Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Analicia Reed who is a Director of Clinical Operations for ReadiVet. Read about her educational journey at Dallas ISD and how her teachers impacted her to give back to her community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? High School of Health Professions at Townview Magnet Center in 2012. What are your responsibilities as a director of clinical operations? I oversee all clinical operations for four veterinary clinics across 3 states to ensure uniformity across the company. I also directly supervise three…

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Over 100 Dallas ISD students discovered computer science this year through a unique, after-school coding program led by the education nonprofit, Bold Idea. The nonprofit’s ideaSpark Coding Clubs combine project-based learning in computer science with mentoring from technology professionals. Across 28 weeks, students created engaging coding projects, like websites and video games, while learning computer programming languages like Scratch, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Students participated at their school campuses or through an online Coding Club. The program is available for students in third to twelfth grades, whether they have coding experience or are just getting started. Students are supported by…

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The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Alberto Mercado who is a Senior Associate, North Texas Business Development Representative for Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN). Read about his accomplishments after his Dallas ISD education. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? W. T. White High School in 2009. What are your responsibilities as a Senior Associate, North Texas Business Development Representative for LAN? In my role at LAN, I lead the North Texas business development efforts in North Texas, with a particular emphasis on architecture, engineering, and…

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Principal Dawna Duke is taking learning on the go at Thomas C. Marsh Preparatory Academy thanks to recently getting cleared to drive a school bus for Dallas ISD. Duke said she realized how expensive it is to use a school bus due to the cost of paying a driver and how limited field trips are if they have to be completed by a certain time, so she decided to step up and take on a bus driver role herself to make active learning more accessible. As a licensed bus driver, she can use a district bus. Now that she has…

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Para Sandy Peatrowsky, maestra itinerante para estudiantes con sordera total o parcial, todos los días son diferentes. Visita hasta cinco escuelas cada día para trabajar con un promedio de 16 estudiantes cada semana de casi todos los grados, y adapta sus lecciones y actividades a las necesidades de cada individuo. Durante sus visitas, la comunicación es un tema recurrente, ya sea sobre el vocabulario, la memoria auditiva o la acción de abogar por sí mismo. “Un estudiante que no usa un aparato auditivo ni que tiene pérdida auditiva podrá escuchar una palabra 100 veces, pero mis estudiantes posiblemente la escuchen…

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¡Venga al evento de inscripciones para el regreso a clases de Dallas ISD e inscriba a su hijo al nuevo año escolar! El sábado, 5 de agosto, de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m. en Ellis Davis Field House, ubicado en 9191 S. Polk St. Los padres recibirán ayuda personal con la inscripción para estudiantes de kínder hasta 12º grado. Estudiantes que se inscriban recibirán útiles escolares, mochilas y otros servicios gratuitos hasta agotar existencias.  Por favor venga preparado con los siguientes documentos para completar la inscripción de su hijo: Acta de nacimiento (estudiantes nuevos) Identificación con foto del padre/tutor Comprobante…

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Join us for the Dallas ISD Back to School Registration Event to get your child registered for the new school year! It all happens Saturday, August 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ellis Davis Field House, located at 9191 S. Polk St. Parents will receive in-person assistance with registration, for students enrolling in pre-K through 12th grade. Students registering onsite for K-12th grade will receive free school supplies, backpacks and other services, while supplies last.  Please come prepared with the following documents to complete your child’s enrollment: Birth certificate (new students) Parent/guardian photo ID Proof of address Immunization…

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For Sandy Peatrowsky, a deaf/hard of hearing itinerant teacher, no day looks the same. She visits up to five schools per day to work with an average of 16 students per week across most grade levels, catering lesson plans and activities to each individual’s needs. During her visits, communication is a regular theme, whether it be related to vocabulary, auditory memory, or self-advocacy. “For a student who does not have hearing aids or hearing loss, they will hear a word 100 times, but my student might only hear it 50 times,” Peatrowsky said. “We do a lot of work so…

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La National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) otorgó al Departamento de Comunicaciones de Dallas ISD el Golden Achievement Award y varios reconocimientos más por su excelencia en publicaciones y medios digitales. El Golden Achievement Award reconoce la excepcional labor estratégica en todos los aspectos de las relaciones públicas escolares, las comunicaciones, la mercadotecnia y el compromiso. Los reconocimientos por excelencia en publicaciones y medios digitales celebran las publicaciones, boletines electrónicos, programas de medios digitales, programas de radio, televisión y video, pódcasts, redes sociales, infografías, blogs y sitios web del departamento. Presentamos a continuación la lista de reconocimientos: Golden Achievement Award…

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The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) awarded Dallas ISD Communication Services a Golden Achievement Award and several recognitions for Publications and Digital Media Excellence. NSPRA’s Golden Achievement Award recognizes outstanding, strategic work in all aspects of school public relations, communication, marketing, and engagement. NSPRA’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards recognize outstanding education publications, e-newsletters, digital media programs, radio/TV/video programs, podcasts, social media, infographics, blogs, and websites. View a list of the Communication Services winning entries below: Golden Achievement Award Winner – Dallas ISD’s Comprehensive Safety Plan: A Crisis Response to the Robb Elementary School Tragedy Award of Excellence,…

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