During its Aug. 24 board meeting, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees amended the existing Student Code of Conduct (SCoC) to align with the recently passed Texas House Bill 114 (HB114). Effective Sept. 1, 2023, any student caught with a vape device on campus, within 300-feet of school property, or at a school-sponsored event must be placed in DAEP. The new procedures are as follows: – A conference or hearing will be conducted by the appropriate administrator at the student’s home campus to be accountable for student attendance and transitioning to the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP). – A student’s…
Author: The Hub
The AlumNow series showcases former students’ post-graduation successes. We recently caught up with Joseph Pouncey who is the new principal at Skyline High School. Read about his educational journey at Dallas ISD and how his teachers impacted him to give back to his community. What high school did you graduate from and what year did you graduate? Skyline High School in 1996. What are your responsibilities as a high school principal? All things instructional, cultural, and community for Skyline High School. It’s a job where you are tending to the flock in a lot of different ways and the flock are…
Por cerca de tres años, algunos estudiantes de Dallas ISD que necesitan apoyo adicional en lectura lo han conseguido gracias al Programa de Intervención para la Lectura (Reading Interventionist Program) del distrito. Los resultados han sido tan prometedores que, comenzando el nuevo año escolar, el programa se expandirá para ofrecerse en casi cada primaria del distrito. El programa arrancó en marzo de 2021 en seis primarias y cuatro secundarias con predominancia afroamericana. Su objetivo es brindar equidad en alfabetización y cerrar las brechas de aprendizaje para los estudiantes de esas escuelas. En colaboración con la Oficina de Equidad Racial del…
For nearly three years, some Dallas ISD students needing extra support in reading have been finding that support through the district’s Reading Interventionist Program. The results have been so promising that as this new school year begins, the program is expanding to nearly every elementary campus in the district. The program began in March 2021, with six elementary and four middle schools serving primarily African American campuses to provide equity in literacy and close learning gaps for students on those campuses. In partnership with the district’s Racial Equity Office, the district’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Department (MTSS) used the MAP…
DALLAS — Dallas ISD retrasará el horario de 11 de los 14 partidos de fútbol americano varsity a partir del jueves, 24 de agosto, debido a temperaturas récord en el norte de Texas. “Debido al calor extremo, Dallas ISD cambiará la hora de los partidos para que los estudiantes y los fanáticos tengan una experiencia más placentera”, dijo Corey Eaton, director adjunto de medicina deportiva. “En prácticas recientes, hemos notado que la temperatura de globo y bulbo húmedo (TGBH) baja alrededor de las 7:30 de la tarde”. El distrito observa el índice TGBH para evaluar las condiciones climáticas calurosas. Este…
DALLAS — Dallas ISD will delay kickoff times for 11 of the 14 varsity football games beginning Thursday, Aug. 24 due to record temperatures in North Texas. “With the extreme heat we are experiencing, Dallas ISD is adjusting game times to provide student-athletes and fans a more comfortable experience,” said Corey Eaton, assistant athletic director for sports medicine. “In recent practices and scrimmages, we’ve noticed the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) reading reduces around 7:30 p.m.” The district monitors the WBGT index to assess hot weather conditions. The index measures ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation that can…
Durante su sesión informativa del 10 de agosto, la Junta Escolar puso bajo consideración enmendar el actual Código de Conducta Estudiantil de modo que se conforme con la recién aprobada Ley 114 de la Cámara de Representantes de Texas (HB114, por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente, la posesión, el uso y la entrega de un cigarrillo electrónico, conocido también como vape en inglés, se considera una infracción de nivel II bajo el Código de Conducta Estudiantil. Si la Junta Escolar aprueba la enmienda, la posesión, el uso y la entrega de un cigarrillo electrónico subirá a la categoría de infracción…
Dallas ISD es el ganador del Premio Distrito de Distinción de la Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) por tercer año consecutivo. Esta distinción reconoce a los distritos escolares que están abriendo el camino a las artes visuales y que son un ejemplo de una educación completa que aboga por las artes visuales y las integra en el plan de estudios para inspirar la creatividad y fomentar el aprendizaje socioemocional. “Este premio por tercer año consecutivo es una prueba de la pasión, importancia y esfuerzo de nuestros maestros de artes visuales. Estamos muy orgullosos de ser el mayor distrito de Texas…
Dallas ISD is the winner of the Texas Art Education Association (TAEA) District of Distinction Award for the third consecutive year. This distinction honors school districts who are leading the way in the visual arts as well as exemplifying a well-rounded education that advocates and integrates visual arts curriculum to inspire creativity and build social-emotional learning. “This award for the third year in a row is a testament to the passion, importance, and hard work of our visual arts teachers. We are so proud to be the largest district in Texas to receive this honor,” Monica Hayslip, director of the…
In the five years Ashley Marshall has been managing her small team in the Homeless Education Program, she has seen countless examples of students’ lives being transformed for the better by the program. During the 2022-2023 school year, Marshall said about 4,300 Dallas ISD students were coded as homeless, which could mean they were sleeping in hotels, cars, or shelters. The HEP team not only works alongside those students to ensure they have uniforms, hygiene supplies, and backpacks, but they also reach out to the students’ families to provide them with education and additional support. Marshall said her favorite memories…