A torn ACL injury her junior year in high school inspired Bianca Broughton to become an athletic trainer. It was her high school athletic trainer who helped her with rehabilitation and therapy and that’s what sparked her interest. Now, Broughton, an athletic trainer at Moisés E. Molina High School, is paying it forward with her students. “One of my favorite things is having the opportunity to mentor the kids that we have on campus– to show them that they can go into the world and do bigger and better things,” she said. In fact, Broughton inspired some of her past…
Author: The Hub
Al aprender un nuevo idioma, Toni Garabete, maestro de francés en J. L. Long Middle School, espera que sus estudiantes no solo se sientan cómodos comunicándose en otro idioma, sino que también que su mundo se expanda. “Quiero transmitirles una pasión por el francés, por conocer el mundo francófono”, dijo Garabete. “Si se van de vacaciones a Francia o a otra región francófona como Quebec, quiero que no solo se comuniquen, sino que valoren cosas como la comida y la cultura. Los idiomas expanden el mundo de uno”. Garabete, quien ha sido maestro de francés en Long Middle School durante…
In learning a new language, Toni Garabete, a French teacher at J. L. Long Middle School hopes his students will not only be comfortable communicating in a language other than English, he also wants them to expand their world. “I would like to transmit a passion to the students towards French, towards getting to know the French-speaking world,” Garabete said. “If they are on vacation in France or another French-speaking areas like Quebec, I want them to not only communicate but to appreciate things like the food and culture. Language expands your world.” Garabete, who has been a French teacher…
Escrito por Darius A., estudiante de periodismo de Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy El 4 de abril, se escuchó a más de 20,000 fanáticos en el American Airlines Center aplaudir al grupo musical estudiantil de Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, que cantó “The Star-Spangled Banner”. Este evento muy anticipado es la culminación de un año escolar increíble para el grupo. Entre sus actuaciones destacadas se mencionan la graduación del Departamento de Policía de Dallas, el Festival Multicultural de Dallas ISD y una en NorthPark Center. El director del grupo, Dustin Barksdale, maestro del año 2023–2024 de BOMLA y también fan…
Written by Darius A., journalism student from Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy On April 4, over 20,000 fans could be heard cheering throughout the American Airlines Center as the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy Glee Club High School Varsity Ensemble sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.” This anticipated trip caps off an incredible school year for the varsity ensemble highlighted by performances at the Dallas Police Department Graduation, Dallas ISD Multicultural Festival, and North Park Center. Director Dustin Barksdale, BOMLA’s 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year and fellow Mavericks fan, expressed his excitement for this incredible opportunity. “I have been looking forward to…
Los estudiantes de quinto grado de 33 escuelas tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en una reciente competencia de recitación de poesía en Skyline High School. La competencia reunió a los estudiantes para la oportunidad de ser los campeones de poesía de este año y ganar becas. El Departamento de Lectura y Artes del Lenguaje se asoció con la Parrish Charitable Foundation, proveedora de los $10,000 en becas, para hacer posible la competencia. El primer lugar se lo llevó Iker I. de Félix G. Botello Personalized Learning Elementary School, el segundo lugar fue para Max R. de William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard…
Fifth-grade students, representing 33 campuses, had the opportunity to share their hearts through words at a recent districtwide poetry slam competition at Skyline High School. The competition brought students together for the chance to be this year’s poetry slam champions as well as win scholarships. The Reading Language Arts Department partnered with the Roland Parrish Foundation, which funded the $10,000 in scholarships, to make the competition happen. First place went to Iker I. from Felix G. Botello Personalized Learning Elementary School, second place went to Max R. from William B. Travis Academy/Vanguard for the Academically Talented and Gifted, and third…
Cuando vienen familias de otros países a Dallas ISD a matricular a sus hijos, el primer lugar que visitan es el Centro Internacional de Bienvenida Margaret y Gilbert Herrera, donde son recibidas por Teresa González y Herlinda Godoy, miembros del personal del distrito. Como asistentes administrativas desempeñan varias funciones, entre ellas verificar documentos, asegurar que las familias tengan todo lo necesario para matricular a sus hijos, crear carnés de identidad estudiantiles y colocar a los estudiantes en la escuela correcta. A menudo deben superar barreras del idioma para enseñar a los padres a usar un celular o enviar un correo…
When families from other countries come to Dallas ISD to register their children for school, the first place they visit is the Margaret and Gilbert Herrera Welcome Center, known informally as the intake center. When families walk in the door, some of the first faces they see are team members Teresa Gonzalez and Herlinda Godoy. As administrative assistants, both wear many hats, performing duties such as checking documents and making sure the families have everything they need to enroll in the district—from making IDs for the students to making sure they are placed in the correct school. Often working through…
Submitted by Anne Howell, demonstration teacher at Dan D. Rogers Elementary School For bus driver Tamara Franklin, creating a welcoming and cheerful atmosphere in her vehicle is all in a day’s work. Which, for the past two years, has meant adorning her special education bus to match seasonal holidays and special events. “I started last Halloween,” Franklin said. “I decorate my home, and I saw that some drivers put stickers around, so I thought ‘I’m going to decorate the whole bus!’” That year, students entered the bus the next morning to find spider webs, skulls and a ghost inside. “They…