago, Estrellita Perez Richter, a gifted and talented program teacher at Julius Dorsey Leadership Academy, has made Dallas ISD home. Perez Richter came to the United States in 1995 to be a teacher as part of the district’s worldwide recruitment efforts of experienced teachers in response to teacher shortages here. She had been a teacher in the Philippines since 1978 and was teaching English as a second language to Chinese refugees—from 5 to 60 years old—before coming to Dallas. Even though Perez Richter spoke fluent English when she emigrated to the…

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Students from seven Dallas County schools and three schools in Tarrant County got a chance to see government in action this spring in a visit to the Capitol in Austin. The 91 student members of Student Voter Empowerment Clubs (SVEC) had the opportunity to observe floor activity in the Texas House chamber, where they saw bills introduced, explained, and debated, and even witnessed the passage of a bill. After the session, the students met with eight legislators or members of their staff to learn about their roles and responsibilities. The legislators included Reps. Salman Bhojani (D-Euless), Victoria Neave (D-Dallas), John…

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