Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

Starting the school year with perfect attendance sets the stage for academic success, ensuring students begin their educational journey on the right foot – fully engaged and ready to learn. Since frequent absences can hinder progress and understanding, the Graduation, Recovery, Attendance/Advocacy, and Dropout Intervention Department is heading a month-long perfect attendance competition, challenging Dallas ISD students to be present and engaged from the first day of school. Students are automatically entered into the challenge if they have perfect attendance from day one through Aug. 30. There will be one student winner per Trustee district.  “We must encourage students to…

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Enviado por Lennon Formaggini, Departamento de Actividades Estudiantiles Mientras se escuchaban los ecos en la arena del Kansas City Convention Center, se anunció que en tercer lugar quedaría el equipo Dream C3 de Daniel Webster Elementary School, cuyos integrantes vieron con asombro como miles de estudiantes de todo el mundo los aplaudían con gritos de ”¡Texas!”. Josie Dennis, gerente de equipo en Webster Elementary, dijo que se sorprendió de lo bien que rindió su equipo en la final mundial de Destination Imagination, ya que era la primera vez que participaban en la competencia. “Aún hoy se me enchina la piel…

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A medida que suben las temperaturas en Texas, el Departamento de Medicina Deportiva de Dallas ISD se asegura de que los estudiantes deportistas estén seguros pese a condiciones de calor extremo.  La Liga Interescolar Universitaria (UIL) implementó recientemente nuevos protocolos de seguridad contra el calor, aunque Dallas ISD lleva una década aplicando medidas similares. Los nuevos protocolos de la UIL exigen la instalación de estaciones para refrescarse del calor, horarios restringidos de prácticas al aire libre y la suspensión de actividades al aire libre como deportes, banda y porristas, cuando la Temperatura Global del Bulbo Húmedo (WGBT, por sus siglas…

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Dallas ISD’s Athletics Department fired up approximately 750 coaches, trainers, and various team members at their annual back-to-school event at Skyline High School last week. “Meeting with all the coaches to kick off the year provides us with a great opportunity to connect and share as an entire team our goals and initiatives for the upcoming year,” said Vince Reyes, assistant director of the Department of Athletics.  According to Reyes, the theme for this year is “Play BIG Dallas.” “For all coaches to hear at the same time the expectations on how we all need to step up and play…

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Ahora que los estudiantes se preparan para el primer día de clases, ponemos a su disposición una lista para que todos disfrutemos de un buen inicio del año escolar. Esta guía tiene el fin de preparar tanto a los padres como a los estudiantes para el éxito este año escolar. Actualice su cuenta del Portal para Padres en PowerSchool A lo largo del año, el distrito podrá enviarle mensajes importantes sobre cierres escolares, actualizaciones y emergencias. Para recibirlos, es importante que actualice su información de contacto en el Portal para Padres. Asegúrese de que su número de teléfono y correo…

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As temperatures soar in Texas, Dallas ISD’s Sports Medicine Department are ensuring student-athletes are safe during extreme heat conditions. The University Interscholastic League (UIL) recently implemented new heat safety protocols, but Dallas ISD has been following similar measures for the past decade. The new UIL standards require cooling stations, restricted outdoor practice hours, and suspension of outdoor activities such as sports, band, and cheer, when the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WGBT) reaches 92.1 degrees or higher. WGBT is a collection of ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation from the sun. Corey Eaton, Assistant Director of Sports Medicine, oversees…

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Dallas ISD llevó a cabo una ceremonia de graduación del verano, la última de la generación de 2024, en Alfred J. Loos Field House el 7 de agosto para aproximadamente 180 estudiantes. Ryan Zysk, superintendente adjunto de Liderazgo Escolar de la Región III, dio el discurso de apertura. Agradeció a los profesores, los padres, amigos y familias por su constante apoyo, motivación, cariño y fe en cada graduado. “Los graduados de verano son únicos: representan el trayecto no tradicional, una ruta que requirió de dedicación y resiliencia adicional”, dijo Zysk. “Cada uno de ustedes ha demostrado que el éxito no…

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Written by Lennon Formaginni, Student Activities Department As cheers echoed through the Kansas City Convention Center arena, after hearing the third-place team announced, Dream C3 from Daniel Webster Elementary School stood in wonder as thousands of students from around the globe could be heard shouting “Texas!” Josie Dennis, team manager from Webster Elementary, said she was surprised at how well her team did at Destination Imagination Global Finals, with this being Webster’s first time participating in the competition. “I still get chills as I reminisce about our Global experience and how our team got to accept the trophy and medals…

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As students prepare for the first day of school, we’ve created a checklist for parents to ensure a smooth transition into the new school year. This comprehensive guide is designed to prepare both parents and students for a successful year ahead. Update your Parent Portal in PowerSchool Throughout the year, the district may need to send you important messages about school closures, updates, and emergencies. To receive these notifications, it’s crucial to keep your contact information current in the Parent Portal. Make sure your phone number and email address are up to date. Review your current information in the Parent…

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Dallas ISD held a summer commencement ceremony – the last graduation for the class of 2024 – at Alfred J. Loos Field House on Aug. 7 for nearly 180 students. Ryan Zysk, associate superintendent of School Leadership Region III, opened the ceremony with a welcome speech. He thanked faculty, parents, friends, and family for their steadfast support and encouragement, love and belief in each graduate. “Summer graduates are unique, they symbolize a journey that didn’t follow the traditional path, but rather a route that required additional dedication and resilience,” he said. “Each of you has demonstrated that success is not…

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