Author: Messaging and Marketing

Marketing Services is responsible for communicating internally to more than 20,000 Dallas ISD employees and externally with the greater Dallas community through publications, marketing and advertising, e-newsletters, social media and photography.

Librarian Cheryl Franklin is on a mission to encourage her students to fall in love with the library. On Monday, Sept. 29, she will have a chance to cement that idea in the minds of her students at J.N. Ervin Elementary School. Franklin will conduct a field trip for 28 K-5 students to the city’s newest library, the Highland Hills Branch, at 6200 Bonnie View Road, blocks away from Ervin Elementary. The students aren’t just visiting the new site. They will leave a lasting impression of their handprints in the cement near the library entrance as part of a pre-opening…

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For a fourth-grader reading below grade-level, up to half of the printed curriculum is incomprehensible. Imagine if everything you read looked like this. You have an opportunity to make an IMPACT. Third grade is an important pivot point in a child’s education. The time when students shift from learning to read and begin reading to learn. Intervention for struggling readers after third grade are seldom as effective as those in the early years. In one hour a week you can help a student read on grade-level. Join us today. IMPACT our tomorrow. Do you need additional information? Email or call…

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10. Volunteers demonstrate the importance of giving back. 9. Volunteers are “in the know” of what is happening at the school. 8. Volunteering is good for your attitude. 7. Volunteers save money for the school. 6. Volunteering strengthens communities. 5. Volunteering develops new skills. 4. Volunteering is good for your soul. 3. Volunteers learn too! They learn from their students. 2. Volunteers make a genuine difference. 1. Volunteering breaks up your boring routine.

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El salón de tercero de lenguaje dual de la maestra Irma De La Guardia en Harry C. Withers Elementary School es atractivo y resplandeciente. Las pizarras informativas del salón de clase tienen mensajes en inglés y en español, y las mesas redondas permiten que los alumnos trabajen colaborativamente. Es un lugar en el que los alumnos disfrutan al aprender. Antes de mudarse al área de Dallas con su marido hace casi 15 años, De La Guardia era auditora en la ciudad de México. Años más tarde, un cambio de carrera por una certificación alternativa la llevó a Dallas ISD. “Quería…

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Looking for fun, safe sites for our youngest learners? Visit our Online Resources page to access resources that help preschoolers and children grasp critical early childhood concepts in a fun, interactive manner. Parents, please feel free to use at home. Dallas ISD online resources  BrainPop – Animated Video Collection that engages students, supports educators and bolsters achievement. (see your librarian for username/password) Early World of Learning -Three interactive learning environments that are sure to captivate the imagination of our students. Unite for Literacy eBooks – Books that connect with young children and their families with narrated audio supporting more than 300 languages spoken in…

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Do kids notice flowers and landscaping around their schools? Does it make a difference when their school has curb appeal? John Ireland Principal Sharron Jackson would answer with a resounding yes. That’s why Jackson was elated when United Way connected the school with Texas Instruments employees for a day of service and beautification at the southeast Dallas campus. Jackson, an avid gardener who knows her way around a planting bed, was outside on a recent Wednesday morning long before the volunteers arrived, identifying the donated plants and placing them along the front of the campus where she felt they might…

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Dallas ISD is a district that has excelled in educating and preparing our alumni for success. We are proud of the fact that many of our alumni have been publicly recognized locally and nationally for their outstanding accomplishments. Moreover, we want to highlight these extraordinary individuals and their contributions to advancing the legacy of Dallas ISD. If you know of a Dallas ISD Distinguished Alum, let us know, email:

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