Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

The Dallas ISD, Family & Community Engagement Office is hosting a Fam Jam on Saturday, Nov. 16 at Spruce High School. The Saturday Fam Jams offer free interactive parent workshops on topics such as bullying and college and career readiness. In addition, there be free food and drinks, a variety of fun activities for kids, student entertainment, tons of door prizes, as well as many other giveaways and resources. Childcare for children ages 3-12 will be available for those attending the parent workshops. For more information or to register for the parent workshops, visit

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Mita Havlick was recently named executive director of the Dallas Education Foundation, the development partner of the Dallas Independent School District. Havlick is active in the community, advocates for public schools and volunteers with a variety of organizations. Most recently, Havlick served as executive director of Emanuel Community Center in Old East Dallas, as chairperson of the Dallas ISD Superintendent’s Districtwide Advisory Committee, and as public education adviser to U.S. Rep. Colin Allred. A strong proponent of equity and access, Havlick co-chaired the committee and spear-headed the effort that led to Dallas ISD being designated a District of Innovation. She…

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Some 120 guests, many of them alumni sporting their beloved school colors of Columbia blue and white, attended a recent ceremony at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School held to celebrate the news that the Oak Cliff school is receiving a multi-million-dollar facelift. Titled the Roosevelt Relaunch, the ceremony featured a variety of speakers and student participants, including Dallas ISD officials, a Dallas City Council member, and the Dallas Fire Chief and County Sheriff, both of whom happen to be Roosevelt alums. Principal Troy Tyson presided at the event, which opened with the presentation of the colors and the Pledge of…

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Alumnos de Young Men’s Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School marcharon en la acera de su escuela con gritos de “no más violencia con armas” y pancartas para promover la paz para conmemorar a Malik Tyler, compañero de clase quien murió en incidente que sucedió en el verano. Los estudiantes, la escuela, y líderes del distrito y la comunidad se reunieron en el plantel el viernes por la mañana para formar parte de Million Fathers March, un evento a nivel nacional que tiene el propósito de animar a los padres y figuras paternas a participar en la vida…

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In order to raise awareness on the link between school attendance and academic achievement, Dallas ISD hosted the national September Attendance Awareness Month with a focus on reducing chronic absenteeism to give all students an equitable opportunity to learn, grow and thrive academically, emotionally and socially. Attendance Awareness Month provided the district with an opportunity to raise student and community awareness on the importance of school attendance and demonstrate that attendance is a top priority. The 2019-2020 Dallas ISD Attendance Awareness Month theme was “#ShowUp!” Dallas ISD for the month of September. Coordinated by Parent Services, Student Engagement and Counseling…

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Si uno le pide a Stephanie Hill que describa su trabajo como jefa de limpieza en Conrad High School, responderá con una palabra: alegría. Hill se graduó de una preparatoria de Dallas ISD y en 1993, volvió para trabajar en el distrito como conserje en Nolan Estes. A través de los años, ha aprendido una variedad de destrezas y le encanta ayudar a los demás. “Hago lo que puedo para ayudar a la gente. Esa es mi pasión”, dijo Hill. “Pero, sobre todo, me encanta venir a la escuela para ver a los estudiantes todos los días. Me llena de…

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Ask Stephanie Hill to describe her job as lead custodian at Conrad High School, and she will use one word: joyful. Hill is a proud Dallas ISD graduate who, in 1993, came back to work for the school district, first as a custodian at Nolan Estes. She has gained a wide variety of skills over the years and loves helping others each day “Whatever I can to help assist people, I will do it. That’s my passion,” Hill said. “Above everything, I love coming to school and seeing the students each and every day. It fills me with joy.” Conrad…

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Todo estudiante que sea ciudadano estadounidense tiene la oportunidad de completar la solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA, por sus siglas en inglés). Cada año, el gobierno federal destina más de $120 millones en subvenciones y prestamos a más de 13 millones de estudiantes universitarios. Los estudiantes que planean continuar sus estudios en el año académico 2020-2021 pueden solicitar ayuda para pagar el costo de su educación postsecundaria. “A muchos estudiantes les preocupa por poder cubrir el costo de la matrícula y otros gastos. Pero no dejes que esos posibles costos te detengan”, declara la página de la FAFSA.…

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Chants of “no more gun violence” and signs promoting peace filled the sidewalk as students from Young Men’s Leadership Academy at Fred F. Florence Middle School commemorated Malik Tyler, a classmate who was shot and killed over the summer. The students, school, and male district and community leaders gathered at YMLA Florence on Friday morning to join the Million Fathers March, a nationwide event encouraging fathers and father figures to get involved in their students’ lives. The march also honored Tyler’s life. “This is our call to action to end gun violence and crime in the Pleasant Grove community,” YMLA…

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The Junior League of Dallas (JLD), along with presenting sponsor Texas Instruments (TI), recently awarded 50 Dallas ISD educators with grants of up to $2,000 each through the annual Grants for Innovative Teaching (GFIT) program. Since 1992, this JLD Signature Project has awarded over $1.9 million to Dallas ISD educators and is designed to encourage excellence in education by funding special projects addressing: reading and literacy enrichment; diversity; special education; science, technology, engineering and math (STEM); or arts and culture enrichment across one or more grade levels. This year, more than $92,000 was distributed to fund deserving educators’ winning projects.…

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