Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

To help fight hunger among children in our Dallas community during the holidays, the Food and Child Nutrition Services department plans to provide a “pop-up” meal service FREE of cost to all children 18 years and younger. Two breakfasts and two lunches will be served in a “pop-up” format on Dec. 28 and Jan. 4. Meals are served while supplies last and provide an optimal blend of whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, aimed at fighting hunger. Weather conditions: If the weather is GOOD, we will have a “Pop-up” meal service.  A delivery truck will park…

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¡Felicidades a Aiden B. de Thomas L. Marsalis Elementary STEAM Academy, por ganar la 32a competencia anual de oratoria MLK Jr! Ocho estudiantes de cuarto y quinto grado han avanzado a la ronda final de la 32.ª competencia anual de oratoria MLK Jr., patrocinada en parte por Foley & Lardner LLP. La competencia tendrá lugar a las 11 a.m. el viernes, 12 de enero, en el McFarlin Auditorium y será transmitida en vivo en el sitio web del distrito y por Facebook Live. En conmemoración del legado del Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., la competencia de oratoria tiene el fin…

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Los estudiantes del programa de colocación avanzada (Advanced Placement) de Dallas ISD están alcanzando resultados sobresalientes, de acuerdo con el Departamento de Servicios Académicos Avanzados del distrito, el cual informó un aumento en la inscripción, en el número de estudiantes que presentan exámenes AP y en las puntuaciones calificadas para recibir créditos universitarios. Contrario a lo que se suele pensar, los cursos de honores y colocación avanzada están disponibles para todos los estudiantes de preparatoria del distrito, independientemente de sus calificaciones, su clasificación en su generación o sus resultados en exámenes. Aproximadamente 2100 estudiantes más están tomando cursos AP que…

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Al entrar al salón de banda de Rodney Dittmar en Seagoville High School se encontrará con unos estudiantes totalmente dedicados a descubrir y perfeccionar sus talentos musicales como compositores, letristas, ingenieros de sonido y músicos, desarrollando a la vez todo tipo de habilidades que los prepararán para encontrar su voz como artistas. Seagoville High School es la única escuela del distrito, y solo una de tres en el país, en recibir el subsidio Hometown to Hometown, el cual provee $45,000 en instrumentos y entrenamiento a través de la Save the Music Foundation. Dittmar, quien es el encargado del Departamento de…

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Walking into Rodney Dittmar’s Modern Band classroom at Seagoville High School, you will find his students fully engaged in their work—discovering and honing their musical talents as composers, songwriters, sound engineers, musicians—and developing all types of skills that will prepare them to find their voices as artists. In fact, they are the only school in the district, and only one of three in the nation to receive the Hometown to Hometown grant, which provided $45,000 worth of instruments and training through the Save the Music Foundation. Dittmar, who is the Fine Arts Department chair for the school, applied for the…

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The Beat has interviewed Master Teachers across the district to share their stories and introspections about their careers, including tips for teaching. Meet Master Teacher Bob Adams. Adams, a Master Teacher at Rufus C. Burleson Elementary School first came to Dallas ISD in 2007 after spending six years teaching at an international school in China. Originally from Marlin, Texas, a small town near Waco, Adams said his plan was always to teach at Dallas ISD. Out of the 28 years in education,17 of those have been at Dallas ISD, not counting the three years in the U.S. Peace Corps working with…

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“When we returned to school after the pandemic, school was completely different,” said Katie G., a Molina High School senior who is part of Dallas ISD’s fall graduating class. “It felt so weird just to be present. That’s when everything took a toll on me mentally. I lost hope in school, and it felt impossible to finish. “The negativity became a crippling weight on me and I started to doubt myself,” she said. “That doubt turned into numbing depression when I didn’t get to graduate with my class in May of 2023.” But thanks to the counselors, reconnect facilitators and…

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Dallas ISD’s Advanced Placement (AP) students are excelling, according to the district’s Advanced Academic Services department, which reported an increase in enrollment, student participation in the AP exams, and qualifying scores for potential college credit. Contrary to common belief, honors and advanced placement courses are accessible to all students across district high schools, irrespective of course grades, class ranking, or test scores. Roughly 2100 more students are taking AP courses than in the 2021-2022 school year. Currently, the district offers nearly 500 AP classes, an increase of more than 100 as compared to last school year. There was also an…

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Durante los últimos 19 años, Terry Stotts ha enseñado a sus estudiantes a hacer caballitos mecedores de madera, primero en el Multiple Careers Magnet Center y ahora en el Instituto de Profesiones del Sur, donde empezó a trabajar como maestro de construcción este año. Los estudiantes que elaboraron los caballitos para desarrollar sus habilidades los donarán al Ronald McDonald House, una organización que provee recursos a las familias con niños enfermos. Stotts afirma que este proceso de hacer caballitos de madera enseña a los estudiantes a retribuirle algo a su comunidad a la vez que adquieren nuevas habilidades. Los estudiantes…

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The Beat entrevistó a maestros expertos de todo el distrito con el fin de compartir sus historias e introspecciones sobre sus carreras, incluyendo consejos para la docencia. Le presentamos a la maestra experta Chantrelle Lovett-Andrews. Chantrelle Lovett-Andrews, maestra experta designada en Umphrey Lee Elementary School, nació y creció en Fort Worth. Hoy trabaja en Dallas ISD luego de haber asistido a una feria de trabajo en julio de 2002, donde fue contratada enseguida por la directora Rachel George en Julia C. Frazier Elementary School. Hoy, en su 22.º año en Dallas ISD y con un total de 27 años en…

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