Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Dallas ISD offers more unique opportunities and programs than any school district in the area. And from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 4, at W.H. Adamson High School, families will have the chance to explore school offerings, preview all choice and application-based schools, and receive on-site support with registration for next school year.  Learn about Dallas ISD’s innovative school offerings and opportunities: Find the best fit for your student by discovering over 100 choice schools and programs.  Hear from representatives about opportunities such as P-TECH/ECHS, Montessori, Project-Based Learning, Talented & Gifted, STEM/STEAM, Early Learning, Career Institutes, Dual…

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La seguridad de los estudiantes y empleados es la principal prioridad de Dallas ISD, por lo que al inicio de este año escolar, se designó a un nuevo departamento proveer mejoras a la tecnología y seguridad para avanzar esta prioridad en todo el distrito. “El Departamento de Seguridad, Monitoreo y Recursos Escolares asegurará que todas las escuelas e instalaciones del distrito cuenten con las herramientas y sistemas tecnológicos que monitoreen y creen un ambiente seguro para los estudiantes, empleados y la comunidad”, dijo David Bates, jefe de Operaciones. “Estará a cargo de la adquisición, implementación y, subsiguientemente, el monitoreo de…

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Every year the Margaret and Gilbert Herrera International Welcome Center helps thousands of immigrant families navigate the enrollment process for their children who are new to the U.S. education system. National Immigrants Day is celebrated on Oct. 28 to honor the diversity and culture that immigrants bring to their communities, and the welcome center is usually the first stop for many of these immigrant families who want their children—born here or in other countries—to have all the opportunities an education offers. This year, the center’s team members have already helped register 3,500 students of all ages, above the average for…

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Safety for students and employees is the top priority of Dallas ISD, and since the start of this school year, a new department has been designated to provide the technology and security enhancements to support that priority across the district. “The School Safety, Monitoring and Resources Department ensures that all schools and district facilities are equipped with the tools and technology systems to monitor and provide a safe environment for students, employees, and the community,” said David Bates, Chief of Operations. “It will oversee the purchase, the implementation, and subsequently the monitoring of safety and related systems and supports at…

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La capacidad de hacer cálculos en la cabeza es imprescindible para los estudiantes STEM de todo Dallas ISD, quienes mostraron esta y otras habilidades durante el encuentro invitacional de la Asociación de Entrenadores de Matemáticas y Ciencias de Texas (TMSCA, por sus siglas en inglés) el 7 de octubre, en Conrad High School de Dallas ISD. El encuentro contó con la asistencia de más de 75 escuelas con más de 1400 estudiantes de grado tres a 12 que compitieron en cuatro áreas académicas: sentido numérico, aplicaciones de calculadora, matemáticas y ciencias. Participar en el encuentro dio a los estudiantes la…

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The ability to perform calculations in one’s head is an invaluable skill to have. STEM students from across Dallas ISD displayed this skill and more at the Texas Math and Science Coaches Association (TMSCA) Dallas ISD Invitational Meet on Oct. 7 at Conrad High School. With 75 schools in attendance, more than 1,400 students in grades three through 12 competed in four TMSCA academic competitions: Number Sense, Calculator Applications, Math, and Science. Involvement in TMSCA invitational meets gives elementary and secondary students the opportunity to practice for UIL math and science contests through grade level and team competitions. “TMSCA improves…

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Se suele pensar en los maestros como los héroes del salón de clases, pero en ocasiones, son héroes fuera del aula también. Tal fue el caso de Israel Alfaro, maestro de Inglés I en W.H. Adamson High School, quien se encontró recientemente en una situación de peligro en que le salvó la vida al piloto de un globo aerostático. Alfaro, graduado de Skyline High School y maestro con tres años de experiencia en Dallas ISD, estaba manejando en Crandall de camino a la casa de su hermana cuando vio un globo aerostático en el cielo. Dijo que llamó a su…

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Teachers are often thought of as heroes in the classroom, but sometimes, they get to be heroes outside of school. That was the case for Israel Alfaro, an English I teacher at W.H. Adamson High School, who recently found himself in a dangerous situation, playing a crucial role in saving the life of a hot air balloon pilot. Alfaro—a Skyline High School graduate and three-year veteran of  Dallas ISD—was driving in Crandall to his sister’s house when he noticed a hot air balloon in the sky. He said he called his wife, who is fascinated by hot air balloons, to…

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A lo largo de los 17 años que Raquel Radford Baker ha trabajado por el Departamento de Servicios de Transporte de Dallas ISD, la seguridad de los estudiantes ha sido su prioridad, pero nunca se imaginó que estaría en una situación de salvarle la vida a un estudiante mientras iban en la ruta. Sobre las 7:30 a.m. el viernes, 29 de septiembre, en Seagoville North Elementary School, un estudiante de siete años caminó hacia ella tambaleando de un lado a otro en el autobús. Primero pensó que quizás estaba enfermo porque parecía que quería vomitar, pero cuando llegó a su…

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During the 17 years that Raquel Radford Baker has worked for Dallas ISD’s Transportation Services, student safety has been her first priority, but she never imagined she would be in a position to actively save a student’s life while on a route. At about 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 29, at Seagoville North Elementary School, she noticed a 7-year-old student staggering toward her in the bus. She first thought he might be sick because he appeared to be trying to throw up, Radford Baker said. As he got closer, she heard him mention something about a penny, and she immediately…

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