Author: The Hub

Connecting you to the personalities, places and perspectives of Dallas ISD

It’s never too early for high school juniors and seniors to start thinking about their future. To help prepare for college and career success, Dallas ISD invites its 11th- and 12th-grade students to the annual Districtwide College Fair, which is designed to empower and equip students with valuable information for their postsecondary journeys.  This annual free event is an opportunity for Dallas ISD students and their families to gather essential information, make connections with higher education institutions, and celebrate the accomplishments of Dallas ISD’s brightest stars.  This year, a VIP Recognition Celebration during the fair will honor the district’s students…

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The Elementary School Career Awareness initiative, funded by the Dallas Education Foundation with support from USAA, ignites new interests and inspires Dallas ISD students to dream big. Programs like ESCA are essential for ensuring Dallas ISD students understand their options after graduation. It’s part of the broader Dallas Education Foundation Career Connected Learning initiative, which offers students from elementary through high school opportunities to explore and engage with future careers. This initiative aims to build a bridge to the workforce and foster economic mobility for our students.  Through the program, counselors deliver comprehensive lessons introducing fifth graders to 25 careers…

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Dallas ISD celebrará el Mes de la Asistencia Escolar en septiembre con el fin de promover una asistencia fuerte y continua para que los estudiantes se puedan preparar para el éxito en todos los grados. La temática del año escolar 2024–2025 es “Show Up! Attendance Matters”. El Departamento de Graduación, Recuperación, Asistencia, Apoyo e Intervención al Abandono Escolar organizará eventos semanales para que los estudiantes y el personal se hagan rutinas, aumenten la participación, brinden acceso a recursos y apoyen el aprendizaje. “Queremos que todos los estudiantes triunfen en sus estudios al tener buenos hábitos de asistencia. Cuando los estudiantes…

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Atrasarse en las clases pueden tener un gran impacto en la educación de un estudiante de preparatoria, y es por ello que el distrito organizará el evento GrA²D Fair de recuperación de créditos para los estudiantes que se hayan atrasado en sus estudios, abandonado la escuela o tenido problemas de ausentismo escolar. El evento brinda la oportunidad de volver al camino correcto para graduarse en 2025. Se invita a los padres, tutores, educadores y a la comunidad a asistir y obtener información y recursos valiosos para ayudar a los estudiantes. El evento, organizado por el Departamento de Graduación, Recuperación, Asistencia,…

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Dallas ISD is celebrating Attendance Awareness Month in September – promoting strong, consistent attendance habits that will set students up for success at all grade levels.  The theme for the 2024-2025 school year is “Show up! Attendance Matters.” The Graduation, Recovery, Attendance/Advocacy and Dropout Intervention department is hosting weekly kickoffs for students and team members to help build routines, increase engagement, provide access to resources, and support learning. “We would like every student to succeed in school by building good attendance habits. When students and parents know how important good school attendance is, then our district has a better opportunity…

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Mientras las familias alistan a sus hijos para la escuela, Miller Wilson y cientos de conserjes de Dallas ISD alistan las escuelas e instalaciones para recibir a los estudiantes, al personal y a la comunidad. Wilson, quien está al inicio de su tercer año con el distrito en Mockingbird Elementary School, llega a la escuela normalmente a las 6:30 a.m. De ser necesario, llega incluso a las 5 a.m. Aunque para algunos ese horario sería difícil, no presenta problemas para Wilson ya que todos los días son una nueva oportunidad no solo de hacer el trabajo que le gusta, sino…

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Falling behind in classes can significantly impact a high schooler’s path to graduation, so the district is hosting a GrA²D Fair with the theme “Credit Catch-up,” aimed at students who may have fallen behind in their studies, dropped out, or faced truancy. The event provides a crucial opportunity to get back on track for graduation in 2025. Parents/guardians, educators, and community stakeholders are also encouraged to attend and gain valuable knowledge and resources to help students. Hosted by Graduation, Recovery, Attendance, Advocacy, & Dropout Intervention Department, the event takes place from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 14 at the…

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Con el fin de aumentar la seguridad en eventos deportivos, Dallas ISD ahora requerirá que todos los estudiantes que asistan a partidos del distrito sin un padre, tutor o adulto responsable por el estudiante se presenten con una identificación estudiantil para ingresar. La identificación debe ser de la escuela de Dallas ISD que está compitiendo en el evento deportivo. Este requisito también aplica a escuelas visitantes que no sean de Dallas ISD. Los estudiantes que no cuenten con una identificación escolar, y los estudiantes de Dallas ISD de otras preparatorias, no podrán ingresar sin estar acompañados por un adulto. Los…

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To enhance safety at athletic events, Dallas ISD now requires all students attending district-hosted games without a parent, guardian, or other adult responsible for the student to present a current student badge for entry. The badge must be for the Dallas ISD school that is competing in the athletic event. This requirement also applies to visiting non-Dallas ISD schools. Students without a school-issued ID, and Dallas ISD students from other high schools, will not be permitted to enter the event unless accompanied by an adult. Middle and elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter any athletic event.…

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While families are getting their children ready for school, Miller Wilson and hundreds of Dallas ISD custodians are getting schools and facilities ready to receive students, district team members, and community members. Wilson, who is beginning his third year with the district at Mockingbird Elementary School, normally arrives on campus at 6:30 a.m. When necessary, he gets there as early as 5 a.m. While the hours might be challenging for some, for Wilson, they are fine because every day brings a new opportunity to not only do the work he enjoys but also to see the people he considers to…

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