Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

El Dallas ISD está comprometido a garantizar el triunfo académico en el salón para todos los estudiantes. Una de las maneras que el distrito logra esta meta es identificando que bien están rindiendo las escuelas y proporcionando apoyo adecuado. Igual como las boletas de calificaciones miden el rendimiento individual de los estudiantes, un Sistema de evaluación de las escuelas (SPF, por sus siglas en inglés) proporcionará información sobre cómo una escuela mantiene el desarrollo y aprovechamiento estudiantil. Empezando en el otoño del 2017, el Dallas ISD publicará un SPF para cada plantel. Dará una amplia representación del progreso del plantel…

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Ruel Hamilton, CEO and founder of AmeriSouth Realty, has donated more than $100,000 to support campuses in the Roosevelt High School feeder pattern. The donation will help upgrade technology at the schools. On Tuesday, Dec. 13, Roosevelt High School hosted an event to demonstrate some of the new technology and to thank Hamilton for his generous donation. Superintendent Michael Hinojosa and Trustee Lew Blackburn were among those in attendance. Students also talked about the learning opportunities the new technology would bring. “This new technology is going to greatly enhance the instructional programming here at Roosevelt High School,” Roosevelt Principal Brian De Veaux…

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The Dallas Independent School District is one of 433 school districts in the U.S. and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on the 7th Annual AP® District Honor Roll. To be included on the 7th Annual Honor Roll, Dallas ISD had to, since 2014, increase the number of students participating in AP while also increasing or maintaining the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher. Reaching these goals shows that Dallas ISD is successfully identifying motivated, academically prepared students who are ready for AP. “Thanks to the support of the community, private donors,…

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Every student at Lida Hooe Elementary got two free books to take home for good thanks to Mike Thrasher of Books Are the Beginning. Books Are the Beginning will this year will give a total of six books to students at Hooe, Stevens Park, and James Hogg elementary schools to take home as their own. The goal is to help the students start growing their own home library, Thrasher said. “Children need books at home to enhance their reading skills,” Thrasher said. Learn more in the above video.

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Dallas ISD Trustee Joyce Foreman joined 34 other school board members from across Texas Nov. 17-19 at the second session of the Leadership TASB class of 2017. Selected by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the group is participating in a yearlong education leadership study program. These trustees represent school districts of all sizes, with student populations of 1,000 to 159,000, and reflect a similar range of property wealth. Participants who complete all required elements of the study will graduate next year by earning Master Trustee status. This is the highest designation recognized by TASB. Meeting in San Antonio, the…

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Hay mucha emoción en la ciudad de Dallas por una nueva escuela que estará abriendo sus puertas en el otoño. Después de un proceso de propuesta riguroso, CityLab High School está lista para recibir en agosto de 2017 a 100 estudiantes de nuevo ingreso al noveno grado. La escuela, que estará ubicada en el Pegasus Complex, en el centro de Dallas, tendrá un enfoque en la planificación urbana, las ciencias ambientales y la arquitectura. Allí, los estudiantes podrán aprovechar la ciudad y utilizarla como laboratorio para reforzar su aprendizaje y explorar la diversidad y los vecindarios de Dallas. CityLab High…

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The Lost Souls Rugby Football Club made a generous toy donation to Adelfa Botello Callejo Elementary on Tuesday. “It brought us great joy to see the smile on each kid’s face,” the rugby club wrote on its Facebook page. “We are truly happy and blessed to know these kids will not go without a gift this holiday season.” Callejo Elementary Principal Sandra Fernandez said parents had expressed a need for holiday toy assistance. “This was a true blessing for our kids,” Fernandez said. “The kids are going to be so excited to receive a new toy.”

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Some 75 parents, students, community members and district staff recently attended a second community meeting devoted to construction improvements for David W. Carter High School. The project architect displayed drawings and walked the audience through an expanded plan of improvements that included several features beyond the originally proposed scope of work. The revised plan includes a total facility roof upgrade, new windows throughout the school, renovated science labs, a new school entry with expanded administrative offices, and upgrades to the auditorium and fine arts spaces. The expanded scope also calls for new landscaping at the front entrance of the building and…

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Terry Stotts’ students at Dallas ISD’s Multiple Careers Magnet Center leave his class with much more than woodworking skills. “It’s more than subject matter,” Stotts said. “It’s how to have fun. You can’t learn if you’re not having fun.” With more than 30 years of teaching experience – the last 12 at Multiple Careers – it’s obvious he practices what he teaches in his Construction Technology classes. On Tuesday, Dec. 13, Stotts and his students delivered colorful wooden rocking horses they built to the Ronald McDonald House in Dallas, something they have done the past five years before Christmas. Amy…

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Today, Ford Motor Company Fund brings the Ford Driving Dreams reading party to inspire the love of reading to second-grade students at Obadiah Knight Elementary School. The reading party is being held by Ford Fund as part of the Ford Driving Dreams program and, in collaboration with the nonprofit First Book, will donate 10,000 new books to 100 schools in North Texas. Ford Fund representatives and Ford dealers will be among the volunteer readers at the event. “Education will always be a priority for Ford,” said Joe Avila, community outreach manager, Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford…

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