To encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available with school breakfast, Dallas ISD schools will celebrate School Breakfast Week (SBW) during March 4-8, 2024. Busy weekday mornings make it a challenge for many families to find time for a healthy breakfast. Fortunately, Dallas ISD schools offer nutritious school breakfasts to all students free of charge, complete with fruit and low-fat or fat-free milk, to ensure students are fueled for learning every school day. All week, Dallas ISD will celebrate with fun activities and serve healthy menu items to help students realize that starting the day with…
Author: The Hub
The district’s Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP), known as Barbara Mann’s DAEP, relocated to the H.B. Bell Building at 2909 North Buckner Blvd. earlier this school year. The new building has ample room to accommodate students in the program. Previously, students were housed at the district’s Nolan Estes Plaza. “The goal is to provide students with a safe and secure environment that allows them to work on whatever behaviors got them here. We address those issues and help students understand how to make positive choices,” principal of Barbara Mann’s DAEP, Johnna Weaver, said. “It’s about giving students an opportunity to…
At the second “Winner’s Circle Celebration,” Dallas ISD recognized outstanding teachers and campus leaders districtwide through the Teacher of the Year (TOY) and Principal of the Year (POY) awards. This year’s 10 TOY and 7 POY finalists reflect a diversity of backgrounds and experience while representing all nine trustee districts. From these groups, the districtwide elementary, secondary, and choice/magnet Teachers and Principals of the Year will be announced on April 4 at the 2023-2024 State of the District event. The Dallas Education Foundation also secured Reliant for the second year in a row as a title sponsor and will honor…
Ya ha comenzado el período de votación anticipada para las elecciones primarias del 5 de marzo, que podrían considerarse como las más importantes para la educación pública en la historia de Texas. Ejerza su responsabilidad cívica y vote en estas elecciones, especialmente en las contiendas para la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado de Texas. Solo el 18 por ciento de los votantes registrados de Texas participaron en las últimas elecciones primarias del estado en marzo de 2022. Por la forma en que se delimitan los distritos electorales, las elecciones primarias generalmente determinan quién nos representará en Austin. Nuestros legisladores…
Early voting is underway for the March 5 primary–perhaps the most important for public education in Texas history. Please exercise your civic responsibility and vote in this election, especially in races for the Texas House of Representatives and State Senate. Only 18 percent of registered Texas voters participated in the state’s last primary in March 2022. Because of the way legislative district lines are drawn, the primary elections usually determine who will be representing us in Austin. It is our state lawmakers who decide how much funding local schools will receive, whether salaries will be increased for teachers and other district…
Durante generaciones, las escuelas públicas han sido el motor que impulsa el progreso económico en las comunidades al preparar a los estudiantes para el éxito. Por motivo de esta Semana Nacional de las Escuelas Públicas, del 26 de febrero al 1 de marzo, Dallas ISD reconoce a las escuelas públicas por sus esfuerzos de ofrecer cada vez más opciones en nuestras comunidades. “La Semana Nacional de las Escuelas Públicas es un momento oportuno para conocer las opciones, oportunidades y excelencia que ofrece Dallas ISD a todos y cada uno de los jóvenes”, dijo la superintendente Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D. En…
Siempre es buen momento para que los estudiantes se inicien en el deber cívico, y en North Dallas High School, esto viene en forma de un evento de registro de votantes patrocinado por el Club Estudiantil de Empoderamiento de Votantes (SVEC, por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata de una organización no partidaria dirigida por estudiantes que forma parte de March to the Polls, cuyos proyectos incluyen la promoción de la educación cívica, el incremento del número de personas que votan y el inculcar un compromiso al voto y a la participación cívica después de la preparatoria. Rubí Chávez, gestora…
For generations, public schools have been the backbone and fuel for economic progress in their communities as they prepare students for success. During National Public Schools Week, Feb. 26-March 1, Dallas ISD will celebrate how public schools continue to do this by offering more choices in their neighborhoods. “National Public Schools Week is a great time to check out the choice, opportunities, and excellence Dallas ISD offers to every single child,” said Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde, Ed.D.. At Dallas ISD, students have a variety of opportunities to explore careers and develop their skills. Neighborhood schools play an important role in…
It’s never too early to get students interested in becoming civically engaged, and at North Dallas High School, that engagement comes in the form of a voter registration drive at school, sponsored by the Student Voter Empowerment Club (SVEC). SVEC is a nonpartisan, student-led organization under the March to the Polls umbrella, whose projects include promoting civic education, increasing student voter turnout, and instilling a commitment to voting and civic engagement beyond the high school years. Rubi Chavez, office manager and the sponsor of the student-led League of United Latin American Students (LULAC) chapter at North Dallas High School began…
Dallas ISD celebrated National Signing Day on Feb. 7 as more than 100 student-athletes signed National Letters of Intent, marking their commitment to continue their athletic endeavors while pursuing higher education. Student-athletes across 19 high schools, representing various sports including football, baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, swimming, and track and field, gathered across the district to formalize their collegiate aspirations. Vince Reyes, assistant superintendent of the Dallas ISD Department of Athletics, delivered a message emphasizing the importance of perseverance and resilience in their collegiate journeys. “My challenge to our student-athletes who have an opportunity to continue playing their sport at the…