Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Submitted from Athletics Riding a 16-game playoff win streak, South Oak Cliff High School is vying for a third consecutive appearance in the state championship as it faces Frisco Emerson High School on Friday at The Star in Frisco. The Golden Bears advanced to 12-2 on the season, dominating Lucas Lovejoy High School 42-0 in the regional final at Choctaw Stadium last Saturday. The ground game spearheaded the offense, while the defense secured crucial fourth-down stops, limiting Lovejoy to only 118 yards passing to keep the Leopards off the scoreboard. “We’re just trying to play our best game each week,”…

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En los más de 20 años en que Yatta Johnson, profesional de salud mental, ha trabajado como psicóloga escolar, ha desempeñado varios cargos, pero tal vez ninguno ha sido más crucial como el que ahora tiene en Emmett J. Conrad High School. Todos los días forma vínculos con los estudiantes, los acompaña en momentos difíciles y los ayuda a entenderse mejor a sí mismos y a los demás. Johnson es una de varios psicólogos escolares en Dallas ISD, y de los miles que hay en el país, cuya labor es celebrada durante la Semana Nacional de Psicología Escolar hasta el…

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In the more than 20 years Yatta Johnson—a licensed mental health clinician—has worked as a school psychologist, she has played many roles but perhaps none more crucial as the one she has now at Emmett J. Conrad High School. Every day, she connects with students, guides them through difficult times and helps them better understand themselves and others. Johnson is one of several school psychologists in Dallas ISD, and thousands throughout the country, whose work is celebrated and highlighted through Nov. 10 during National School Psychology Week. “I’m a non-traditional school psychologist because my degree is in mental health counseling psychology and…

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For the past 19 years, Terry Stotts, has been teaching his students how to make wooden rocking horses, first at the Multiple Careers Magnet Center and now at Career Institute South, where he became a construction teacher this year. The students who worked on the rocking horses to develop skills will donate them to the Ronald McDonald House, an organization that provides resources to families with sick children. Stotts says that this process of making the wooden horses teaches his students to give back to the community, while learning a new skill. Students spend the semester cutting, sanding, staining, and…

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The Beat has interviewed Master Teachers across the district to share their stories and introspections about their careers, including tips for teaching. Meet Master Teacher Chantrelle Lovett-Andrews. Chantrelle Lovett-Andrews, a designated Master Teacher at Umphrey Lee Elementary, was born and raised in Fort Worth. She ended up working for Dallas ISD after attending a job fair in July 2002 where she was hired on the spot by Principal Rachel George at Julia C. Frazier Elementary School. She is now in her 22nd year at Dallas ISD with a total of 27 years in education and said she credits her educational…

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Escondida en un rincón de Seagoville, a pocas millas de varias escuelas de Dallas ISD, está una joya del distrito conocida como el Centro Ambiental Educativo (EEC). Este centro abarca más de 500 acres y atendió a más de 30,000 familias durante el año escolar 2022–2023, y anticipa aún más este año. Los estudiantes y sus familias pueden andar por senderos naturales del Post Oak Preserve, tocar animales en la granja y recorrer un museo de 26,000 pies cuadrados que simula hábitats de selva, de pradera y de un estanque de agua dulce. También pueden disfrutar del área de juego…

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Tucked away in Seagoville, just miles away from several Dallas ISD campuses, is a hidden gem known as the Environmental Education Center (EEC). The center, spanning over 500 acres of land, served more than 30,000 families during the 2022-2023 school year and is anticipating more visitors this school year. Students and families can walk nature trails at Post Oak Preserve, pet animals in the center’s barn, and tour the 26,000-square-foot museum which models a forest habitat, grassland habitat, and freshwater pond habitat. Visitors can also enjoy the nature play area or take a stroll through the garden to check out…

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Por cuarto año consecutivo, Dallas ISD ha recibido una opinión sin reservas luego de la auditoría del informe financiero integral annual, lo que significa que el auditor independiente del distrito emitió una opinión sin modificaciones y que no se encontró ninguna debilidad material, ninguna deficiencia significativa ni ninguna falta de cumplimiento en los estados financieros y programas federales del distrito. Esta opinión sin modificaciones, emitida por el auditor independiente Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P., es la más alta que se puede emitir por un auditor independiente respecto a un conjunto de estados financieros y programas federales. “Este es un resultado excelente…

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En todo Dallas ISD, las escuelas están celebrando la excelencia en la enseñanza al presentar a sus extraordinarios maestros del año. Estos maestros representan una gran diversidad y muchos años de experiencia en el distrito. En sus escuelas, todos se unen para celebrar su pasión y dedicación para aumentar el éxito y el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Cada maestro del año de escuelas tendrá la oportunidad de presentarse para ser considerado para el premio de maestro del año del distrito. El comité de selección de Dallas ISD considerará a los maestros que envíen su solicitud y nombrará a nueve finalistas…

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For the fourth consecutive year, Dallas ISD has received a clean audit on its annual comprehensive financial report, meaning that the district’s independent auditor issued an “unmodified” or clean opinion and found no material weaknesses, no significant deficiencies and no compliance shortcomings in the district’s financial statements and federal programs. The unmodified opinion, issued by independent auditor Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P., is the highest that an independent auditor can issue regarding a set of financial statements or federal programs. “This is an excellent result for the district,” said Dallas ISD Chief Financial Officer Tamika Alford-Stephens. “It indicates to stakeholders that they…

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