Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Enviado por Julian Spearman, coordinador del Departamento de Actividades Estudiantiles ¿Cuál es la glándula que activa el sistema nervioso simpático ante el estrés? Si contestó glándula suprarrenal, es posible que le haya ido bien en el Texas Academic Pentathlon Regional Super Quiz, junto con 25 equipos de escuelas secundarias de Dallas ISD.  El Super Quiz era uno de los componentes de la competencia regional, que puso a prueba los conocimientos de los estudiantes en literatura, matemáticas, ciencias, estudios sociales y bellas artes.  Recientemente, 279 estudiantes de Dallas ISD compitieron en el encuentro del Pentatlón Académico de la Región V en…

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Starting Monday, June 3, Dallas ISD offices will begin operating on summer hours for the months of June and July. District offices will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and closed Friday. Additionally,  Dallas ISD offices will be closed Wednesday, June 19, in recognition of Juneteenth, which is a federal holiday. The district will also be closed for summer break from July 1 through July 5. All central staff will return to work July 8. Additional resources are linked below. Student Enrollment Information Extended Learning Opportunities: Summer Breeze 2024-2025 School Calendar Immunization Requirements Summer Meals

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Dallas ISD ofrecerá comidas gratis a los estudiantes durante los meses de verano. Se invita a las familias con niños de 18 años y menores a aprovechar el Programa de Servicio de Comida del Verano, que ofrecerá comidas saludables y equilibradas todos los días. Para los niños que dependen del servicio de comida escolar durante el año académico, este servicio de verano ofrecido por el Departamento de Alimentos y Nutrición Infantil es una fuente de buena nutrición durante los meses de vacaciones de verano. “Puesto que estamos comprometidos con la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes de Dallas ISD,…

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Submitted by the Computer Science & Technology Department Dallas ISD’s robotics teams reached remarkable heights this year. The FIRST Robotics Championship took place this past April in Houston, Texas. The international competition, which brings together 80 of the highest-ranked high school teams in Texas, consisted of over 180 FIRST Lego League teams from all over the world. The Cub-Bots from S.S. Conner Elementary School and the EBJ EEEagles from Eddie Bernice Johnson STEAM Academy both won the Team Model Award for complexity and innovative solutions of their robotic builds. For the second year in a row, Emmett J. Conrad High…

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Uno de los aspectos de la cultura coreana que William Song, maestro de lengua coreana en Irma Lerma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School, aprecia es el concepto de ‘정’ (pronunciado similar a “chong”). De acuerdo con Song, es una idea con muchos matices que no tiene traducción directa, pero que tiene significado para él como maestro. “Piense en la relación entre el principito y el zorro en ‘El principito’ de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Eso es muy parecido al ‘정’”, dijo Song. “Es formar vínculos, lazos estrechos y afecto con otros a lo largo del tiempo, y considero muy importante concentrarse…

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Dallas ISD will provide free meals to students throughout the summer months. Families with children 18 years and younger are encouraged to take advantage of the Summer Food Service Program, which will offer healthy and balanced meals daily. For children who rely on school meals during the academic year, these meals, offered by Food and Nutrition Services, are a source of good nutrition when school is out for the long summer vacation. “Because we are committed to the health and wellbeing of all Dallas ISD students, healthy no-cost meals will be available to all young people across our community,” said…

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Submitted by Julian Spearman, Student Activities Department coordinator   Students across the district took top awards at Texas Math & Science Coaches Association State tournaments held in San Antonio, Texas earlier this semester. Dallas ISD sent 465 students from 23 campuses to the TMSCA state contest, where they competed in categories like Number Sense, Mathematics, Calculator Applications, and Science. Teams are awarded individual trophies for placing first through sixth place in any of the four events in each grade level. At the high school level, the School of Science and Engineering at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center received 32 individual trophies…

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Submitted by Julian Spearman, Student Activities Department coordinator The sympathetic nervous system activates which gland for the stress response? If you answered adrenal gland, you may have tested well in the Texas Academic Pentathlon Regional Super Quiz –  alongside 25 competing Dallas ISD middle school teams.  Super Quiz was one component in the regional competition, which tested students’ knowledge of literature, math, science, social studies, and fine arts.  Recently, 279 Dallas ISD students competed in the Region V Academic Pentathlon Meet hosted at Thomas Jefferson High School by Student Activities.  The national theme for Academic Pentathlon changes each year. This…

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Submitted by Shendolyn C. Anderson, Computer Science and Technology coordinator  In collaboration with the Next Steps Initiative, Microsoft recently hosted its second Dallas ISD Middle School Day to empower the next generation of innovators.  Over 150 scholars were treated to a day filled with rigorous activities centered around technology, computer science, and engineering.  “The Computer Science and Technology Department continues to ignite the flames of our young scholars by providing engaging student experiences that develop the whole child,” said Shendolyn Anderson, coordinator of the Computer Science and Technology department. “This initiative aligns with our district’s goal of providing students with…

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Submitted by Student Activities Department Over 2,000 elementary school students visited Skyline High School to participate in the spring University Interscholastic League A+ competition. Hosted by the Student Activities Department, the annual competition provides elementary students the opportunity to compete in various academic events, including: Chess  Puzzles Creative writing Dictionary skills Listening Maps Graphs and charts Number sense Ready writing Science Social studies Spelling Storytelling High fives and encouraging words could be seen and heard throughout Skyline High School as the students walked in and out of the competition sites throughout the day. Support from coaches fosters a love of…

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