Una persona que a los estudiantes y la comunidad de Francisco “Pancho” Medrano Junior High School resulta familiar y simpática es Carlos Rodríguez, profesional de apoyo educativo, quien lleva más de tres décadas trabajando en el distrito. De hecho, su trayectoria como miembro del personal del distrito empezó cuando aún era adolescente. Rodríguez comenzó su carrera en el distrito en 1992, un año después de graduarse de North Dallas High School, cuando se le ofreció un trabajo en Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School. Actualmente trabaja en el Departamento de Inglés como Segundo Idioma en Medrano, pero ha compartido sus talentos en…
Author: The Hub
A familiar and friendly face for students and community members at Francisco “Pancho” Medrano Junior High School is Carlos Rodriguez, an education support professional, who has worked for the district for over three decades. In fact his journey as a Dallas ISD team member began when he was a teenager. In recognition of all they do to support learning, team members like Rodriguez, can be celebrated on Nov. 15—Education Support Professionals Day. The day was first celebrated in 1987 by the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly to honor the contributions of all school support staff. To learn more, click here. Rodriguez…
Families who are interested in sending their student to one of Dallas ISD’s specialty programs and schools for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to apply online now. The application process is open from November 2024 through January 2025. Dallas ISD offers more unique opportunities and programs than any school district in the area. Click here for more information and browse over 100 unique educational opportunities. Applications are open NOW for the following: Neighborhood Schools Pre-K through 12th Grade P-TECH and Early College Program Magnet Schools Montessori Schools Single-Gender International Baccalaureate Dual Language Personalized Learning Transformation Schools Talented and Gifted…
“El acto de terrorismo perpetrado contra Israel el 7 de octubre es horrible, difícil de imaginar e imposible de comprender. El terrorismo –un ataque no provocado contra la humanidad– en cualquier parte del mundo no está bien, y podría ser fácil quedarse con los brazos cruzados, sin poder entender, e incluso tratar de ignorar las horribles imágenes. Pero eso es lo que debería preocuparnos a todos, porque las verdaderas soluciones necesitan de nuestras acciones y reacciones. Nuestro distrito escolar tiene a estudiantes que provienen de más de setenta países y ningún niño debe sentirse asustado, indigno, invisible, sin voz o…
“The terrorism carried out against Israel Oct 7th is horrific to watch, difficult to process and impossible to comprehend. Terrorism –an unprovoked assault against humanity– in any part of the world is not okay, and it is easy to sit by in stunned disbelief, unable to sense make and even try to ignore the horrific images. But that is what should concern us all, because real solutions live in our actions and reactions. Our school district serves students representing more than seventy countries and no child should feel afraid, unworthy, invisible, voiceless, and powerless. Antisemitism, anti-Muslim, anti-Asian, racism, or discrimination…
El Departamento de Servicios Bibliotecarios y Multimedia de Dallas ISD lleva dos años trabajando en Project R.E.A.D., y desde la primavera pasada, se han abierto casi semanalmente bibliotecas en escuelas y se han publicado fotos de los cortes de listón y las celebraciones estudiantiles en las redes sociales. Project R.E.A.D. es una iniciativa de rediseño de bibliotecas cuyas siglas significan “investigación, exploración, aplicación y diseño” en inglés. Su finalidad es incrementar el interés de los estudiantes en las artes y el diseño, profundizar su conocimiento de la codificación, que dominen sus habilidades de presentación y oratoria usando transmisiones digitales y…
Dallas ISD Library and Media Services has been working for two years on Project R.E.A.D., and since last spring, there have been almost weekly launches of libraries with schools posting their ribbon cuttings and school celebrations on social media. Project R.E.A.D. is a library redesign initiative—whose acronym stands for research, exploration, application and design—is intended to increase students’ interests in the arts and design, deepen their knowledge of coding, hone their speaking and presentation skills using digital broadcasts, and increase their critical thinking skills through research and collaboration. Approximately 80 schools were scheduled to undergo this redesign.The project has been…
The last designated fall semester professional development day for campus Dallas ISD team members will take place remotely on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Campuses will be closed that day, and non-teaching employees will receive instructions from their supervisors or departments about training modules. Nov. 7 will be a regular workday for central employees on work calendars 226 or more work days. Campus exempt employees will have through Nov. 7 to complete the remote training modules designated by their principals, which will combine asynchronous and live virtual modules. Non-exempt employees will need to earn eight hours of comp time from Oct. 1-31…
Dallas ISD ofrecerá a los estudiantes una nueva oportunidad para el año escolar 2024–2025: la Academia de Bomberos en Franklin D. Roosevelt High School of Innovation. Este programa único incluye un plan de estudios en que los estudiantes terminarán la preparatoria mientras obtengan certificaciones reconocidas por la industria para ser bomberos. Podrán solicitar admisión a este programa a partir del 4 de noviembre, de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m., durante Descubre Dallas ISD en W.H. Adamson High School. Los valores fundamentales del plan de estudios de Roosevelt son la seguridad, el trabajo en equipo y la participación comunitaria. Estos fundamentos…
New for the 2024-2025 school year, Dallas ISD will offer students an opportunity to join a Firefighter Academy at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School of Innovation. The first-of-its-kind program includes a curriculum where students finish their high school degree while simultaneously earning industry-recognized certifications to become a firefighter. Students can apply for this program now through January 31. At the core of Roosevelt’s curriculum are the values: safety, teamwork, and community engagement. These foundations are ingrained in the academy, combining rigorous coursework with hands-on training to prepare students for a future in fire services. Students will learn from industry experts,…