Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Cada mañana en las pantallas de David G. Burnet Elementary School, los estudiantes pueden ver una transmisión en vivo de los anuncios y el juramento a la bandera vía Zoom presentado por sus compañeros de clase. El noticiero es un proyecto que se inició durante la pandemia y ha llegado a ser cosa de cada día en la escuela. Durante la pandemia, Sophia Zolezzi, coordinadora educativa de matemáticas, ideó una manera creativa para que los estudiantes pudieran seguir dando los anuncios matutinos y el juramento a la bandera pese al entorno virtual. “Estaba buscando una forma para que siguiéramos sintiéndonos…

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Cuando Gustavo Zaragoza, maestro en el Instituto de Profesiones del Este, era estudiante recién llegado al país, no se imaginaba que algún día trabajaría en la educación. Gracias a su labor como maestro, ahora se puede identificar con sus estudiantes y empoderarlos, así como lo empoderaron sus maestros a él.  Zaragoza, originario de México, no sabía inglés cuando llegó al distrito, y dijo haberse sentido intimidado en ocasiones, pero fue en sus clases de inglés como segundo idioma, o ESL, donde se sintió seguro. Dice que hoy está comprometido con crear ese tipo de entorno para sus estudiantes, en donde…

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Un grupo de estudiantes de Wilmer-Hutchins High School está aprendiendo a ser hombres autosuficientes gracias al nuevo Esquire Club. Más allá de dar lecciones tradicionales, el Esquire Club imparte habilidades vitales a los estudiantes que participan de talleres y actividades. El club, dirigido por el Sr. Mauldin, entrenador principal adjunto de básquetbol, es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes adquieran habilidades prácticas como ponerse una corbata, cambiar una llanta, sobresalir en entrevistas y planificación financiera. “El Sr. Mauldin me dijo que tenía algo en mente que cambiaría la vida de los jóvenes que quizás no cuentan con esa clase de…

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Submitted by Joseph Medaris, principal at Lee A. McShan Jr. Elementary School In Dallas ISD’s Lee A. McShan Jr. Elementary—one of the unique schools with a diverse community—there exists a dedicated school counselor whose mission goes beyond the conventional boundaries of education. Maria Araceli Slette, a passionate advocate for empowering young minds, takes on the extraordinary task of guiding students from different corners of the world, helping them navigate the path from kindergarten to fifth grade, and ultimately, preparing them for college and career success starting at elementary school. Slette believes that the journey to college and career readiness begins in…

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Presentado por Todd Lamb, Dallas ISD Athletics Communications Coordinator Dallas ISD nombró a nuevos coordinadores deportivos y entrenadores principales de fútbol americano para Thomas Jefferson High School (TJ) y Franklin D. Roosevelt High School of Innovation. Bobby Estes, Thomas Jefferson High School Durante la temporada de fútbol americano de 2023, Estes fungió como coordinador deportivo interino en TJ, además de entrenador principal. Aunque se había jubilado, regresó el pasado junio como coordinador defensivo, pero pronto pasó a ser el entrenador interino en julio. El año pasado, el equipo de fútbol americano, los Patriots, terminó la temporada 1-9. Su carrera de…

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Shundanae Pierce, a master teacher at Elisha M. Pease Elementary School first began her journey with the district as a student at Nancy J. Cochran Elementary School. When she was in college, she knew she wanted to complete her student teaching with Dallas ISD, where she has been teaching for the last 17 years. What drew you to education? My elementary years played a pivotal role in this decision. I enjoyed going to school and had great relationships with my teachers. I’ve loved kids since my days of working in a daycare during my summers in high school. I was…

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Camille Muñoz, a P-TECH teacher at Thomas Jefferson High School, has been working in education since 2004, with the past 13 years in Dallas ISD. She is from Dallas, and spent the first six years of her teaching career working for the Catholic  Diocese of Dallas at two private schools. She said she quickly realized that she wanted to impact more students and decided to make the move to Dallas ISD and public education. Muñoz was recently recognized as one of Dallas ISD’s Master Teachers. Get to know more about her background and passion for student success. What drew you to…

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Every morning, on screens throughout David G. Burnet Elementary School students can see a live newscast that includes announcements and the Pledge of Allegiance via Zoom presented by their classmates. The newscast is a project that started during the pandemic and has grown into a daily staple at the school. During COVID, Sophia Zolezzi, math instructional coordinator at the school, found a creative way for students to still give their morning announcements and Pledge of Allegiance despite being in a virtual setting at that time. “I was looking for a way for us to still feel a sense of community,…

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When Gustavo Zaragoza, a teacher at Career Institute East, was a student and a newcomer to the country, he never imagined going into the education field. Through his work as a teacher, he is now able to identify with his students and empower them, as teachers once did for him. Having grown up in Mexico, and not knowing the language when he first arrived in the district, he said he felt intimidated at times, and that it was in his ESL classes that he felt safe. He says he’s committed to create that type of environment for his students, where…

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Sandra Urton, a  teacher at Wilmer Hutchins Elementary School, first  came to work as a teacher when she heard of the district’s need for bilingual educators. Urton saw this as an opportunity to make a positive impact for youth in the community. Now in her 15th year teaching in the district, she had previously taught two years in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, at the Universidad Tecnológica de Cancún, as well as in a middle school and at a language school. Where are you from and how did you end up at Dallas ISD? I am from Mexico City.…

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