Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Estudiantes y maestros de programas de mecánica automotriz de cinco preparatorias de Dallas ISD se emocionaron por todo lo que aprendieron durante el evento Mecum Dallas 2016, una de las subastas más grandes del mundo de autos de colección. Los 250 estudiantes y maestros también conocieron a Dave Magers, director ejecutivo de Mecum Auctions, así como a varios comitentes de venta, para aprender sobre la industria y la restauración de los autos de colección, y también sobre las oportunidades profesionales para los estudiantes de la tecnológica de autos. Mecum Auctions donó los boletos para que los estudiantes pudieran asistir. Nancy,…

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The First Annual Chili Cook Off kicked off at F.D. Roosevelt High School, where three Dallas ISD Culinary schools showed off their chili. “We are doing this to encourage students to come out and socialize with people from other campuses,” said Sarah Lewis, culinary and nutrition teacher at Roosevelt. Roosevelt High School ended up taking first place in the cook off.

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Students at Dallas ISD’s Frank Guzick Elementary experienced the political process of voting during a presidential mock election at their school. Students from Pre-K through 5th grade voted for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. “It is very important for our students to know their right to vote,” said Principal Adreana Davis. “It’s also important for our students to understand when selecting a candidate that they choose one who best represents them and their family and values.”

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The mission of the Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA) at James W. Fannin, one of Dallas ISD’s Public School Choice campuses, is to empower students to chart their own educational path through personalized learning. The school opened its doors on August 2015 with its first class of freshman and will grow into a full high school by 2018. IDEA is one of five Dallas ISD inaugural campuses for Personalized Learning and the only Personalized Learning high school. “The students get to make more choices about what they do and how they do it,” said Arelthia Phillips, digital design teacher at…

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SMU Guildhall has joined a partnership with Dallas ISD and the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) to create new opportunities for students to earn free and transferable college credit before they graduate high school. As a Dallas ISD Collegiate Academy partner, SMU Guildhall will work with students enrolled in the Gaming Pathway at Dr. Emmett J. Conrad High School in Dallas’ Vickery Meadow neighborhood. The district launched eight collegiate academies, one of which is the first Pathways to Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) in the state of Texas, at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year. These schools provide…

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La participación de los padres es una parte integral del éxito estudiantil en Blanton Elementary School. La escuela celebró la segunda noche cultural anual festejando el día de los muertos con el propósito de unir a las familias y celebrar la diversidad de la comunidad escolar. Este evento dio a las familias de Blanton la oportunidad de juntos trabajar en manualidades, poemas, y celebrar las vidas y legados de aquellos que han fallecido. “Sentimos que es muy importante que Blanton sea un lugar donde los estudiantes sean exitosos académicamente y también un lugar donde las familias puedan convivir,” dijo Alicia…

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Elias Palmitano, un estudiante de último año en Bryan Adams High School, está enseñándole a sus compañeros sobre el valor de la no violencia y auto-estima después de haberse mudado a Dallas de Argentina hace tres años. Palmitano inició un club de No More Violence (No más violencia) en Bryan Adams School para ayudar a promover rasgos de carácter positivos entre los compañeros. La estación de televisión CW33 ha nombrado a Palmitano como un Class Act of the Week por su excelente trabajo. Haga clic aquí para ver el perfil completo en el CW33!

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Elias Palmitano, a senior at Bryan Adams High School, is teaching his classmates about the value of non-violence and self esteem after moving to Dallas three years ago from Argentina. Palmitano has started a No More Violence club at Bryan Adams to help promote positive character traits to fellow students. CW33 has named Palmitano a Class Act of the Week for his great work. Go here to see the full profile from CW33!

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The Dallas ISD’s Amazing Scholars Race, following the format of popular television series The Amazing Race, took place at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School. Middle and high school scholars competed in a variety of team events that included challenging problems in mathematics, science, English, and social studies, coupled with some good old-fashioned physical fitness. While only some of the scholars emerged as victors, all seemed to relish the opportunity to participate in the day’s activities. The Advanced Academics team thanks Principal Choice and the A. Maceo Smith staff for graciously hosting this event and helping to ensure its success.…

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Parent involvement is a big part of student academic success at Blanton Elementary. The school hosted its second annual cultural night celebrating the Day of the Dead to bring families together and celebrate the diversity of the school community. This event allowed the Blanton families an opportunity to work together on crafts, poems and celebrate the lives and legacies of those who have passed away. “We feel it’s very important that Blanton is not only a place for students to succeed academically, but that it’s also a place for families to come together,” said Alicia Iwasko, math instructional coach at Blanton Elementary. “We are really excited…

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