Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

La temporada de graduaciones es para las familias una oportunidad para celebrar los logros, el esfuerzo y la dedicación de los estudiantes. Para celebrar a los graduados que comienzan el siguiente capítulo en sus vidas, Dallas ISD comparte con ustedes sus increíbles historias.  Visite nuestra página web y nuestras redes sociales durante todo el mes de mayo para conocer a los estudiantes destacados. Usted también puede compartir la historia de su estudiante de último año de la siguiente manera: Publique la historia de su hijo en las redes sociales y etiquete a Dallas ISD en Facebook, Instagram o Twitter. Envíe…

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Grad Goals: From the workshop to the workforce! Seagoville High School senior, Elia Perez, found her passion for welding while helping her dad. Now, she is on her way to making her mark in a male dominated trade. Learn more about her story and the unique welding program at Seagoville High School. To share your unique graduation story, visit our website and stay tuned on our social media channels to see other Dallas ISD students we are highlighting throughout May. You can also share your grad’s story by: Posting your grad’s story on social media and tagging Dallas ISD on…

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Graduation season is a time for family and friends to celebrate the accomplishments, hard work, and dedication of students. In a salute to graduates embarking on the next chapter of their lives, Dallas ISD is celebrating seniors graduating this year by sharing their incredible stories. Throughout the month of May, visit our website and social media sites to see who we are highlighting. You can also share your grad’s story by: Posting your grad’s story on social media and tagging Dallas ISD on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter Submitting their story here for a chance to be featured  Posting their story…

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Nominations are now being accepted for the next class of the Dallas ISD Athletic Hall of Fame. Since its creation in 2017, the Hall of Fame has welcomed 42 individuals into its membership. The Hall of Fame recognizes and honors individuals who have made significant contributions to our storied high school athletic programs. Individuals may be nominated in one of three categories: past Dallas ISD student-athlete; former Dallas ISD coach; and contributors. Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and moral character. Nominations for the sixth class of the Dallas ISD Athletic Hall of Fame are open…

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Van Harris, maestro de ciencias de quinto grado en María Moreno STEAM Academy, sabe cómo motivar a sus estudiantes al máximo. Por ejemplo, el año pasado una estudiante solo respondió mal a una pregunta del examen común. Al momento de ayudar a su clase a fijar metas para la próxima Evaluación de Preparación Académica del Estado de Texas (STAAR, por sus siglas en inglés), esta estudiante decidió que su meta sería conseguir una calificación perfecta. “Está bien, vamos a enfocarnos en esa meta”, le dijo Harris. “Así que le conseguí paquetes del TEKS que no aprobó, y de ahí en…

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Una coalición de distritos escolares y defensores de las escuelas públicas hizo sonar la alarma “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” hoy para pedir a padres, maestros, miembros del personal de los distritos y demás, que se comuniquen con los legisladores estatales para pedir que las escuelas públicas de Texas reciban más fondos. Si bien solo queda un mes más en la sesión legislativa de Texas, todavía hay tiempo para que los legisladores asignen más fondos del excedente récord de $32.7 mil millones del estado a la educación pública. Se invita a que todos los que apoyen a las escuelas públicas tomen 15 segundos para acceder a este enlace link y enviar una solicitud a sus legisladores estatales individuales pidiendo más fondos para la educación…

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A grassroots coalition of school districts and public school advocates sounded a “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” alarm today to urge parents, teachers, district team members and other supporters to contact state lawmakers about providing more funding for Texas public schools.While there is only one month left in the Texas legislative session, there is still time for lawmakers to allocate more of the state’s record $32.7 billion surplus to public education.Supporters of public schools are encouraged to take 15 seconds to access this link that will send a request to their individual state lawmakers seeking more funding for public education.“We appreciate that lawmakers have…

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La maestra de Skyline Sophie Nah sabe que aprender un idioma como el coreano, que no está basado en el alfabeto latino, puede ser difícil, así que hace que sus clases sean divertidas. Quizás por eso, Nah, quien ofrece cuatro niveles de clases, de noveno a 12º grado, logra que los estudiantes regresen cada año para aprender más. Sus estudiantes no sólo aprenden a hablar en coreano a nivel de conversación. También practican manualidades y hacen cerámica, papalotes, máscaras tradicionales, abanicos y otros objetos. Además, aprenden sobre la gastronomía coreana y, al mismo tiempo, sobre el país y sus tradiciones.…

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Skyline teacher Sophie Nah knows that learning a language not based on the English alphabet can be a challenge, so she makes her Korean language classes fun. Perhaps that is why Nah, who teaches four levels of classes, for grades nine through 12, finds students coming back every year for more. Her students don’t just learn to speak conversational Korean. They also practice arts and crafts and make pottery, kites, ethnic masks, fans, and other artifacts. And they are introduced to Korean foods – all the while learning about the country and its traditions. “I give them rewards, like Korean…

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Van Harris, a fifth-grade science teacher at Maria Moreno STEAM Academy, knows how to motivate his students to go above and beyond. For example, he had a student miss just one question on her common assessment test last year. As he was guiding his class through setting goals for their upcoming State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test, this student decided she wanted to aim for a perfect score. “I said, ‘OK, we’re going to focus on that goal,’” Harris said. “So I got her packets on the one TEKS she missed, and from that point on we…

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