Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

For the fourth consecutive year, Dallas ISD has received a clean audit on its annual comprehensive financial report, meaning that the district’s independent auditor issued an “unmodified” or clean opinion and found no material weaknesses, no significant deficiencies and no compliance shortcomings in the district’s financial statements and federal programs. The unmodified opinion, issued by independent auditor Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P., is the highest that an independent auditor can issue regarding a set of financial statements or federal programs. “This is an excellent result for the district,” said Dallas ISD Chief Financial Officer Tamika Alford-Stephens. “It indicates to stakeholders that they…

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Schools across Dallas ISD are honoring teaching excellence by introducing their extraordinary campus teachers of the year. These teachers represent a wide variety of diversity and years of experience in the district, and campuses are coming together to celebrate their passion and dedication to accelerating student success and achievement. Each honoree will have the opportunity to apply to be considered for the district teacher of the year award. Based on the teachers’ applications, Dallas ISD’s selection committee will name nine finalists from three categories by campus type and school level. One winner will be selected to represent the elementary, secondary…

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Dallas ISD llevará a cabo eventos de Descubre virtuales el 2 de diciembre de 2023 y el 20 de enero de 2024. Estas sesiones virtuales ayudarán a los padres y tutores a entender el proceso de admisión a las escuelas de opción (choice schools) y a conocer la variedad de programas disponibles para cada grado. Estarán disponibles expertos de cada uno de los diferentes programas para responder preguntas.  El plazo para enviar su solicitud de admisión a una escuela de opción cierra el 31 de enero de 2024. También estarán presentes miembros del personal de Dallas ISD para hablar de…

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Dallas ISD will hold virtual Discover events on Dec. 2, 2023 and Jan. 20, 2024. These virtual sessions will help parents and guardians understand the application process for choice schools and explore the variety of programs available at each grade level. Experts from each of the different programs will be available to answer questions. The deadline to apply for a choice school is Jan. 31, 2024. Team members with Dallas ISD will also be available to discuss transfers, special services and accommodations available within the district. Dallas ISD offers more unique choices and opportunities than any school district in the…

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Enviado por el Departamento de Actividades Estudiantiles Los entrenadores de debate de Dallas ISD entraron en colaboración con la Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (DUDA) para crear Community Action Debate (CAD), un nuevo formato de debate centrado en cuestiones locales. Gracias a la participación de 158 primarias y secundarias en el programa de debate de Dallas ISD, DUDA es la segunda liga de debate urbana más grande del país. Michelle Read, coordinadora de Actividades Estudiantiles, dijo que el programa de debate de Dallas ISD brinda a los estudiantes una oportunidad equitativa para triunfar. “Que el distrito continúe haciendo accesible el debate…

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El ajedrez fue motivo de mucho entusiasmo en el distrito cuando, en dos sábados consecutivos, cerca de 3000 estudiantes compitieron en los torneos de ajedrez del otoño organizados por el Departamento de Actividades Estudiantiles. Con el aumento en el número de estudiantes de primaria y secundaria que participan en los torneos del distrito, Dallas ISD ostenta el mayor programa de ajedrez a nivel de distrito y organiza los torneos más grandes en el norte de Texas, dijo Dennis Raveneau, director de torneos de Dallas ISD. “Al jugar ajedrez, los estudiantes aprenden a pensar de manera crítica, a planificar estrategias y…

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Submitted by the Student Activities department Dallas ISD debate coaches partnered with the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (DUDA) to create Community Action Debate (CAD), a new debate format centered around local issues. With 158 Dallas ISD elementary and secondary campuses participating in the district’s debate program, DUDA is the second-largest urban debate league in the nation.  Michelle Read, Student Activities coordinator, said Dallas ISD debate provides students with an equal shot at success. “As the district continues making debate accessible to all students at every level, we take steps closer to educational equality where voices are heard and civil discourse…

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Submitted by the Student Activities department Excitement about chess swept across Dallas ISD when, on two back-to-back Saturdays, nearly 3,000 students competed in the fall chess tournaments hosted by the Student Activities department. With the increased number of elementary and secondary students participating in the district’s tournaments, Dallas ISD boasts the largest districtwide chess program and hosts the largest chess tournaments in North Texas, said Dennis Raveneau, Dallas ISD tournament director. “Through playing chess, students learn to think critically, plan strategy, and execute a plan,” Raveneau said. “In addition to strengthening cognitive skills, playing in chess tournaments promotes good sportsmanship…

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Quería enviarles un mensaje rápido para ponerlos al día de los acontecimientos más recientes en Austin. El gobernador ha convocado a los legisladores de regreso al capitolio del estado para llevar a cabo otra sesión especial sobre los subsidios a las escuelas privadas (también llamados escuelas de elección, vales, cuentas de ahorro para educación, etc.), y el financiamiento a las escuelas públicas, la seguridad escolar y asuntos fronterizos. La semana pasada, el comité selecto de la Cámara de Representantes dedicado a las oportunidades y enriquecimiento educativo, propuso un proyecto de ley (HB1) que permitiría que el dinero de los contribuyentes…

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I wanted to send a quick note to catch you up on the latest developments in Austin. The Governor has called lawmakers back to the State Capitol for another special session on private school subsidies (also called school choice, vouchers, education savings accounts, etc.) as well as public school funding, school safety, and border issues. Last week, the House Select Committee on Educational Opportunity & Enrichment sent a bill (HB 1) to the House floor that would allow public taxpayer money to be used to pay for tuition at private and religious schools. I have nothing against private schools. Some…

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