“School Zone Dallas,” the district’s student-hosted television program, is returning after almost a decade, and high school students can audition for their chance to be a part of the award-winning television show on Nov. 11. Students who make it past the audition process will gain several employable skills beyond a career in journalism. School Zone Dallas hosts also learn to become strong communicators and leaders. Previously on KERA-TV (channel 13) and WFAA-TV (channel 8), “School Zone Dallas” featured teachers and students across the district in a 30-minute, magazine-style segment. The show’s premiere in October 2002 garnered more than 10,000 views…
Author: Molly Schrader
Gaming has been a part of Antonio B.’s life since he and his siblings played “Just Dance” as kids. Today, he is an esports team captain at New Tech High School at B.F. Darell. After three years of being a club member, Antonio has made several friends and gotten out of his comfort zone. “At first I was super quiet. I found a senior who helped me be more outgoing. Then, last year I became captain of the team. It helped me learn how to lead a team and eventually I made friends at other schools. It’s comforting knowing someone…
Más que un pasatiempo, los deportes electrónicos, o e-sports, pueden representar para los estudiantes una profesión prometedora y un medio para ganarse la vida. Los jóvenes aspirantes a videojugadores de Dallas ISD tendrán su oportunidad de hacer de su pasión una profesión durante la primera Careers in Gaming Expo del distrito el 29 de noviembre a las 5:30 p.m. en New Tech High School at B.F. Darrell. “Esto sin duda puede ser una profesión principal. Queremos mostrarles que no tiene que ser un trabajo secundario; puede ser un simple pasatiempo o bien uno puede entrarle al 100 % e incluso…
More than just a pastime, esports can be a promising career path for students with the potential to earn a living. Dallas ISD’s aspiring young gamers will get their chance to turn passion into profession at the district’s first “Careers in Gaming Expo” at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 29 at New Tech High School at B.F. Darrell. “This can definitely be a primary job, we want to show them this doesn’t have to be a side job, it can be a hobby or you can go 110% into it and still make a living. It’s not relatively brand new anymore,”…
Dallas ISD cuenta con miles de vendedores de toda el área metropolitana de DFW, con productos que varían desde materiales para el arte y prendas con insignias escolares hasta aparatos para videojuegos y varios servicios de comida, y estas colaboraciones benefician a los estudiantes de múltiples maneras. Los vendedores tendrán la oportunidad de explorar oportunidades con el distrito el 8 de noviembre, de mediodía a 3 p.m., en Forester Athletic Complex Field House. ISD Day es gratis y permite a los vendedores conocer en persona al equipo de adquisiciones de varios distritos escolares independientes locales. “Este evento es una oportunidad…
Dallas ISD is home to thousands of vendors from across the DFW Metroplex, with products ranging from art supplies and spiritwear to gaming equipment and various food services, and these business partnerships benefit students in a multitude of ways. Vendors will get a chance to network with the district on Nov. 8, from noon to 3 p.m., at Forester Athletic Complex Field House. ISD Day is free and allows vendors to meet procurement personnel from several local independent school districts in a face-to-face environment. “The vendor expo is an opportunity to meet end users. We’re identifying companies that have won…
Lakita Dockery recuerda cuando era adolescente y caminaba por los pasillos de W.T. White como capitana del equipo de voleibol. Hoy, 15 años después, es la entrenadora de ese equipo y está maravillada por lo mucho que ha evolucionado la escuela. Las palabras “Longhorn Pride” están pintadas en varias paredes, lo que le recuerda el inmenso honor que tiene de llevar al equipo de voleibol varsity a la victoria en la eliminatoria estatal el próximo mes. Es la primera vez desde 2007 que el programa llega a la eliminatoria por dos años consecutivos. Antes de la última temporada, las Lady…
Lakita Dockery remembers being in her teens walking the hallways of W.T. White as captain of the volleyball team. Fifteen years later, she’s now Coach Dockery and is in awe of how the school has evolved. The words “Longhorn Pride” are painted on several walls, reminding her of the immense honor it will be to lead the varsity volleyball team to victory at the state playoffs next month. This is the first time since 2007 that the program has made it to the playoffs for two consecutive years. Before last season, the Lady Longhorns had not made it to the…
When Erik G., a senior at the School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center, gathered with classmates Monday for a school assembly, he was totally unaware that he would be surprised with a $40,000 BigFuture Scholarship from the College Board. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must prove they have “big future” plans post-graduation. The more steps students take toward exploring their options and planning ahead, the more likely it is that the College Board will consider them to win the scholarship. Erik hopes to major in business and minor in science so that he can…
A lo largo de sus estudios, los alumnos se enfrentan a un sinfín de decisiones sobre qué camino seguir y, muchas veces, no conocen a fondo lo que requiere una profesión, ya sea como de empresario, productor ejecutivo o, incluso, funcionario electo. Este pasado martes, por 23.ᵉʳ año consecutivo, el programa nacionalmente reconocido Director por un Día inspiró nuevamente a los estudiantes, cuando recibieron una perspectiva del mundo real sobre sus futuros proyectos. Más de 200 líderes cívicos arribaron a varias escuelas de Dallas ISD para interactuar con estudiantes ansiosos por aprender sobre el mundo profesional. Estos líderes pusieron pausa…