Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

To help fight hunger among children in our Dallas community during the holidays, the Food and Child Nutrition Services department plans to provide a “pop-up” meal service FREE of cost to all children 18 years and younger. Three breakfasts and three lunches will be served in a “pop-up” format on Monday, Nov. 20. Meals are served while supplies last.  Click here for a preparation guide as some meals may require cooking. Click here for times and locations. In case of weather conditions: If the weather is GOOD, we will have a “pop-up” meal service.  A delivery truck will park at the main…

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Submitted by The Dallas Education Foundation With its new book vending machine, every day is a book fair at Marcus Leadership Academy. The elementary school hosted a literacy event in September – sponsored by NEC Foundation of America (NECAM) with the support of the Dallas Education Foundation in partnership with Catch Up & Read (CAR) – to highlight the school’s current and emerging programs that are accelerating academic outcomes for students. “[Students] can have the experience of a book fair every single day at their fingertips. They can access a new book, a new experience, new learning,” said Dallas ISD…

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Enviado por la Fundación Educativa de Dallas La Fundación Educativa de Dallas (DEF, por sus siglas en inglés), socio directo y designado, filantrópico y sin fines de lucro de Dallas ISD, realizó la tercera edición de la gala HeART of Teaching el 1 de noviembre en el histórico Longhorn Ballroom. Este año la gala contó con una nueva forma de unir a la comunidad de Dallas con Dallas ISD al formar dúos con maestros de baile de Dallas ISD y figuras de la ciudad durante una competencia amistosa titulada Bailando con las estrellas de Dallas. Se destacó a educadores de…

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Submitted by The Dallas Education Foundation The Dallas Education Foundation (DEF), the direct and designated, non-profit, philanthropic partner of Dallas ISD, hosted its third annual HeART of Teaching gala on Nov. 1 at the historic Longhorn Ballroom. This year’s gala featured an innovative way of uniting the Dallas community and Dallas ISD by partnering Dallas ISD dance teachers and notable Dallasites with a fun and friendly dance competition — Dancing with the Stars of Dallas.  Not only were Dallas ISD dance educators highlighted, but the energy of the evening was amplified with musical performances by teachers throughout the art disciplines…

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As Dallas celebrates America Recycles Day, Nov. 15, the district continues to increase its recycling efforts in schools and other facilities. In the last five years alone, recycling in the district has increased from 12 percent to over 17 percent, according to Bryant Shaw, manager of the Energy and Sustainability Department. Since 2017, the district has also had a 52% decrease in trash going to the landfill. In 2015, Dallas ISD replaced the polystyrene trays with compostable plates in the cafeterias, and Shaw said the district hopes to add compostable trash bags and utensils by 2027. Dallas ISD is making progress…

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Dallas celebra el Día de Reciclaje de Estados Unidos el 15 de noviembre y sigue aumentando sus esfuerzos de reciclaje en las escuelas y otras instalaciones. Solo en los últimos cinco años, el reciclaje en el distrito ha aumentado del 12 por ciento a más del 17 por ciento, según Bryant Shaw, gerente del Departamento de Energía y Sostenibilidad. Desde 2017, el distrito también ha registrado un descenso del 52 por ciento en la basura que va al vertedero. En 2015, Dallas ISD reemplazó las bandejas de plástico poliestireno por platos compostables en las cafeterías, y Shaw dijo que el…

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Una persona que a los estudiantes y la comunidad de Francisco “Pancho” Medrano Junior High School resulta familiar y simpática es Carlos Rodríguez, profesional de apoyo educativo, quien lleva más de tres décadas trabajando en el distrito. De hecho, su trayectoria como miembro del personal del distrito empezó cuando aún era adolescente. Rodríguez comenzó su carrera en el distrito en 1992, un año después de graduarse de North Dallas High School, cuando se le ofreció un trabajo en Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School. Actualmente trabaja en el Departamento de Inglés como Segundo Idioma en Medrano, pero ha compartido sus talentos en…

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A familiar and friendly face for students and community members at Francisco “Pancho” Medrano Junior High School is Carlos Rodriguez, an education support professional, who has worked for the district for over three decades. In fact his journey as a Dallas ISD team member began when he was a teenager. In recognition of all they do to support learning, team members like Rodriguez, can be celebrated on Nov. 15—Education Support Professionals Day. The day was first celebrated in 1987 by the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly to honor the contributions of all school support staff. To learn more, click here. Rodriguez…

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Families who are interested in sending their student to one of Dallas ISD’s specialty programs and schools for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to apply online now. The application process is open from November 2024 through January 2025. Dallas ISD offers more unique opportunities and programs than any school district in the area. Click here for more information and browse over 100 unique educational opportunities. Applications are open NOW for the following: Neighborhood Schools Pre-K through 12th Grade P-TECH and Early College Program Magnet Schools Montessori Schools Single-Gender International Baccalaureate Dual Language Personalized Learning Transformation Schools Talented and Gifted…

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“El acto de terrorismo perpetrado contra Israel el 7 de octubre es horrible, difícil de imaginar e imposible de comprender. El terrorismo –un ataque no provocado contra la humanidad– en cualquier parte del mundo no está bien, y podría ser fácil quedarse con los brazos cruzados, sin poder entender, e incluso tratar de ignorar las horribles imágenes. Pero eso es lo que debería preocuparnos a todos, porque las verdaderas soluciones necesitan de nuestras acciones y reacciones. Nuestro distrito escolar tiene a estudiantes que provienen de más de setenta países y ningún niño debe sentirse asustado, indigno, invisible, sin voz o…

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